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Suicide attack at Bajaur hospital kills four

I see that you did not answer the question but deflected it.

Here is another one.
Why are Muslim men allowed to marry Non Muslims(Jews/Christians) but Muslim women are NOT.

A Muslim woman has as much Right to marry anyone regardless of religion as much as a Male does.

And they do, I know a few Muslim women who have married non Muslims in India and there was no hew and cry. This hew and cry is restricted to the lower strata of society only where they tend to bind up their women in illiteracy and ignorance giving them no room to breathe.
I agree, in all the clamor the good stories tend to get buried - which in essence is a victory to the extremists because they want chaos and insecurity to man and fund their movement. I like the Indian Muslim in all this who chose to be different and who chose to stay away from it.
@illusion8 :tup: thank you for telling me about your personal choice. I have not met many Indian Muslims to draw a conclusion but the ones I have are nice....only 3 families :P

Was that a sarcasm??
@Azazel does it sound like? If yes how so? Will read your reply in an hrs time...gotta have lunch
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@illusion8 :tup: thank you for telling me about your personal choice. I have not met many Indian Muslims to draw a conclusion but the ones I have are nice....only 3 families :P

@Azazel does it sound like? If yes how so? Will read your reply in an hrs time...gotta have lunch

It's logical - the huge population and the opportunity to get radicalized is always there - but they did not choose to.
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Again I note that you seem not to realize that Pakistanis, innocent Pakistanis, in a hospital, were targeted in the name of Islamism - sure you can focus on US and whatever and the constitutional rights in tribal areas - Did this woman suicide bomber blow herself up in a hospital to win the right to vote?????

See, as long as you make silly arguments, you do a disservice to our position -- learn from Zarvan, he's straight up honest and he comes with a frontal assault, you can always trust him.

Whatever the motivation for terrorism, it is simply unjustifiable - Why? because the same terrorism can be visited upon you and yours and can be justified similarly, would that make for a better Pakistan or world?
If they were really Islamist , Its a mix sort of situation where everyone want to take advantage of this situation , as I mentioned , I had involved in a several debates with tribals and always defended Pakistan army and public opinion , but when I saw a youth crying over my ignorant reaction that our peoples just don't understands our grief , that was the first time I realized that I'm wrong , He is defending his people and he is saying truth . their is some emotional involvement in the case of drones attack . their is nothing black & white at this situation , tribals always hold arms as an honor . de-weaponizing them is like not allowing a sindhi to wear ajrak , not allowing a punjabi to show his traditional bhangra . Political parties have always misguided public against tribals , They created that divide and now we don't even regret it .

My arguments reflects my opinion and Zarvan holds his own opinion , I'm sure you dis-like my thoughts but does that means that I start to copy others?

I never justified terrorism , but just saying that their issue must be seen equally. otherwise we lose the rights of calling ourself a nation , and calling them as our people.

@Azazel does it sound like? If yes how so? Will read your reply in an hrs time...gotta have lunch

I didn't understand what you meant by that.So I thought it must have been a sarcasm.When did Liberalism disturbed your peace.Do you think those terrorists blowing themselves up are liberals.Liberalism advocates civil liberties and free and fair elections, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property,political freedom, limited government, rule of law, and belief in the free market.Now tell me does any of those terrorists who disturb your peace believes and follows in these values.
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And they do, I know a few Muslim women who have married non Muslims in India and there was no hew and cry. This hew and cry is restricted to the lower strata of society only where they tend to bind up their women in illiteracy and ignorance giving them no room to breathe.

They do. But it is not allowed in Islam. Similarly to how many Muslims drink alcohol, it is done, but it is not allowed in Islam.
They do. But it is not allowed in Islam. Similarly to how many Muslims drink alcohol, it is done, but it is not allowed in Islam.

Does it really say so in their book? - I am not sure - could it be from one of the Mullahs decreeing that?
I'm sure you dis-like my thoughts but does that means that I start to copy others?

It would a good start however.

I never justified terrorism , but just saying that their issue must be seen equally. otherwise we lose the rights of calling ourself a nation , and calling them as our people.

I have to call BS - Criminals, murderers are also our people, we offer them a trial - we do not suggest that we look upon them as moral equals -- See I think this is basically the problem, because you may think that you are being fair, and we should all strive to do that, but there is no "fair" between Right and Wrong - blowing one's self in a hospital, is that a Right or a Wrong? is it a Good or a Bad? - no, don't give that "depends on your perspective", give me your perspective?

