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Strong 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake Jolts Western Iran, Damages Villages

In Pakistan, 2005 Earthquake of 7.6 R and 15 KM deep caused deaths around 86K with around 2.8 million displaced and massive destruction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Kashmir_earthquake

while this earth quake was almost of same size 7.6 R and 11 KM deep. seems some good luck as very less causalities.
Higher than 7 Ritcher happening in any major city in the world will **** it up.

You mention that Tokyo is earthquake proof, and fortunately we don't have any evidence to back up that statement since we haven't had a major earthquake in Tokyo in recent history. However, in 2011, when a major earthquake occurred in Japan (although, far away from Tokyo, and main concentration was outside the country), the deathtoll was almost 20,000. "A 10 February 2014 agency report listed 127,290 buildings totally collapsed, with a further 272,788 buildings "half collapsed", and another 747,989 buildings partially damaged."

The three dicks Iranians love to suck are Japanese, Germans, and Canadians.

The 2011 earthquake cost Japan USD 235 billion. And this wasn't even in Tokyo. Imagine if it happened in Tokyo.
In 1995, Japan faced an Earthquake below 7, which was 6.9, and 6500 people died. This was still far away from Tokyo.

How about USA? The closest one I could find that was sort of big and sort of near cities was 1994 Northridge earthquake. This was below 7 and just 6.7, and away from major cities, and still 60 people died.

No major city in the world is earthquake proof. If it happens in New York, Tokyo, Berlin, or whatever non-Iranian city you think is pinnacle of human ingenuity, they are fucked.

7+ earthquakes are not a small thing.
why hide the rest

and what you mentioned was Great Hanshin earthquake
the 6.8 magnitude was not on the Richter. and it was what happened there
One in five of the buildings in the worst-hit areas were completely destroyed (or rendered uninhabitable). About 22% of the offices in Kobe's central business district were rendered unusable, and over half of the houses in that area were deemed unfit to live in. High rise buildings that were built after the modern 1981 building code suffered little; however, those that were not constructed to these standards suffered serious structural damage.
Most people in Japan believed those structures to be relatively safe from earthquake damage because of the steel-reinforced concrete design. Although the initial belief was construction had been negligent, it was later shown that most of the collapsed structures were constructed properly according to the building codes in force in the 1960s. However, the steel-reinforcement specifications in the 1960s regulations had already been discovered to be inadequate and revised several times, the latest revision being in 1981, which proved effective but only applied to new structures.

and that earth quack was a wakeup call for japan can you tell me when wakeup call for Iran will be ?
The earthquake proved to be a major wake-up call for Japanese disaster prevention authorities. Japan installed rubber blocks under bridges to absorb the shock and rebuilt buildings further apart to prevent collateral damage. The national government changed its disaster response policies in the wake of the earthquake, and its response to the 2004 Chūetsu earthquake was significantly faster and more effective. The Ground Self-Defense Forces were given automatic authority to respond to earthquakes over a certain magnitude, which allowed them to deploy to the Niigata region within minutes. Control over fire response was likewise handed over from local fire departments to a central command base in Tokyo and Kyoto.

let me tell you when
In Sarpol-e Zahab, some residents blamed the widespread destruction on poor construction quality and government corruption. It was noted that older buildings remained standing, while many newer blocks collapsed.

and i don't knew which is worst , not enforcing building code or this one
Critics are already accusing the authorities of responding slowly. charities—including those of Islah and Dawa Group, an Iranian Islamist group close to the Muslim Brotherhood—were said to have arrived on the scene first with tents and water
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واقعا زشته که اصلا این بحث سیاسی ادامه پیدا کنه. برادرا و خواهرای عزیزمان در کرمانشاه پرپر شدن به هر دلیل و الان سیاست تنها چیزه که شاید براشون اهمیت نداره. باید با تمام ظرفیت کمک بهشان برسه
ولی این جماعت نفرت انگیز از هر چیزی برای کوبیدن سیاسی استفاده کردن. حتی خون ریخته شده در کرمانشاه.

جالبه که بودجه مسکن مهر تبدیل به وامی شده که از تقریبا 90 میلیون به 300 میلیون قسط ماهانه تبدیل شده. این نزول خوران بدذات به جای کمک به زلزله زده ها عوض کمک بلاعوض شروع کرده ان به اعطای وام. سودی که قراره برا اون وام ها بگیرن قسمت کوچک بلاعوض رو کامل پوشش میده. دارن دنبال سر بریده می گردند. تف به این نزول خورها که همگی دست نشانده اقتصاد کثیف آمریکایی هستند.
Couldn't describe them any better: نزول خورها
A Hero:
Tehran municipality solved Tehran problems in case of earthquake in just one night

The problem Is not who built the building it was lack of adequate supervision that made the problem. Just look at the columns and tell me can who ever built it answer for its action at judgement day. Its not just this look at the express ways in which country the roads degrade as fast as here.
Couldn't describe them any better: نزول خورها
Let not kid ourselves Islam is clear on money lending and loan sharks.tell me which saving account as is practiced right now is allowed in Islam . Honnestly do you believe the money that come to home from these accounts is halal ?
فراموش نکنیم وقتی که پولی به کسی میدهیم و انتظار سود ثابتی داریم این یعنی نزول هیچ برو برگردی هم نداره
Iran earthquake: Baby found alive in rubble three days after tremors

Child’s rescue gives survivors hope as Iranian Olympic gold medallist auctions medal to raise awareness and funds for those affected by devastating magnitude 7.3 quake

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The Independent Online

Many people called the rescue a “miracle”, expressing that the child’s survival is cause for hope after the tragedy
Rescue workers have found a baby alive and well, three days after a deadly earthquake that struck on the Iran-Iraq border.

