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Suicide attack in Mohmand

Quite right. Our internal hypocrisy is glaring. For the elites, pakistan is nothing more than three cities. The people of Mohmand perhaps are not worthy of the brotherly love of urban upper middle class Pakistanis. Remoteness is no excuse since the pen needs mo camera to tell it to cover the events. Since thr urban middle class does not give a crap, both the electronic and print media deny it the necessary coverage. The people of the tribal areas have always been treated like second class Pakistanis.

Such a deeply divided oand fragmented society needs to learn the message of equality before tolerance.

My op-ed on this will appear in Express Tribune on Monday. If I choose to post parts of it here, their editorial policy will force them not to publish it.

SW, I cannot thank you enough for being courageous enough to point this out. I've been saying the same thing myself for years now, and as a Pashtun, it's overtly apparent that the plight of these people has been distanced from the priority lists of successive governments.

The fact that 1 lakh is going to be given to each dead person highlights by point further. That's the value of life of these pakistanis who have been considered the backbone of our country? Similarly I saw a thread on here a while ago about the government "regeneration" in FATA. At first I thought it was a joke as the regeneration amounted to a solar panel producing enough energy to run a light bulb in a dingy lit room to a house in a remote village. That's our government renegeration policy?...Where's the schools, hospitals, security, roads, skills, subsidized agricultural projects? investment? etc.

Everytime I make the point you have expressed, I'm accused of stoking the flames of racial divide by fellow forum members. I have lived in this region and the citizens of FATA and KP to a lesser extent are very apathetic towards the government and thus this apathy in some cases translates to sympathy for an insurgency despite the fact that many of the people are not ideologically driven but feel that these attackers are the only bat they have to beat the government with for abondoning their deafening calls for help.
I for one now forget about good terrorist and bad terrorist and wipe em all till i can, i dont think we should let this hate breed.

Remember there is a threshold till that we can hold once these elements pass that threshold the hell will be on us, lets stop supporting all terrorist be it good or bad.

As far kashmir goes i recommend pakistan to take this issue diplomatically.

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