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Strategic Naval Encirclement by China is a Security Disaster for India in the Making

Bro are you still on their case!
Bro, check this out. Beware of Cathy.

Bro are you still on their case!
Ah, no I deleted a lot of my post which was irrelevant and off topic.
india could just send it's submarine lurking near the Indonesian island of sabang. and wait till the prey comes neara.
says who ? the one who gave up galwan valley "without" a fight.
you forget the very fact that China is your direct neighbour .
put missiles and hypersonic glide vehicles aside . your capital came under their Rocket Artillery's Range . they "mass produce" that .
the moment your submarine shot down any Chinese vessel . new delhi will face the rain .
indians are coward . when the push come to the shores india will backout even usa knows that .

Nahin ho paayega China se. Their Navy is also sissy like their Army. They all lack fighting spirit.
lol then what is stoping you to take back galwan valley?

the Indians understand that US and India geopolitical interest are the similar in nature.
usa want india to be the front player in such war . the question is could india afford it ?
hell no .
is india ready to face a nasty war "for usa"?
you are just considering a fictional naval war scenario. while a simple deployment of PAKISTANI AND CHINESE troops along LAC and LOC will bring bharat to it knees :) .

off course not, why would him, his ships and supersonic bombers are buzzing in and out uncontested in the waters as near as the coast near shanghai, I'm sure the message is clear to beijing.
here is another player of the show .

Seriously Chinese Don't have guts invade Taiwan Let Attacking in Indian ocean
look who is talking about guts :D . the one who gave land without a fight .

We abrogated article 370 and regularized J&K as our very own. Unilaterally. Kisine kuch kar paya kya?:D
says who ? the one who gave up galwan valley "without" a fight.
nobody will go on full confrontation for a small piece of land (for now), in my perspective this is a tactical victory for china, and huge strategic victory for the Indo-Pacific, a more hostile India will equate to the Increasing pressure towards china from the west all the while the US and it's allies (Japan) put pressure in the east. from an Indonesian perspective, this is good.
I do understand that china has been allocating more and more funds for the PLAN and PLAAF while reducing their share for the PLAGF, because china felt that itt's land border are secured enough. Hostilities with India could reverse that.

you forget the very fact that China is your direct neighbour .
Malaysia and Australia are actually our direct neighbor

put missiles and hypersonic glide vehicles aside . your capital came under their Rocket Artillery's Range . they "mass produce" that .
I do understand that India too has a missile arsenal that can reach beijing

usa want india to be the front player in such war . the question is could india afford it ?
hell no .
is india ready to face a nasty war "for usa"?
hell no......................, if they face china alone, even the USA will need help. there is no single nation solution for china, it requires the cooperation of the entire major Indo-Pacific Powers. USA+JAPAN+SK+AUSTRALIA+INDIA with an addition of middle powers like INDONESIA+MALAYSIA+VIETNAM.

china has jut manage to make a future alliance against them

you are just considering a fictional naval war scenario. .
the only one with some fantasy naval scenario here are the OP, encircling china???? did you actually know the balance between India and china in the IOR????
the OP stated that china has been encircling India with bases and allies such as Bangladesh,Pakistan,Myanmar etc but forgots that china herself are being encircled by enemies ranging from the US,Japan,Taiwan,SK,Vietnam and in the near future Indonesia and Australia.
major ASEAN Navies (Indonesia,Malaysia,Veitnam) are more potent than these navies the OP mentioned.
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I just realized that India has invest in deep water ports in Sabang,Indonesia easternmost territory.

Indonesia gives India access to strategic port of Sabang

"Indonesia had positioned a plan called the “global maritime fulcrum” that is “designed to balance the BRI”, he said. Indonesia and India are big enough that “we don’t have to lean towards any superpower, and this makes India a sensible partner for Indonesia”, he (Minister Luhut Pandjaitan)added.


@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @vishwambhar
I just realized that India has invest in deep water ports in Sabang,Indonesia easternmost territory.

Indonesia gives India access to strategic port of Sabang

"Indonesia had positioned a plan called the “global maritime fulcrum” that is “designed to balance the BRI”, he said. Indonesia and India are big enough that “we don’t have to lean towards any superpower, and this makes India a sensible partner for Indonesia”, he (Minister Luhut Pandjaitan)added.


@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @vishwambhar

Yes, this was in the news somewhat in years prior when it first started.

Indian economy (given that being so instrumentally crucial to geopolitics and military) needs heavy bulking however, to really make good fulfillment of these kind of projects with strong peers and regional powers like Indonesia that share lot of similar goals and similar threats.

I do hope both Indian and Indonesian economies have strong headwind and progress this decade.
I just realized that India has invest in deep water ports in Sabang,Indonesia easternmost territory.

Indonesia gives India access to strategic port of Sabang

"Indonesia had positioned a plan called the “global maritime fulcrum” that is “designed to balance the BRI”, he said. Indonesia and India are big enough that “we don’t have to lean towards any superpower, and this makes India a sensible partner for Indonesia”, he (Minister Luhut Pandjaitan)added.


@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @vishwambhar

Prospects for collaboration are very very good. Some twenty-five years ago, one of the companies I worked for was asked to step in to help out an Indonesian car manufacturer. One of the directors went there with a 15 person team for three months. The reports we got from him really whetted our appetite. There were concrete offers and invitations on the table; there were sufficient Indonesian kids to be trained and to take up first-line account management.

Things happened; I got into defence services, that company got bought over by IBM, everyone kind of lost track. A quarter-century later, Indonesia must really be a happening place. I really hope Indian entrepreneurs pay serious attention to the country, and I really hope that Indonesia gets the problem of Aceh and hotspots like that under control.
I just realized that India has invest in deep water ports in Sabang,Indonesia easternmost territory.

Indonesia gives India access to strategic port of Sabang

"Indonesia had positioned a plan called the “global maritime fulcrum” that is “designed to balance the BRI”, he said. Indonesia and India are big enough that “we don’t have to lean towards any superpower, and this makes India a sensible partner for Indonesia”, he (Minister Luhut Pandjaitan)added.


@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @vishwambhar

That's really a great news my friend.... Both India and Indonesia are regional powers and both have long maritime boundaries.... Its really great to see both are now strategically cooperating each other.... I think India too will offer access to Indonesia to its Andaman Nicobar islands.... Like we are now giving to Australians.... Seems my dream of our strategic alliance is coming true.....:enjoy::angel::yahoo:
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