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Study: Germans see Islam as a threat


Dec 6, 2011
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A major study of attitudes towards religion says Germans approve of openness towards other religions. But many are still suspicious of Islam.

Former German President Christian Wulff earned much praise but also much criticism when said in a speech during his tenure, "Islam is also a part of Germany."

The criticism can be partly explained by the "Religion Monitor," a survey put together for the Bertelsmann Foundation. The findings have been published, and among them is the fact that half of all Germans believe that Islam does not fit into the Western world.

The study, which surveys views on the social significance of religion and values, was carried out in Germany and 12 other countries, and included the views of 14,000 people.

Among the Germans, 85 percent agreed or tended to agree that one should be open towards all religions. They saw most religions as an enrichment, especially Christianity, also Judaism and Buddhism, but a majority of 51 percent saw Islam as a threat.

Media influence

Detlef Pollack, the sociologist who co-authored the study, says that this negative perception could be due to the lack of personal contact between Christians and Muslims. More people in eastern Germany see Islam as threatening than in the West, even though the east is home to only two percent of all the country's Muslims.

But Pollack also notes that people have even less contact with Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism, all of which are seen more positively than Islam, and he argues that the media have a lot to do with that: "The picture the media give of Buddhism or Hinduism is that of peace-loving religions," Pollack told Deutsche Welle. "Their picture of Islam is more about fanaticism and aggression."

Self-critical Muslims

The chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, agrees. "In the media we often see a very distorted picture of Islam," he says. Extremist groups are often shown, and frequently no distinction is made between religion and extremism, as when, after the Boston Marathon attacks, the bombers were said to be part of an "Islamic network.

But Mazyek also sees reason for self-criticism: "The Muslims have to roll up their sleeves, get more involved in society and make it clear that they are committed to this country."

Politicians and churches have been trying to encourage dialogue between the various religions for years now. The Muslim communities have held an "Open Mosque Day" every October 3 since 1997, while Jewish communities also regularly invite non-Jews into their synagogues.

But it's not just in Germany - in many western states, Islam is seen as a particular threat. That applies to 76 percent of Israelis, 60 percent of Spaniards, 50 percent of the Swiss and 42 percent of US citizens. In contrast, in India, only 30 percent see Islam as a threat, and in South Korea, it's just 16 percent.

All the same, there are differences among western European countries: France, Britain, and the Netherlands all see Islam in a more positive light than does Germany.

Pollack argues that this has something to do with the educational level of the Muslims in each country. "In Germany we have very few highly educated people among immigrants," he says. "That influences people's attitudes, especially towards the Muslim immigrants."

In other countries, educational opportunities are better, and there's a larger proportion of immigrants who are moving upwards socially.

There are some optimistic findings in the Religion Monitor: a clear majority of Christians, Muslims, and those without religion all agree that democracy is a good way of governing the country - that's the view held by 80 percent of Muslims and those without religion, and by 90 percent of Christians. And a majority of all the groups asked is also in favor of the separation of religion and state.

Study: Germans see Islam as a threat | Germany | DW.DE | 29.04.2013
Being a muslim i admit that we are aggressive in nature so no wonder every 2nd person in the world sees us as threat.
It's completely political propaganda. The Jews were seen as greedy and manipulating during much of the history of Europe and especially Germany (Nazi's anyone?) I really thought Germans would be better at painting a religion having over a billion followers in a better light.

Being a muslim i admit that we are aggressive in nature so no wonder every 2nd person in the world sees us as threat.

No ethnic group or race of people are aggressive or non-aggressive. We share one genetic code, people are people.
The prophet of Allah was not arrogant . He was humble and never elevated himself and treated everyone with respect . He said to his companions : Therefore we learn to be humble and not look down at others . This requires confidence and Taqwa ( God-Consciousness ) . We are all Allah’s creation : if I have more in money or knowledge or prestige , it is because Allah allowed my effort to succeed . Someone else may have not been so lucky . But each person has some merit and was given something good by Allah . It is much better to cultivate that good side , rather than ridicule or look down at other people’s deficiencies .

The prophet of Allah was kind , patient and tolerant . He was not harsh or severe . He did not use bad language or curse . He did not get angry or loose his temper . It is this gentle , kind nature that attracted others to him and made them love him and obey him . They loved the man as well as the messenger . They learned from him and they learned from his example . They became better human beings by associating with him . This is the mark and influence of a true and genuine person . You can feel his presence by observing those around him . How much did he impact their lives and did he change it for the better or worse . Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) had and still has the ability of improving the lives of so many people , that is a testament to his genius and great character and influence .

A true Muslim should fellow the messanger S.A.W and learn from is life and example and i did not find anything close to aggressiveness

Being a muslim i admit that we are aggressive in nature so no wonder every 2nd person in the world sees us as threat.
interesting note:

76 percent of Israelis, 60 percent of Spaniards, 50 percent of the Swiss and 42 percent of US citizens. In contrast, in India, only 30 percent see Islam as a threat, and in South Korea, it's just 16 percent.
Why do so many peole see Islam as a threat - all the "they hate us" stuff aside, where there's smoke...., so honestly why do so many in so many diverse places see Islam as a threat and Why do they not see it as a blessing?
Why only Germany, all most all western states see Islam as a threat.

Why do so many peole see Islam as a threat - all the "they hate us" stuff aside, where there's smoke...., so honestly why do so many in so many diverse places see Islam as a threat and Why do they not see it as a blessing?

Because Islam doesn't believe in co-existence with other religions.
Why only Germany, all most all western states see Islam as a threat. Because Islam doesn't believe in co-existence with other religions.

and yet there are more than a hundred million living in India - presumably hell bent on threatening Indians??

No, give it some thought and write something you can defend
and yet there are more than a hundred million living in India - presumably hell bent on threatening Indians??

No, give it some thought and write something you can defend

There is nothing to defend here. It is a matter of fact. As you are living in UK, why not ask a westerner what he think of Islam. I bet the first word he would utter will be 'intolerant'.
This is not a propaganda or anything as you Muslims claim.... It;s the Pure truth and Accept it... Of course Islam is the Threat not just for German but Entire Non Islam States..... Tell me one country or one non Muslim who says Muslims as Friendly nation....Muslims are the easy guys to be mind washed and used against other religions..... no one can deny that
SO, Muslims are Intolerant and easy to brain wash -- so they can turn on which ever country, because country does not matter to them (unless it's Saudi Arabia, not just Arabia) and only Islam matters - and Islam is in perpetual state of intolerance of all others because purity is super important to separate real Islam from all other Islams?

And Germans and others are threatened y this quest for purity?
If they do, they need to restrict immigration from those nations. They can get enough labour from Southern europe, Eastern Europe, non muslim Asian countries.
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