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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

Making money in India's name, Id call it smart, and at least its legal and honest in terms of transaction; not like Indian scammers who drain the accounts of poor retirees whilst also doing their "national" duty to bad mouth Pakistan by presenting to be Pakistanis. Thankfully we dont carry the toot-tooti sinusoid accent that gives all Indians away.
Last time I checked it's Pakistani I'm using India name for their survival:woot:
Speak for yourself Oscar, or ask your men to use your countries names instead of others

View attachment 410264 Its been 70 years now, start using your own country's name please.
Well i think it is smart business (ignoring the fact that the restaurant name is most likely "HANDI" (Hindhi sounds wired for restaurant name anyway :P)
It is nice to know that people are educated and smart enough to keep the business separate from the dumb hatred! :lol:
Wonder how many Indians fall for the name and go to dine there with a Pakistani guys making money out of it. THAT is what i would say is "Stupid and Funny" :P
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