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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

I consider modern Communism to be the natural successor of Islam. Other Muslims did the same since the early 1900s. I quote from my thread from 2016 which is an article by Nadeem Paracha :

Please read the rest of that thread.


See the thing is, Judaism and Islam share a lot more than Marxism and Islam. But Quraan tells us about Jewish enmity towards Islam. So similarities are irrelevant.
The thing is, Marxism is totally a different beast. Actually, Zionism, before Isreal, setup two different kind of ideologies for keeping things under control in two different geographical and virtual boundaries.
One ideology was capitalism. Again Ashkavitz Jews involved. Marxism, and Karl marks was himself a German jew. This was foreground of two world wars, which destroyed Islamic caliphate, which took over global monetary system and replaced it totally with paper currency. Marxism was decommissioned in 1991, where ex-soviets were freed to join Orthodox Christianity again(and nowadays Zionism are trying to replace orthodox Christianity with Hinduism) . On the other hand, USA was checkmated through China. Trump went against it, but see what happened to him. Biden will complete the process. As soon as this transition will be completed(or destroyed before completion), you will see a new map of ME. Arab rulers will be there united under greater Israel. And so will the Arabs. No problem. Or Arabs will be killed all.

So my brother, Marxism was a project that lost its essentiality after petrodollar. Don't follow an obsolete methodology.

I see Islam and Quraan as an Onion. Each layer for each new era. Read Quraan, get its tafseer too, and you will be estonished to see that it still very much relevant.
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