If it's anything other than Wrong and Bad, please be assured that you have left the realm of being "fair" for the realm of terror supporter.
They do. But it is not allowed in Islam. Similarly to how many Muslims drink alcohol, it is done, but it is not allowed in Islam.
@Contrarian sources...I agree with the Alcohol bit...its not allowed but MANY still do....
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It would a good start however..
Never ... :D

I have to call BS - Criminals, murderers are also our people, we offer them a trial - we do not suggest that we look upon them as moral equals -- See I think this is basically the problem, because you may think that you are being fair, and we should all strive to do that, but there is no "fair" between Right and Wrong - blowing one's self in a hospital, is that a Right or a Wrong? is it a Good or a Bad? - no, don't give that "depends on your perspective", give me your perspective?

If it's anything other than Wrong and Bad, please be assured that you have left the realm of being "fair" for the realm of terror supporter.
Then offer them trial under your own authority , why to call drones for them , is our forces are incapable ? are these foreign forces are that goodies? Are you forgeting that this same drone operater had also killed several of your soldiers during salala check post attack? Why don't allowing these same drones in karachi , which I think is the most crime effected area . blowing one's self in hospital is absolutly wrong , Don't start of being more righteous and fair contest in that . I'm completely against of War on terror and attacks happening from both ends.
@Azazel my statement was
We are intolerant towards things which disturb the natural phenomena of peace!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...jaur-hospital-kills-four-6.html#ixzz2R0qYpvLV

In reply to
The reality is people like you are so intolerant and fundamentalist,you cannot accept the ideas such as liberalism.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...jaur-hospital-kills-four-6.html#ixzz2R0qgIC52

When did Liberalism disturbed your peace
Liberal stuff such as govt. telling YOU how to discipline YOUR child, Pubs, gay rights, drugs = UK riots

Do you think those terrorists blowing themselves up are liberals.
where did I say that?

Liberalism advocates civil liberties and free and fair elections,
Nothing to do with religion...corrupt system

freedom of the press
read post no. 62 on page 5 of this thread THAT is how FREE

freedom of religion

The Quran states, in no uncertain terms, that there is no compulsion in religion:

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error [2:256]

Each to their own way:

“Nor will I serve what you serve,
Nor will you serve what I serve,
To you is your system, and to me is my system.”

This is a reminder, so let he who wishes take a path to his Lord. [73:19]

The Quran states that God could have made all those on earth believe, thus asks who is man to enforce such a thing if God did not:

And if your Lord had pleased, surely all those who are in the earth would have believed, all of them; will you then force men till they become believers? [10:99]

Again, reminding us not to compel but simply warn by means of The Quran, with wisdom and kind words:

We know best what they say, and you are not one to compel them; therefore remind by means of The Quran who fears My warning. [50:45]

You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind words, and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones. [16:125]

Thus, no enforcement of faith can take place in a society governed by the laws of The Quran.
Quran CLEARLY shows ONLY GOD will judge...Nowhere it says HUMANS to judge...

free trade, and private property,political freedom, limited government, rule of law, and belief in the free market
Does the Quran stop ANY of this? All is even possible under the Khalifat No idea who brainwashed you :blink:

Now tell me does any of those terrorists who disturb your peace believes and follows in these values.
Now YOU tell me where are your sources to the accusations you are throwing?

Feel free to google. The first page alone would yield you hundreds of such sources.
@Contrarian you are the 1 who is pointing it hence YOU need to provide your proof...NOT ME!
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@Contrarian well the website answers you
Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe. A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though if she attracts you. And not marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe. A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though if he attracts you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the fire but Allah beckons by His grace to the garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His signs clear to mankind; that they may receive admonition. (al-Baqarah, 221).
...so where is the question?

and this too from YOUR links
However, a Muslim woman is better suited to a Muslim man than a woman of Christian or Jewish faith, regardless of her merits. This is because marriage is not based on fulfilling one’s sexual desires; rather, it is an institution. It aims to establish a home on the bases of tranquility, faith and Islamic morals. To fulfil this task, the whole family must apply Allah’s course and try to convey His message.

It is for both sides...soo does that answer your EQUALITY question?
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