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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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Javed Artist
Braiking knee yuuz: aarmi ne akshon letay huway mulk mein PPP ki hukumat ko bar-taraf ker kay Marshal Law laga diya hey.

Daily Jang, 6-July-1977

LULZ, yuu pissed :P
Sad story of a Man:

Why I got divorced...
Last wéek was my birthday....
My wife didnt wish me....
My parents forgot and so did my kids....
I went to work....
Even my colleagues didnt wish me.... As i entered my cabin my secretary said,"Happy Birthday Boss".... i felt so special.... She asked me out to lunch.... After lunch,she invited me to her apartment...
WE went there.... She said,"Do you mind if i go into the bedroom for a minute ?"
"OKAY",i said...
She came out 5min later with a cake And My Wife,,My Parents,,My Kids,,My Friends & My Colleagues... All Screaming,,SURPRISE.... And I was waiting on the sofa............. NAKED =)) =)) X_X !
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