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Strategic patience VS Strategic jump


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
strategic Patience, when its in your interest to wait and watch.

Strategic jump= Marg bar this marg bar that. few Ballistic missiles on poor Syrians..
The fact they regularly use these terms is a proof of their chess-player-like mentality.

My two cents is that no matter which they apply it always seems weird for the outside observer since other moves are anticipated.

Strategic jump:
Skip a couple of events/moves that hade been planned before. Probably because of an unexpected long term opportunity/threat.

Strategic wait:
As the name implies is to wait, even if it means you are missing out a short term opportunity or you are being threaten/attacked. You wait because of a long term benefit.
Strategic jump means hyper jump in nuclear & missile capabilities without making arm race in our region.

This topic is for only Iranian members.
What Strategic jump mean ????
What Strategic patience mean ????

We heard this two phrase several times in last years.
I think they don't refer to the same strategy.
Strategic patience is referring to overall reaction to all the recent moves against Iran. You wait for the right time and right place to respond

Strategic jump is referring to weapons. My interpretation is either breaking the self imposed 2 km limit on missile range or development of new weapons that nuclear bomb could be one of them.

Honestly, given everything that is going on, developing nukes is fair game for Iran.
Solid fuel ICBM !
Yes!! Our missile technology is why they haven't tried anything yet. We need to work on multiple fronts, missiles, cyber and proxies. These are the key ingredients for a healthy deterrent system. I would say, we've been lied to, disrespected and wronged for too long, and this is on top of the covert war that they have declared on us by attacking our economy, infrastructure and currency. To me this is a green light for nukes. We can no longer play the gentlemen part in a community of savages.
Strategic wait is to:
1. create a division between Europe and US, as you are witnessing today. How far this division goes is out of my imagination but Iran has currently created a unprecedented wedge between the two power blocks.
2. through a series of actions show turkey that nato and eu is not in their interest. Thus bringing Iran-turkey-Pakistan closer to an alliance
3. Turn Qatar from fierce enemy to dedicated supporter.
Strategic wait is to:
1. create a division between Europe and US, as you are witnessing today. How far this division goes is out of my imagination but Iran has currently created a unprecedented wedge between the two power blocks.
2. through a series of actions show turkey that nato and eu is not in their interest. Thus bringing Iran-turkey-Pakistan closer to an alliance
3. Turn Qatar from fierce enemy to dedicated supporter.

This "division" between Europe and the U.S is a dream. They are both in the pockets of Zionists and any Division is just a case of good cop vs. bad cop.
This "division" between Europe and the U.S is a dream. They are both in the pockets of Zionists and any Division is just a case of good cop vs. bad cop.
Iran is masterminding the same type of wedge the colonialists did to the Middle East ages ago. The reason the whole region is a mess is because of the Anglo divide and conquer strategy. It takes time, but the first signs are obvious.
In the last days I think and connect several points together and create bigger picture for Iran strategies, and I want to share it here.
Clearly, I suggest every body to watch full Gen. Salami interview which was more than two months before he became head of Sepah in first post of topic. My assumption is that at that specific time supreme leader ask several top generals to give him their plans for future of IRGC and country, and Now we know Ayatollah Khamenie chose Gen. Salami.

for predicting future I decide to create time table from past(I chose first day of Trump presidency) and continue that till now and continue that pattern for future. Base on that we can guess the player moves and reactions more precisely and create several diff scenarios base on that later.

I do not want to predict future or say what I think about Gen. Salami plan to Ayatollah look like or my assumptions about What Iran should do, but our future is build on our actions and reactions in past, so I am going to several important events in last 2.5 yrs of Trump presidency related to Iran.

1-the first important move I think happened by Mike Pompeo when he was head of CIA by appointing Dark Prince or Ayatollah Mike as head the Agency's Iran Mission Center after Rouhani reelection!!

probably, Ayatollah Mike team


2- Day 1396 (last days of 2017) start of Iran riots which almost completely failed later in summer of 1397 (2018), and as result of that failure the main and biggest American card against Iran burned for at least several years
I think Ayatollah Mike did his job well, but he repeated same mistake that Israel did in summer of 2006 or maybe his network on the ground had been confused and start operation before network become complete.
For understanding what I mean we must review 33 days war fast, That war happened by Hezbollah operation in summer of 2006, but we know now at that time IDF was preparing itself for surprise attack against Hezbollah in autumn or winter but Hezbollah operation gave them good reason to start war even before fully prepared for war and they lost their surprise option !!
In Day 1396 in my opinion same thing happened and uncompleted network fall in middle of unwanted but good riots which start from Mash'had, and again uncompleted network lost his surprise option and become identify and destroy easily.
In 1396 these clowns were serious :-)


And network on the ground tried to lead people to reach weapon warehouses (Police and Basij bases) and create another Syria in Iran.
This video clearly show Ayatollah mike plan to make another lawless country by putting arm on wrong hands. Several weapon warehouses were attacked at that days. We really were very lucky and smart people to not fall at that trap.

3-exiting nuclear deal and hot summer 1397
I continue this in next post till end of Strategic patience and coming of Gen Salami in 1398
Good summation of the events, but I think they were working on several fronts. Riots, setting up networks, communication infiltration, economic war etc..... I believe they had complete control of texting apps in Iran,( I'm only guessing, I don't have proof) but I think they figured out early on to get the people to organize they need to be able to send out mass text messages....then with some coordination they can direct the uprising. No country or person is safe as long as they're using Western cell or mobile technology.....I'm not an expert but I think the only sure way is to have military grade encryption.

PS: in regards to what the general says, he knew that the foreign intelligence and or military would be listening to his interview so he was making it clear that the strategic jump would be nukes groundwork and ICBMs....think about it, after what the U.S. has been doing to Iran, either through the works of the CIA, Stuxnet, assassination programs, currency attacks, sanctions and arming our enemies to the teeth any other semi heavy weight country would have gone to war (indirectly) against their interest in the M.E. if not the world. If Iran develops nukes it will because of their haphazard, cowboy policies......no one to blame but themselves. Remember a Fatwa can be withdrawn.......
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Good summation of the events, but I think they were working on several fronts. Riots, setting up networks, communication infiltration, economic war etc..... I believe they had complete control of texting apps in Iran,( I'm only guessing, I don't have proof) but I think they figured out early on to get the people to organize they need to be able to send out mass text messages....then with some coordination they can direct the uprising. No country or person is safe as long as they're using Western cell or mobile technology.....I'm not an expert but I think the only sure way is to have military grade encryption.

PS: in regards to what the general says, he knew that the foreign intelligence and or military would be listening to his interview so he was making it clear that the strategic jump would be nukes groundwork and ICBMs....think about it, after what the U.S. has been doing to Iran, either through the works of the CIA, Stuxnet, assassination programs, currency attacks, sanctions and arming our enemies to the teeth any other semi heavy weight country would have gone to war (indirectly) against their interest in the M.E. if not the world. If Iran develops nukes it will because of their haphazard, cowboy policies......no one to blame but themselves. Remember a Fatwa can be withdrawn.......
Hello my dude
Yes, you are right the war which imposed on Iran is Hybrid and I wanted to continue that in my second post. The intelligence war in purpose of creating chaos followed by economic war and even kinetic strikes outside of borders in places like Syria.
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