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Strengthening Cambodia-China ties alarm ASEAN neighbors

China Buys Cambodia


Chinese Harbin Z-9

February 7, 2013: China recently approved a $195 million loan for Cambodia so that poverty stricken country could buy new military equipment. Not surprisingly Cambodia used some of that money to order twelve Chinese Z-9 helicopters. The Z-9 is a license built version of the French AS 365N Dauphin. It's a four ton chopper with a two ton payload.

China has built over 200 of the Z-9s and many have been armed (with twin 23mm cannon, torpedoes, anti-tank missiles, and air-to-air missiles). The Z-9WE is the export version which is modified to more easily accept Western electronics and weapons. Cambodia is initially receiving the transport version of the Z-9.

China is the main supplier of military equipment to Cambodia. The U.S. had been ready to supply this material but backed off because of the corruption and mismanagement of the Cambodian government. That sort of thing does not scare off the Chinese. Moreover, the Chinese need some allies in this part of the world, because most other nations are uniting against Chinese claims to control the entire South China Sea. Cambodia has no problem with that because it has no seacoast on the South China Sea (just the Gulf of Thailand). Thus Cambodia is the only nation in Southeast Asia that is "not hostile" to China.

Procurement: China Buys Cambodia

Smart move by China :china:

"China has played a key role in improving Cambodia's dilapidated military inventory since 2010, when Beijing donated 250 jeeps (sic) and trucks to Cambodia's army after the US scrapped a similar plan," the RFA reported.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...ties-alarm-asean-neighbors.html#ixzz2KLo1wCNj

Proximity does not supersede historical right. We were the first Asian power to discover, sail and map the area, as far back as the 3rd century. You didn't even become independent until the 1940's. You have no right to enforce your laws on our traditional fishing ground. Thanks to your provocation, you will never go near the island again.

China dicovered Islands in front of Vietnam and Philippine doors.:rofl:
You negleted important ststements in your old book confirmed that Islands belong to Southern Country,
You also neglected to mention we ruled Vietnam too. Perhaps we should rule you again? Hell, Zhao Tuo who founded the Nanyue kingdom was a general under the Qin dynasty. Going under that logic, we should claim you too.
You also neglected to mention we ruled Vietnam too. Perhaps we should rule you again? Hell, Zhao Tuo who founded the Nanyue kingdom was a general under the Qin dynasty. Going under that logic, we should claim you too.

You, chinese were ruled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese, Britain, Portugals until 1999.:enjoy:
You, chinese were ruled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese, Britain, Portugals until 1999.:enjoy:

Veitnam was ruled by China and then France. China gained independence in 1912 while Veitnam was still ruled by France until 1954.
Veitnam was ruled by China and then France. China gained independence in 1912 while Veitnam was still ruled by France until 1954.

China was beating and ran away from 936 AD. France ran away from 1954.
China was ruled by Japan untill 1945, Briatain 1997 and Portugals 1999. and now you are Chinese is half-independence state citizen, coz Taiwan is under protectorate of Uncla Sam:enjoy:
China was beating and ran away from 936 AD. France ran away from 1954.
China was ruled by Japan untill 1945, Briatain 1997 and Portugals 1999. and now you are Chinese is half-independence state citizen, coz Taiwan is under protectorate of Uncla Sam:enjoy:

I'm not Chinese. Also you are correct. Taiwan is a protectorate of the US, like the Philippines
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