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it's obvious they are smoking dope.....but how do they make the smoke flow like that?

Its not a trick. The smoke itself is more dense than air so it stays low and doesnt disperse that quickly. A little control is needed but frequent smokers automatically have it. For example the chain of smoke rings is something which I can do with a cigarette but not as fast cuz the smoke is less dense.
i've been a smoker for 11 years and i still can't blow smoke rings properly

i gave up trying :laugh:
One day Little Johnny was on the school bus and he was sitting right behind the bus driver and he was saying to himself, "If my daddy was a lion and my mommy was a lion then I would be a baby lion." He kept on talking to himself like this.

After 10 minutes of this, the bus driver had enough of it and said, "What would happen if your daddy was a drunk and your mommy was a **ore" Little Johnny replied, "Then I would be a bus driver."
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