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Stunning info about Indian's missile projects by Dr.Saraswat

What he's forgotten is the deadly FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) or sometimes called Thermobaric warhead that sucks out the oxygen from just above the area of impact, generating an intense, high-temperature explosion, and many times the blast of the usual explosion.

The oxygen is sucked out from the lungs of the enemy within the area leading to death by asphyxiation and the blast and high temp explosion.
What he's forgotten is the deadly FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) or sometimes called Thermobaric warhead that sucks out the oxygen from just above the area of impact, generating an intense, high-temperature explosion, and many times the blast of the usual explosion.

The oxygen is sucked out from the lungs of the enemy within the area leading to death by asphyxiation and the blast and high temp explosion.

Oh well; FAE warheads are really awesome; I got to witness a demo/test earlier this year and really "it did take my breath away" :)
Spectacular show minus "mushrooms" :D
FAE warheads are now incorporated on quite a few weapons, and a next-gen version is in the making.
Shaped trajectory of K-15/B-05

No what missing from the above system those DRDO is working on?

1) man portable ATGM and SAM.
2) man portable smart munition (like mortar)
3) small unmanned chopper with auto machine gun.
Former DRDO chief Dr. VK Saraswat talking about Indian's current ongoing new missile projects at IIT-B...
Stunning revelations... :yahoo:

Sample Video with slides

Brahmos can reach up to 600 km in optimal (no sea skimming) Hi-Hi trajectory.
Agni-6: same range but 3 times the payload (3 MIRVs each of 1 Ton).
SLBM in the works with 6000+ km range and 2 Ton payload (4 MIRVs).
LFRJ (Liquid Fuel Ramjet) - supersonic cruise (3.2M), range: 600 to 1000 kms.
Explanation of what requires to be done for AD-1 and AD-2 interceptors.
ASAT1000: Agni booster+AAD
Helina: will have a different nozzle system.
Electromagnetic bomb: Work in full force.

Agni 5: 50Ton, single payload 1050kg, range 5000Km, Caniterized
Agni 6: 56Ton, MIRV payload 3000Kg (doesn't say how many 3-6), range 5000Km, Caniterized, all 3 stages composite motor casings
SLBM: seems like a variant of A6, 4 MIRV payload 2000Kg, 6000+Km, all 3 stages composite

He says our missiles are heavy because our propellant and material technology not to par. He gives 240 ISP for our propellants vs 260-280 for US/Rus/Eur. But that doesn't reduce capabilities of our missiles and also for the same reason our missiles costs much less.

Brahmos ranges:
Lo-Lo profile ~140Km
Hi-Lo profile < 300Km
Hi-Hi profile 600km

Great ! lot of crucial and new details that too in one go !!!

thanks for posting ...

By the way how did you got this ?

are you studying at IIT ?

By the way the video is more than 1.5 year old !!!

that means you are not in IIT . otherwise you would have known it last year itself .

you must have come across it "accidentally"
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Former DRDO chief Dr. VK Saraswat talking about Indian's current ongoing new missile projects at IIT-B...
Stunning revelations... :yahoo:

Electromagnetic bomb: Work in full force.
This one is similar to an EMP produced by a nuclear bomb exploded at high altitude which disrupts and fries all integrated electronic circuits.

An e-bomb too uses an intense EM to create a brief pulse of energy that affects electronic circuitry without harming humans or buildings. At low levels, the pulse temporarily disables electronics systems; mid-range levels corrupt computer data. Very high levels completely destroy electronic circuitry, thus disabling any type of machine that uses electricity, including computers, radios, and ignition systems in vehicles. Although not directly lethal, an e-bomb would devastate any target that relies upon electricity: a category encompassing any potential military target and most civilian areas of the world as well.
No what missing from the above system those DRDO is working on?

1) man portable ATGM and SAM.
2) man portable smart munition (like mortar)
3) small unmanned chopper with auto machine gun.

Man portable ATGM is in the works .

MANPAD and #3 ...... no project for it afaik ....... they should probably start work on it .

#2 ..... no idea what that is .
Man portable ATGM is in the works .

MANPAD and #3 ...... no project for it afaik ....... they should probably start work on it .

#2 ..... no idea what that is .

#2 is small munition, grenades which will be smart with GPS guidance etc. It will help during peace time skirmishes.
I don't think India will take so many PoW. 90000 - 100000 sounds the right number though ;)

in lighter vein ... may be their whole country seems like a 'prison' itself. may be they all want asylum in India !
Hi hi only if launched from an aircraft at high altitude and as he said, without the low level final approach. So that's more a theoretical range of the air launched version, while something between 300 and 500Km might be more realistic launched from an aircraft and with a hi lo trajectory.

Was this a recent presentation? Some of the slides seems to be old, judged by the specs or the some project they included.

the video is at least 1.5 years old .

Zephyr 2013 .

somewhere in February 2013 . so obviously the slides must me older .
the video is at least 1.5 years old .

Zephyr 2013 .

somewhere in February 2013 . so obviously the slides must me older .

Yes I thought so, but the slides are aven older and include even projects that were srcapped long ago. However, it still gives us some interesting insights into DRDOs plans and works, but then again, I would prefer more results and less plans.
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