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Student asked to convert, stabbed in South Kashmir

Problem is in pakistani minds

I didn't know Pakistanis were good at telepathy.

There is no magic wand that can solve every problem. It takes a lot of time. A lot of problems are solved, the insurgency that existed in the North East until recently have died down and all of them joined to be part of democracy. Poverty is declining at a fast pace.
There are no major riots since 2002. Nor terror attacks since 2011 - 2014 on any population centers. And the country is growing the fastest in the world.

But you have been busy creating problems for others. You have been making fool of lots of internationals, now when the lies are being busted one by one and the hot air balloon is deflating fast ....... what's the strategy? Being a billion plus consumer market is not going to save the shame that awaits indian policy makers.
But you have been busy creating problems for others. You have been making fool of lots of internationals, now when the lies are being busted one by one and the hot air balloon is deflating fast ....... what's the strategy? Being a billion plus consumer market is not going to save the shame that awaits indian policy makers.
I'm not saying we are staying out of trouble. As for lies busted, I don't get you? Are you talking about that Joker
Zeid Raad Al Hussein? It's nothing but a biased reporting and we know how and why. And considering China gives two hoots about international laws given their market is 1 billion plus. I guess India will follow the suit eventually.
I don’t want to bog down the thread so I’ll try to be quick.

I believe you when you say that political discussions are not allowed in Tableeghi gatherings. And it is a wrong thing because Islam is a inherently socialist political system.

In Non-Muslim countries this is very beneficial as most believe politically involved Muslims are a threat. This also helps Tabligh look after new Muslim converts. Their strength is in Muslims with weak Iman and weak basics. Sufi teacher and founder of Tablighi Jamaat, Maulana Ilyas made it for Indians Muslims being negatively influenced by Hindus.

As far as I understand, via the Tableeghis who used to come to my house to invite me for prayers, they concentrate on just the cultural part - prayers, fasting etc.

Rituals are an important part of Islam. Actually without salat, there is no guaranteed Jannat. These are just the Fara’idh (most basic requirements.)

Which is why where ever in the world, whether Russia or whether Indonesia, the Tableeghis have been allowed to operate, they have come of good use for NATO and the American government.

Also a boon in these countries. Countless anti-Muslim groups rail against them, but how can you go against an organization without a center?

Tabligh is very much about instilling in Muslims the pride of Islam, history, and closeness to the Prophet saws.

he simple formula is :
Socialist Muslim = Enemy of NATO
Tableeghi/Extremely religious Muslim = Friend of NATO

Islam has its own political structure. There is a whole history which we have been deprived through colonialism.

Tabligh movement gives great significance to serving and helping others, even increasing your akhlaq. There are many positives, esp for Muslims in Non-Muslim societies.

Not just the Indian Islam but a pan-global progressive Islam. Read this thread I posted in 2016. It is an article by Nadeem Paracha and basically is a summary of Muslim socialism of the past century.

Yes, I know that guy... he’s a bit controversial.
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