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Student asked to convert, stabbed in South Kashmir

Yeah so

Why dont you try out Islam atleast you wont have your stupid caste system wars.
At least we don't make fear them like "if you are dalit , you will burn in hell".
What a pathetic thinking you guys have.
Even Cricketers. Uffff...
Then you say "why Trump , Isreal, RSS"??
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I don’t believe this. A new strategy to put pressure on Muslim Kashmiris who are 95% of the population of the valley.

Sadly in the era of Modi and Trump, it’s difficult to get news fast enough before their fanatics start killing and murdering. Even if presented with facts, the Modi Bhakht will believe lies which agree with his world view.

this is truth , most of the hindus, sikhs have been expelled from valley ,that is why muslims are 90 percent . once hindus sikhs return and rehabilitated , such things will stop. places where muslims are not in majority they live amicably like jammu and ladakh .
Is that why hindus desecrated the Golden Temple in 1983 because sikhs and hindus are one?

yes, Shikhs and Hindus are one. Many Hindu ultras and Naxlites are killed by Hindu soldiers and shikh Soldiers. In Operation Blue star a shikh company was the part of operation. So your logic doesn't hold good.
yes, Shikhs and Hindus are one. Many Hindu ultras and Naxlites are killed by Hindu soldiers and shikh Soldiers. In Operation Blue star a shikh company was the part of operation. So your logic doesn't hold good.

yes , but this fact is not digestable to enemies of india .
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yes , but this fact is not degestable to enemies of india .

You were saying something? About Sikhs ............

There are other videos too.


The Muslims in any part of the world should drop this attitude of forcing fasting and pardah on rest of people. Its extremely jahilpana and narrow mindedness.
You were saying something? About Sikhs ............

There are other videos too.


The Muslims in any part of the world should drop this attitude of forcing fasting and pardah on rest of people. Its extremely jahilpana and narrow mindedness.

lol this is traitor .
At least we don't make fear them like "if you are dalit , you will burn in hell".
What a pathetic thinking you guys have.
Even Cricketers. Uffff...
Then you say "why Trump , Isreal, RSS"??

Sorry to break your heart but you will Go to hell if you die on kufr.

We are honest People. It is like it is.
Sorry to break your heart but you will Go to hell if you die on kufr.

We are honest People. It is like it is.
What's the point of going to heaven if all the fun people are in hell?
Hell's where it's at.
Perspective. I have seen Pakistani's calling martyred soldiers from Jammu & Kashmir traitors.

That's not the answer. The answer is simple yes or no.

Is it only Sikhs that can be called traitors or Hindus can be called traitors too?
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