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Study: Germans see Islam as a threat

Bad but why not benchmark it with India ...

WHO | Fast facts

626 million Indian's defecate in the open

* See the numbers in India?

Embarrassing statistics but Pakistan isn't far behind too if we take total population into account.. 41 million out of 180 million. :D
Well yes we have been protected by lots of military personnel but still these Islamafobic radical minded Muslims lives in the civilian society and stage attacks on non-Islamic community...No one can protect from those type of attacks...

And these types of attacks seems to be coming 99% from Muslim community...whether you agree or not, I don't care but in my opinion yes it is a threat....

Sorry boss, I am entitled to my opinion and I feel Islam is a threat....

Thats your right. No problem. I will hold that your a threat to humanity but let us leave it at that.

Embarrassing statistics but Pakistan isn't far behind too if we take total population into account.. 41 million out of 180 million. :D

Agreed. I always say we win Bronze but India takes the GOLD ...

Pakistan - 41 million out of 180 million = 22%
India - 626 million out of 1,260 = 50%

WHO | Fast facts
Romania was part of the axis of evil. of course you try to forget that. hahaha

It wasn't an "axis of evil" and i don't try to forget anything.It was a war just like others before,to bad we lost but then again win some,loose some.Maybe next time.
The funniest thing about the Germans is after having killed 6 million Jews now they shed crocodile tears for Isreal - Go figure ?
It wasn't an "axis of evil" and i don't try to forget anything.It was a war just like others before,to bad we lost but then again win some,loose some.Maybe next time.

your country was a willing member of the FASISCT AXIS OF EVIL and you got the nerv to call Putin Putler???

Are you for real???!

Look at Putin. His dad and granddad fought against the Nazis!!!!

and to the Indian's here we have a German Pole here - Senlin. Why not ask him if he is fond of Indian's walking down his street?

The extreme right wing is danger to all. I quote again:-

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

your country was a willing member of the FASISCT AXIS OF EVIL and you got the nerv to call Putin Putler???

Are you for real???!

Look at Putin. His dad and granddad fought against the Nazis!!!!


For us the Bolsheviks were worst than the Nazis.We were just defending ourselves,my granddad also fought against the red beasts.

Between 1960 and 2000 100% attacks in United Kingdom came from Catholic Christians IRA. Did that mean they were threat to humanity?
Media influence

Detlef Pollack, the sociologist who co-authored the study, says that this negative perception could be due to the lack of personal contact between Christians and Muslims. More people in eastern Germany see Islam as threatening than in the West, even though the east is home to only two percent of all the country's Muslims.

But Pollack also notes that people have even less contact with Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism, all of which are seen more positively than Islam, and he argues that the media have a lot to do with that: "The picture the media give of Buddhism or Hinduism is that of peace-loving religions," Pollack told Deutsche Welle. "Their picture of Islam is more about fanaticism and aggression."

This sums it all up. Leipzig, the core of Pegida (Anti-Islamic movement) has a Muslim population of 0.1% Yeah 0.1% is gonna take over your city racists.
Underlying the German reflex is the same trait that led to mass murder of Jews. what is the differance between unbridled Anti-Semitism and PEGIDA? It is the same thing but with 70 years time differance.


This is due to 2 reasons
turkish salafist coming all over streets fighting against the police
the recent charlie hebedo tragedy

hence they have generalized it now.
For us the Bolsheviks were worst than the Nazis.We were just defending ourselves,my granddad also fought against the red beasts.

funny. the usual red army soldier was a peasant from corn fields in the soviet union. How exactly are they beasts???

They are usual people.

Maybe you prefer the white devils instead? They will also use you for their purposes.

Between 1960 and 2000 100% attacks in United Kingdom came from Catholic Christians IRA. Did that mean they were threat to humanity?

Well you have brought up really good point here......

Terrorists all have their own principals and views based on that they wage war on people....But if we see all the around the world we can see nearly 99% of terrorism is coming in the name of Islam...Boko Haram, TTP, Afghan Taliban, ISIS, LeT, etc etc etc....Even there is a Islamic terrorist group in Philippines which is fighting guerrilla for an Islamic state there...
your country was a willing member of the FASISCT AXIS OF EVIL and you got the nerv to call Putin Putler???

Are you for real???!

Look at Putin. His dad and granddad fought against the Nazis!!!!


Oh come on, how did WW2 start, with Russians and Germany as "secret" allies so dont play that bullshit, the Russians and Germans were fine attacking all the small nations around them until Germany turned on them. The Russians suffered heavy losses but they always seem to ignore the fact that they along with Germany started the war.
Well you have brought up really good point here......

Terrorists all have their own principals and views based on that they wage war on people....But if we see all the around the world we can see nearly 99% of terrorism is coming in the name of Islam...Boko Haram, TTP, Afghan Taliban, ISIS, LeT, etc etc etc....Even there is a Islamic terrorist group in Philippines which is fighting guerrilla for an Islamic state there...

nonsense. In Burma muslims were killed and terorized from buddhist monchs.

you have simply no clue and shitting around your irrelevant and missinformed ignorant oppinion.

Oh come on, how did WW2 start, with Russians and Germany as "secret" allies so dont play that bullshit, the Russians and Germans were fine attacking all the small nations around them until Germany turned on them. The Russians suffered heavy losses but they always seem to ignore the fact that they along with Germany started the war.

stalin was not a russian. he was a georgian imperialist filth.
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