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Suggest reverting to olf PDF layout

we should move back as soon as possible..this new look is shabby :(
Ain't nobody got time for that.

@WebMaster Good riddance from sidebar.

Please make it compulsory to have country selected just to ensure uniformity in user profile.

Are we done with CSS for user handle? With green background, it wont be possible.

Place current running thread at the bottom front page. If performance is not getting hit, in original xenforo style with auto update.
@WebMaster - I see you're getting a lot of flak for these changes.

I think your mistake was directly applying changes on the production site.
You should've setup a beta subdomain for this new layout.
Then ask users for feedback / suggestions until you're confident they'll accept it.
Then move to production with the option to allow them to revert to the old layout.

Frankly speaking, I don't know why you decided to modernize the layout.
People come to PDF for the content, no one goes back to a site because they
liked the design.

Just style the website enough so it doesn't resemble a generic forum and apply
minimal branding to maintain a distinct look - that is all that's needed.
Just give it a run lads.

It takes a while getting used to, I preferred the look of the old post layout and threads. But what were using now on the whole is far superior.
I'm sure it will feel less alien after you give it some time. After a while in fact, you may even ask not to change this layout at all.

Why defence.pk doesn't take forums changes seriously and in professional way? What is the point of making complete community uncomfortable and forcing them to live with unfinished changes? What is the point of using community member like some sort of usability and quality test tools?

Here is the professional way of doing it. Please create another mirror under some sub domain for example call it beta.defence.pk or something like that. Then ask the community if they want to help with testing and test the new layout. Once its complete then you can publish the changes to main domain. If you don't want to create sub domain then maybe check if forums software supports standard way of creating themes. Create another theme for new changes with any option to revert back to the old look until its finalized and approved.

Easier said than done.

Remember why we switched in the first place.
It seems to me that we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.
Just give it a run lads.

It takes a while getting used to, I preferred the look of the old post layout and threads. But what were using now on the whole is far superior.
I'm sure it will feel less alien after you give it some time. After a while in fact, you may even ask not to change this layout at all.

Easier said than done.

Remember why we switched in the first place.
It seems to me that we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.
I know the efforts since I am familiar with web programming. No one is asking to stop playing or improving the things but just don't do them on live website. Suppose some change brings the website down for some reason would that be acceptable? There are always good practices and some time you have to do some extra efforts to give better experience to the users. These are discussion forums and any change that confuses users or effects the discussions is counter productive.
It takes a while getting used to, I preferred the look of the old post layout and threads. But what were using now on the whole is far superior.

It's not about getting used to the new look. There are serious readability issues
and needless distractions here.

And why do you feel this is far superior?

Remember why we switched in the first place.

I'm genuinely, why was there a need for these changes?

Easier said than done.

It's pretty straightforward if you know what you're doing.
Setup a beta sub-domain, alter the header code to serve different / overriding css files
if hostname matches beta domain.

Or you could maintain entirely different codebases using the same datastore.
We will have a better site in few days, this was an experiment to check if we could adapt to change and modern look.
Can we have the last posted threads/active threads plugin back?
It was really useful.
A lot better now with the useless side bar. But still not comfortable compared to the old layout. Lets see how it feels in a few weeks.
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