The child was found amid the rubble of the town of Sarpol-e-Zahab on Wednesday morning - two and a half days after the magnitude 7.3 quake which has killed at least 530 people, local media reported.

A picture of the child, which appears to be smiling and not in distress, has been widely circulated among Iranians on social media. Many people called the rescue a “miracle” and expressed how the child’s survival is cause for hope after the tragedy.

Emergency services continued to search for survivors on Thursday, but four days after the quake fewer and fewer people are being pulled alive from the wreckage of apartment buildings.

In Kurdish majority town of Sarpol-e-Zahab, which was the worst affected, field hospitals are treating the injured and tents have been set up for the 70,000 people left homeless in winter weather.

Aid agencies say there is still a need for shelter, blankets, children’s clothes, medicine and large cans to store drinking water.

Donations from diaspora Iranians in the West and others wanting to help have hit a snag in the form of international sanctions rules: in the US, it has not been possible to send cash directly to people within Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

In an effort to raise funds and awareness, one Iranian weightlifter - who won gold at the Rio 2016 Olympics - has put his medal up for auction in an effort to raise funds for victims.

Kianoush Rostami, who grew up in Kermanshah province near Sarpol-e-Zahab, said he was was “taking a step, however small” to help those in need after the earthquake.

“I am returning my Rio 2016 Olympics gold medal - which actually belongs to them - to my people,” he wrote in an Instagram post on Wednesday.

“I will put my medal up for auction. All the proceedings will go to those hit by the earthquake.

Sunday’s magnitude 7.3 quake was centred 31 kilometres (19 miles) outside the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja, the US Geological Survey said.

Donald Trump stays silent on deadly Iran-Iraq earthquake so far
It struck at a relatively shallow depth of 23.2 kilometres (14.4 miles), which usually leads to broader surface-level damage, and tremors recorded as far west as the Israeli coast of the Mediterranean and as far south as Baghdad.

Across the border in Iraq, the earthquake killed at least nine people and injured 550 others, all in the country’s northern, semi-autonomous Kurdish region, according to its Interior Ministry.

More than 400 aftershocks have struck since, leaving even those with homes to return to afraid to retrieve their belongings.

Iran, which sits on several geological fault lines, is prone to earthquakes. A magnitude 6.6 quake in 2003 killed 26,000 in the city of Bam.

Pakistan dispatches relief assistance to earthquake affectees in Iran

Last Updated On 17 November,2017 08:03 pm

A C130 airplane carrying relief assistance landed in Iran to help people in earthquake affected area

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Islamabad dispatched a C130 plane carrying relief assistance for the affectees of the deadly earthquake that struck Iran-Iraq border area last week, the Government of Pakistantold in an official press release on Friday.

Over 400 were reportedly killed after the quake that hit Iran on November 12. It wreaked havoc particularly in the Western Iranian province of Kermanshah.

The relief assistance consists of the items identified by the Iranian side in accordance with the relief requirements in the earthquake affected area. The consignment will reach Tehran tonight where it will be handed over to Iranian authorities, Foreign Office told.

Recalling Iran s help to Pakistan in the aftermath of the earthquake in 2005 and floods in 2010, the Pakistani government said it is deeply grieved at the immense loss of lives and destruction caused to our Iranian brothers in the earthquake that jolted the bordering regions of Iran and Iraq.

President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbais had earlier sent their messages of solidarity with the Iranian people and offered all possible support by Pakistan in this hour of need.

Foreign Office added, “The two brotherly countries have a tradition of helping each other during the natural calamities.”

I didn't hide it. They were irrelevant. Smaller earthquakes or earthquakes that happened outside urban areas is not important.

And regarding your quote. You mention this quote, "High rise buildings that were built after the modern 1981 building code suffered little; however, those that were not constructed to these standards suffered serious structural damage."

But you said this before, "And Tokyo is earthquack proof for quacks stronger than 7 Richter ."

So, maybe your sentence should have been, "And Tokyo is earthquack proof for quacks stronger than 7 Richter, but only when the buildings are built after the 1981 building code, and if they were constructed to these standards".

That's not what earthquake proof means.

Anyway, aside from whining and complaining, have you helped your people?
PAF C-130 aircraft airlifts relief goods to Iran
November 19, 2017

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) C-130 aircraft airlifted relief goods to Iran on Sunday.

The aircraft carried more than 12 tons of relief goods dispatched by theNational Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) of Pakistan for the humanitarian relief assistance of Iran's earthquake victims.

The relief goods include 165 tents, 1050 blankets, 200 tarpaulins, 200 plastic mats, perishable items, and other supplies.

The PAF C-130 aircraft landed back today (Sunday) at the PAF Nur Khan airbase after delivering the goods.

Iran has only accepted aid from Pakistan after it was hit by the deadliest earthquake in more than a decade earlier on November 13.

Strong earthquake hits Iraq and Iran, killing more than 450
The quake rocked a border area 30 kilometressouthwest of Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan

Iran’s English-language Press TV had said that more than 450 people were killed and 7,000 were injured when the magnitude 7.3 earthquake jolted the country on Sunday.

The quake was felt in several provinces of Iran but the hardest hit province was Kermanshah. More than 300 of the victims were in Sarpol-e Zahab county in that province, about 15 km (10 miles) from the Iraq border.

Iranian state television had said the quake had caused heavy damage in some villages where houses were made of earthen bricks. The quake also triggered landslides that hindered rescue efforts, officials told state television.

Relief workers had said that while much aid had been pledged, there was an immediate need for blankets, children’s clothes, medicine and large cans to store drinking water. TV aired footage of some people weeping next to corpses shrouded in blankets.

Thank you very much to all the Pakistani brothers who were with us. And the Pakistani government.:smitten::pakistan::cheers::-)
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