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Suicide attack in Mohmand


Tractors move rubble from the site of a suicide bomb blast in Pakistan's Mohmand region on Friday, July 9. A bomber on a motorbike killed at least five dozen people and injured dozens more. The attack apparently targeted a meeting of Pashtun tribal elders at a government office, but victims included people on hand for distribution of wheelchairs for the disabled. (K. Parvez / Reuters)

An injured boy is moved to a stretcher by hospital staff and rescue workers after being brought to Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar. (Fayaz Aziz / Reuters)


Men search for survivors under a collapsed roof at the site of the blast in northwestern Pakistan. (Reuters)


A man consoles a boy at the site of a the blast. (Reuters)

Pakistani medical workers treat victims at a hospital in Peshawar after the suicide bombing. (Hasham Ahmed / AFP - Getty Images)


Residents search for victims in the rubble following the attack. Some 70 to 80 shops in the area were damaged or destroyed. Among the buildings damaged was a prison building; some 28 prisoners — ordinary criminals, not militants — apparently escaped. (A. Majeed / AFP - Getty Images)

Horrible!!! totally utterly horrible!!! however, what made me sad is none of my "friends" updated there statuses on facebook like they did after every blast in lahore!! as long as it is not punjab or sindh people are ok with it! i didn't read any major political leader even "condemning" this blast!!!

JUST LOOK AT THE SCALE OF DEVASTATION!! seems like a nuclear bomb was dropped here!!

and the media is not "covering" this news as much beacuse it knows no TRP ratings will go up because maybe in mohmand agency no one knows what GEO NEWS,ARY NEWS is no one cares!!

last night i saw a debate on DEOBANDIS & BARELVIS where all TTP blames were sloely being put on deobandi school of thought i have a question did this TTP(DEOBANDIS) ask the people of MOHAMND what caste or religious orientation they followed???

i am sorry but pakistanis are to divided amongst themselves into provinces,religious sects & ethnic backgrounds!
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Militancy refuses to go away

PESHAWAR: The deadly suicide bombing in Ekkaghund in Mohmand that left at least 104 people dead was a grim reminder that the fight against militancy in Pakistan’s tribal region was far from over.

Mohmand Agency, which borders Afghanistan, has seen an uptick in the number of deadly attacks on security forces in recent weeks, demonstrating the balloon effect — if you squeeze it at one place, it pops up at another place.

The security forces chased and fought militants in the neighbouring Bajaur Agency, bringing a semblance of peace to a hotbed of militancy and home to the deputy head of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan — Maulvi Faqir Mohammad.

But security officials now acknowledge that the militants who had fled across into Afghanistan have now teamed up with militant commanders Abdul Wali and Qari Shakeel to launch attacks in the Mohmand tribal region.

Most of these attacks, officials say, now originate in the border region and while the security forces are believed to have chalked out their own plan to stem the flow of militants from across the border, the US-led Nato Eastern Command has been informed.

But before any plans could be put in place, the deadly attack on the peace committee from Ambar came. According to intelligence officials, it was the handiwork of two suicide bombers. While one struck the other managed to escape.

The Taliban, however, accepting responsibility for the attack, said both the bombers struck, causing death and devastation.

Therefore, if the recent attacks were any indication, the Friday strike on peace committee members from Ambar hardly came as a surprise. Indeed, some security officials say, warnings had been issued.

Setbacks in recent weeks notwithstanding, the authorities and security forces seemed encouraged by the unflinching support from the tribe, including the Uthmankhels from Ambar.

That the tribe, which had formed a lashkar to fight off militants, might come under attack, was expected and anticipated but why no action was taken and not enough security measures taken to prevent it is, indeed open to question.

Tribal lashkars and members of the pro-government peace committees have long been the focus of militant attacks.

In Feb 2008, eight pro-government tribal elders were killed in a suicide attack in North Waziristan. In Darra Adamkhel, close to Peshawar, 42 tribal elders lost their lives to another devastating suicide bombing in March that year.

