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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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Several Swiss bankers drowned themselves in Lake Geneva after learning that respected heavyweight Sharad Pawar has opted out of India’s Spectrum Allocation Panel. Slated to be the biggest money-making opportunity in India in the month of July, Pawar’s actions have left well-wishers aghast. Questions have been raised about his sanity, in very soft voices. ”He has had a long and glorious innings,” said one expert, “But it looks like that razor-sharp brain is no longer what it was.” Swiss sources denied that Pawar had taken this step because the banks are full. “We created another basement specially for him,” said one weeping customer relations executive. “Now all I hear are my footsteps echoing in an empty hall.” The Swiss prime minister, who chose to remain anonymous, has advised against panic. “Our fundamentals remain strong,” he said, “As do those of Mr Pawar.”


Senior management at Columbia Pictures choked on their martinis after learning that ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ has been universally rejected by Indian audiences. The absence of songs has been cited as a particular handicap, along with the absence of Kareena Kapoor. In a country where many enjoy super-powers, Spider-Man’s abilities have left viewers underwhelmed. “All he does is jump from building to building,” said Nandkishore, 62. “Rajnikant can do that and sing at the same time. Hanuman can do that, and grant all our wishes. No one has asked Hrithik Roshan, but I’m sure he can do it also. Plus Gwen Stacy wasn’t all that hot.” Rumours from California indicate that Columbia will be inserting an item number, and hectic parlays are on with Kate Winslet for the purpose.


In developments that our editor refuses to call fishy, China’s geopolitical muscle-flexing has led to a major exodus of marine wildlife. Schools of petrified fish were observed to be fleeing in panic moments after Xinhua announced that the Bay of Bengal was now officially part of the South China Sea. This is basis recently discovered evidence that Ming emperor Long Wu had once peed out of a porthole while sailing through. Some of the slower moving fish are reportedly leaping into fishing nets. Attempts to make Indian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov seaworthy have been speeded up. The Sri Lankan Coast Guard has been placed on high alert, as has Angelina Jolie. Meanwhile, back on dry land, seafood prices in India have skyrocketed. In Calcutta, hordes of prawn-deprived citizens confronted Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, but were too terrified to say anything. The Communist Party of India issued a statement condemning the incident, but no one knows what it said, since it was in Chinese. The Indian government has reacted swiftly. In a hurriedly arranged press conference, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has promised to address the worried nation, ‘as soon as madam comes back from her morning walk.’
Youth Congress mistakes Times for Time

CHENNAI: When did US-based Time Magazine become a part of the Times of India Group of publications? Tamil Nadu Youth Congress activists who appear to be under the impression that the US publication is part of the Times group, tore up copies of the newspaper during a protest against a Time magazine report which carried a photograph of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh labeled "Underachiever". Although they were informed by mediapersons that Time was not part of the Times group, the protestors went ahead and damaged copies of the newspaper outside the American Consulate.

On Wednesday, however, Youth Congress leaders realized the blunder. The youth wing's central Chennai district secretary Ram Kumar, who had led the demonstration, said some activists must have brought TOI copies to the protest venue by mistake "in their hurry to reach on time". The others had all carried Time magazine copies, he claimed.

"We are not against any media," said state youth Congress chief M Yuvaraj, adding that the impact of the Time cover story would be adverse on foreign investments into the country. "I plan to meet the US consulate officials next Monday to clarify the purpose of the protest," he said, adding, "Time magazine has a history of targeting Indian premiers, earlier criticizing Atal Behari Vajpayee when he was PM and this time it is Manmohan Singh."

The Time report has claimed that the Prime Minister appears "unwilling to stick his neck out" on reforms that will put the country back on the growth path. In 2010, the magazine listed Dr Singh among the 100 most influential people in the world.

Youth Congress mistakes Times for Time - The Times of India
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