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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

I myself also believe in Multani supremacy.

I have nothing against anyone in Pakistan, except for Lahoris.
I've haven't spent much time in lahore to pass judgement. I hear the food is awesome yet at the same time they do be eating khotay.

Take an educational trip. Then you will sign on here to tell me that I was right.
I have nothing against anyone in Pakistan, except for Lahoris.
Lahore is nothing like it is was as recent as 20 years ago. Its your fellow dehatis that have ruined the peace and culture of a once great city.
Lahore is nothing like it is was as recent as 20 years ago. Its your fellow dehatis that have ruined the peace and culture of a once great city.
Lahore was , is, will always be great my friend
Greatness is in the city, over time it'll assimilate people and make them great - it adds never takes
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Lahore was , is, will always be great my friend
Greatness is in the city, over time it'll assimilate people and make them great - it adds never takes
Were you there in the 80s and 90s?
Back then all parks and bazars were family friendly places even late at night. The concept of gated communities was unheard of. People used to come out at night to get fresh air. There were few fancy restaurants but still eating out was fun and family friendly.
Now you can't even park a car at an unguarded place let alone go for a walk.

These villagers have turned Lahore into a den of crime and prostitution.
Patient would have died due to so much pleasure.

Were you there in the 80s and 90s?
Back then all parks and bazars were family friendly places even late at night. The concept of gated communities was unheard of. People used to come out at night to get fresh air. There were few fancy restaurants but still eating out was fun and family friendly.
Now you can't even park a car at an unguarded place let alone go for a walk.

These villagers have turned Lahore into a den of crime and prostitution.
But can't agree with what you said on prostitution. Prostitution was always there.
Lots and lots of immigration in lahore changed the culture and environment. But still in androon lahore you can experience a true lahore. Food though is still unmatcheable , no one cook better than lahoris.
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