But the most ferocious attack came in Orakzai’s Khadezi area, where a suicide bomber blew up his explosives-laden vehicle in the midst of an anti-militant tribal lashkar and killed 136 people in Oct 2008.

Bajaur was next. A tribal jirga of Salarzai tribe was targeted by a suicide bomber in Nov 2008, killing 22 tribal elders.

Officials acknowledge that while Mohmand is heating up, it is not something that they had not anticipated. “We had anticipated militancy bouncing back in some areas and had, therefore, prepared plans for it,” a senior security official said.

“It is not something that was not expected. We knew that this summer is going to be very, very tough,” the official said.

But while the security forces may have prepared their plans to fight militants in their last remaining strongholds, clearly they missed reading the calculations of their enemies — the militants.

By targeting tribal peace jirgas and lashkars, the militants are not only undermining the government’s efforts to win hearts and minds of the tribal people and encourage them to stand up to anti-state elements, they also make a grim reminder that they are still around.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Militancy refuses to go away
Until the time pakistan keeps on differantiating between good terrorist and bad terrorist ( our terrorists / their terrorists ) this kind of incident will keep on happening.

There is no difference between TTP and Kasmiri Terrorists.

I hope the pak govt. and pak people will realise this sooner than later.
The Kashmiris are waging a noble struggle for their instituted right of self determination; they cannot be termed as Terrorists by any stretch of imagination.

The Magas, Mizos and ULFA are waging a noble struggle against the Indian State Terrorism to build their lives.

Back in 1967 Charu Mujamdar raised the slogan “AMAR BARI TUMAR BARI .. NIXAL BARI NIXAL BARI”. Charu was killed, but the firestorm he unleashed has now spread to 282 districts in 9 States. These guys are waging a noble struggle against the nexus of mining-political interests.

Bhagat Singh and Subash Chandra Bose too were termed as terrorists at a certain point in time.

If they really were terrorists, then terrorism may not be such an evil thing?
Well; the sad part is you're still not accepting the fact that TTP is behind this even though TTP itself has accepted responsibility?

I think he may be talking about the ones behind the TPP, you know the funders and backers. Imo, they should all be hanged regardless of what role they have played.
Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute as well as popularly supported by Kashmiri people, while Baluchistan has neither of the both, not popular support nor internationally recognized issue.

If anyone brought in the Baluch thing in this thread, he will be sent packing.

Hope it is clear enough.

And no need to reply to this post, enough.
Militancy refuses to go away

PESHAWAR: The deadly suicide bombing in Ekkaghund in Mohmand that left at least 104 people dead was a grim reminder that the fight against militancy in Pakistan’s tribal region was far from over.

Mohmand Agency, which borders Afghanistan, has seen an uptick in the number of deadly attacks on security forces in recent weeks, demonstrating the balloon effect — if you squeeze it at one place, it pops up at another place.

The security forces chased and fought militants in the neighbouring Bajaur Agency, bringing a semblance of peace to a hotbed of militancy and home to the deputy head of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan — Maulvi Faqir Mohammad.

But security officials now acknowledge that the militants who had fled across into Afghanistan have now teamed up with militant commanders Abdul Wali and Qari Shakeel to launch attacks in the Mohmand tribal region.

Most of these attacks, officials say, now originate in the border region and while the security forces are believed to have chalked out their own plan to stem the flow of militants from across the border, the US-led Nato Eastern Command has been informed.

But before any plans could be put in place, the deadly attack on the peace committee from Ambar came. According to intelligence officials, it was the handiwork of two suicide bombers. While one struck the other managed to escape.

The Taliban, however, accepting responsibility for the attack, said both the bombers struck, causing death and devastation.

Therefore, if the recent attacks were any indication, the Friday strike on peace committee members from Ambar hardly came as a surprise. Indeed, some security officials say, warnings had been issued.

Setbacks in recent weeks notwithstanding, the authorities and security forces seemed encouraged by the unflinching support from the tribe, including the Uthmankhels from Ambar.

That the tribe, which had formed a lashkar to fight off militants, might come under attack, was expected and anticipated but why no action was taken and not enough security measures taken to prevent it is, indeed open to question.

