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Strongest Conventional Militaries in the Islamic World

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Every human in the world had a ancestor which was a nomad, idiot.
15 pages of bragging and they still can't take of Syria or libya or Iraq or what's next? by themselves...seems like they have no clue that wars in the 21st century can't be played on the internet. facts are,they ask and need Christian Judea country of the US to help stop slaughter and genocide by muslims towards muslims. can you refute it?
Then it should come across to 40mil (including the Punjabi Pashtuns) + 10mil Baloch (including the Punjabi & the Sindhi Baloch) = 50 mil !

But try telling anyone of them that they belong to Iranian people & they'd rip you & I apart ! :fie:

The Pashtuns trace their lineage back 4000-5000 years & so do the Baloch ! Plus the Pashtuns claim that they're actually of Semitic descent & there are many Baloch tribes which trace lineage back to Arabs of Syria & Iraq. Then theres the added thing of Pashtuns being predominantly Sunnis & Iran being predominantly Shia & how it played out in Afghanistan (the proxy wars & all of that) & how the Baloch of Pakistan, though in a pretty bad situation...those areas are so underdeveloped that an insurgency has sprung up, still see the Baloch of Sistan Balochistan (Iranian Province) as being worse off than their Pakistani counterparts ! Ask our resident Balochs for their opinion on that.

They are part of the Iranian people and speak Iranian languages. Of course, Balochi's are probably more closer to Pakistanis than to Iranians, but scientifically they are part of the Iranian people. You could be right about having no affection to Iran, but I've heard many critical views of Pashtuns and Balochis on the Pakistani government as well.

You don't know any Pathan and Balochi... A Pathan would smack you for saying anything against Pakistan and a Baloch would beat you up for trying to compare him with other ethnicities.
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There was no Bengali fault there, unless you insinuate their refusal to accept the imposition of urdu or their voting for Mujib as their fault.

On both counts - Yes ! We - none of us had Urdu as our mother tongue - & yet we agreed to the proposition due to it being the only language that was both impartial & our lingua franca.

Neither was the Agartalla Conspiracy a figment of our imagination; even as recently as last year a MP of the Bangladeshi Parliament recognized as such. Even the darling of India (the assassin of Mujib) recognized it as such !

Every human in the world had a ancestor which was a nomad, idiot.

The difference is some are in recorded history and the rest have no such records. So shall we restrain ourselves to the recorded ones ?
They are part of the Iranian people and speak Iranian languages. Of course, Balochi's are probably more closer to Pakistanis than to Iranians, but scientifically they are part of the Iranian people. You could be right about having no affection to Iran, but I've heard many critical views of Pashtuns and Balochis on the Pakistani government as well.

We all hate Pakistani Governments ! :rofl:

Show me a single competent Government that was sincere to the People of Pakistan since our Father - Muhammad Ali Jinnah, died !
They are part of the Iranian people and speak Iranian languages. Of course, Balochi's are probably more closer to Pakistanis than to Iranians, but scientifically they are part of the Iranian people. You could be right about having no affection to Iran, but I've heard many critical views of Pashtuns and Balochis on the Pakistani government as well.
Doesn't every ethnicity in Pakistan? name one ethnicity who likes the current government.
15 pages of bragging and they still can't take of Syria or libya or Iraq or what's next? by themselves...seems like they have no clue that wars in the 21st century can't be played on the internet. facts are,they ask and need Christian Judea country of the US to help stop slaughter and genocide by muslims towards muslims. can you refute it?

whos that about ?

You don't know any Pathan and Balochi... A Pathan would smack you for saying anything against Pakistan and a Baloch would beat you up for trying to compare him with other ethnicities.

Pakistanis like to smack others? I don't think they would do that. But perhaps I've more a civilized image of Pakistanis than you.
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The difference is some are in recorded history and the rest have no such records. So shall we restrain ourselves to the recorded ones ?

Their is no record you are a Austroliod-African Dravidian.. Should we not believe it ;)
We all hate Pakistani Governments ! :rofl:

Show me a single competent Government that was sincere to the People of Pakistan since our Father - Muhammad Ali Jinnah, died !

Fair enough. But the question is; will there be unity among the difference ethnical groups in Iran in case of an war? Was that the case in the wars against India?
whos that about ?

well we start with you guys can't we . The ones who have been given the crown of being the best army out of Islamic countries, but all your leader is " talk big and issue edicts" about Syria. He knows so called the best of all- is really a figment of peoples imagination. I mean really all you guys ( all of you bragging) just brag like Baghdad bob..but when it comes time to put the pedal to the metal... ' nothing'

Syria has a very strong air-defense system. It has a radar net made in Russia, the one it had purchased to use against Israel. Connected to that system, it has 400 Scud C or D short- and medium-range missiles, as well as its own missile development program supported by Iran and Iraq.

I do not want to go into detail here. What I’m saying is that Turkey’s capabilities would not be adequate to protect the buffer zone from the air or to ban Syrian planes. In short, Turkey cannot manage this alone. It is only the United States that could deactivate Syria’s radar and missile system.

On both counts - Yes ! We - none of us had Urdu as our mother tongue - & yet we agreed to the proposition due to it being the only language that was both impartial & our lingua franca.

Just because you guys agreed to that does not necessarily mean the Bengalis have to agree to that. The Bengalis like the Tamils value their language as their prime identity and the moment you forced a mishmash of a language onto a population that spoke a language so rich in its history, literature and poetry and which used a completely different script, there were always bound to be problems. Even Nehru tried doing that with te forceful imposition of hindi but the only difference was that once protests broke out he understood the consequences and backed away from that while the West Pakistanis could not understand the gravity of the situation and kept making blunders.

Neither was the Agartalla Conspiracy a figment of our imagination; even as recently as last year a MP of the Bangladeshi Parliament recognized as such. Even the darling of India (the assassin of Mujib) recognized it as such !

Knowing such a conspiracy existed and then going ahead to declare the election of Mujib null and void - biggest blunder.
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