Tribal lashkars and members of the pro-government peace committees have long been the focus of militant attacks.

In Feb 2008, eight pro-government tribal elders were killed in a suicide attack in North Waziristan. In Darra Adamkhel, close to Peshawar, 42 tribal elders lost their lives to another devastating suicide bombing in March that year.

But the most ferocious attack came in Orakzai’s Khadezi area, where a suicide bomber blew up his explosives-laden vehicle in the midst of an anti-militant tribal lashkar and killed 136 people in Oct 2008.

Bajaur was next. A tribal jirga of Salarzai tribe was targeted by a suicide bomber in Nov 2008, killing 22 tribal elders.

Officials acknowledge that while Mohmand is heating up, it is not something that they had not anticipated. “We had anticipated militancy bouncing back in some areas and had, therefore, prepared plans for it,” a senior security official said.

“It is not something that was not expected. We knew that this summer is going to be very, very tough,” the official said.

But while the security forces may have prepared their plans to fight militants in their last remaining strongholds, clearly they missed reading the calculations of their enemies — the militants.

By targeting tribal peace jirgas and lashkars, the militants are not only undermining the government’s efforts to win hearts and minds of the tribal people and encourage them to stand up to anti-state elements, they also make a grim reminder that they are still around.
The Kashmiris are waging a noble struggle for their instituted right of self determination; they cannot be termed as Terrorists by any stretch of imagination.

The Magas, Mizos and ULFA are waging a noble struggle against the Indian State Terrorism to build their lives.

Back in 1967 Charu Mujamdar raised the slogan “AMAR BARI TUMAR BARI .. NIXAL BARI NIXAL BARI”. Charu was killed, but the firestorm he unleashed has now spread to 282 districts in 9 States. These guys are waging a noble struggle against the nexus of mining-political interests.

Bhagat Singh and Subash Chandra Bose too were termed as terrorists at a certain point in time.

If they really were terrorists, then terrorism may not be such an evil thing?

See.. No one believes himself to be a terrorist. Even the folk who did this dastardly act in MA would say that they are waging a noble struggle and they should not be termed as Terrorists by any stretch of imagination.

Like most Pakistani members, you do latch on to Bhagat Singh and Netaji being called terrorists by the British. And you know why they are not called that today.. Because India and Paksitan got independence. Had that not happened, they probably would still be called terrorists. Just like Nelson Mandala was called a terrorist before SA got free..

Tomorrow, if these TTP *****, manage to overthrow the govt in Paksitan and do what Afghan Taliban did in Afghanistan in 1990's, do you think they will continue to be called terrorists.. No, they wont be.. Just like Afghan Taliban were not called that till 2001, when they were dislodged..

So the definition is mostly driven by who is in control in the given area. The problem is not nomencalture. Its the methodology.. Zia created the policy of encouraging insurgency as a tool of politics and thats what is creating a problem today. In my opinion, the way out for Pakistan is to uproot the insurgency based politics from root. This requires carpet bombing approach to get rid of all extremists. Surgical strike approach to only target extremists perceived harmful for Pakistan will not work since these groups have a high degree of inter mingling. After all, TTP also emerged from the group that was supposed to be a Paksitan favouring outfit..
My dear forum Members, Sad logic indeed, my heart weeps at such myopic approach to terrorism. Some people will never learn, no matter how hard you try, as years of indoctrination can not be washed away in days. It needs generations, so till then more of this will be coming.
I sometimes feel the British were many times more benign than these perpetrators and their huge sympathizers. These people want to create divisions of the region into tiny bits of chaos and anarchy, thus creating their own small ruthless fiefdoms.
But friends India has become too strong for any such nefarious designs by these disgusting elements. They will be crushed mercilessly, no matter how much of Human right violations the vested interests, who keep dreaming of India's disintegration may cry. We do not want a condition in India as we are seeing in Pakistan today.
So Kashmir and Kashmiri people is none of your business,m I don't want to give any links about what international players say, because they better look at the miseries inside their houses, and stop poking their noses in our affairs. Due to them we Hindu Kashmiris had to leave in Lakhs to other parts. Our homes were looted our businesses were taken away, we were killed. Why isn`t any one posting videos of this. For heaven sake stop this dirty game, and let what ever little love is left between the two communities to survive.
Thank you.
The Kashmiris are waging a noble struggle for their instituted right of self determination; they cannot be termed as Terrorists by any stretch of imagination.

There is nothing Noble about the kashmiri terrorists and their supporters.

If is nobility of the Organisations is to be measured by the number of people killed by them, then there a lot of other Noble Organisations.
The problem is that the Quran ALSO has many, many passages that promote aggression against non believers or "taqfiris"

The Quran doesn't promote aggression against non-Muslims, however it does give us the right to self defense and retaliation against those who attack us and commit an act of aggression against us!

I would like you to post the verses from the Quran that you think promote aggression against non-Muslims!

, so one can pick and chose from the Quran, just as one can from the Bible, to justify ones predilections.

This i can agree with, these un-educated Mullahs who have not much knowledge about Islam only know a few verses from the Quran that they take out of context to promote their agenda of indoctrinating young boys into becoming suicide bombers!

To stamp out this terrorism, some respected authority in Islam, if there is such a thing, will have to sort through all of this "stuff" in the Quran and clearly and definitively remove the justification for this violence that these people are finding. Personally, I don't think "Muslim authorities" are up to the task.

I disagree , there were and still are many Educated Religious Scholars and Ulema in Pakistan that condemned the actions of these thugs and terrorists and they also became the targets of these terrorists and many of them were killed.

Personally, I think that Islam is too disorganized and self-contradictory to reign in its own extremists. Prove me wrong.

Islam is not disorganized, rather its the Muslims who are disorganized and the way they implement and follow the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad (pbuh)!
There is nothing Noble about the kashmiri terrorists and their supporters.

If is nobility of the Organisations is to be measured by the number of people killed by them, then there a lot of other Noble Organisations.

the Kashmiri rebels don't blow up market places or hospitals or mosques and places of worship like the TTP do!

When was the last time a Kashmiri rebel blew himself up in a market place full of hundreds of innocent men women and children? When was the last time they made videos and statements of boasting about killing innocent human beings?
Fifty-six killed, over 100 injured in Mohmand attack

Friday, 09 Jul, 2010

PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber killed up to 56 people and over a 100 in an attack outside the office of a senior government official in Pakistan’s northwest, government and hospital officials said.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

The bomber struck when people were gathered around the office in the Mohmand Pashtun tribal region near the Afghan border, where security forces have stepped up attacks on Taliban militants in recent weeks.

The bomber struck when people were gathered around the office in the tribal area’s Yakaghund tehsil.

“There were two blasts. The first one was small but the second was a big one. Up to 56 people have been killed,” Rasool Khan, the region’s assistant political agent, told Reuters. The attack took place outside his office.

An administration official, Mehraj Khan, had earlier described the incident as a suicide attack.

Hospital officials said more than 100 people were being treated for multiple wounds, while government officials put the number of wounded at about 40.

Among the wounded were several internally displaced people, who were collecting relief goods near the blast site.
The blast also damaged several cars and about 30 shops, witnesses said.

“It was a huge blast that flattened dozens of nearby shops and people are still trapped under the rubble,” a resident, identified as Ahmed, told the private Express News TV channel.

Television footage showed victims being pulled out of the debris.

A security official at the scene said that blast also damaged a wall of a nearby prison and at least 20 inmates had escaped.

The office was targeted when some 100 people had gathered there to seek redress for their problems.
The Bajaur-Peshawar road was also closed for traffic as rescue operations continued.

The Pakistani army has carried out operations against Taliban fighters in Mohmand in recent years. — DawnNews/Agencies


DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Fifty-six killed, over 100 injured in Mohmand attack


Inna Lillah Wa Inna Alaih Raji'on

Rest In Peace the Victims.... :cry:
This old man looks so much like my late Grandfather ...@ the moment I can feel tears in my eyes by looking @ the pain on this man's face ... i m speechless
This has nothing to with religion "Power corrupts & Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
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