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Story of the Two Khans

I seriously doubt you are a Pakistani.

imagine a war between Pakistan and India. An Indian Muslim is in the Indian army fighting side by side with his Hindu and Sikh Indian soldiers against an almost ALL Muslim Pakistani army. Now imagine he gets shot and dies. He would be remembered for fighting along side by side with Hindus and Sikhs (who by the way are not even the People of the Book but are Kuffars) against an all Muslim army, and he was protecting a Hindu majority India from a Muslim majority Pakistan.

Now imagine a Pakistani Muslim fighting side by side with his Muslim Pakistani soldiers against a Hindu majority army. Now imagine he gets shot and embraces martyrdom. He would be remembered for fighting along side by side with Muslims against a Hindu majority army, and he was protecting a Muslim majority Pakistan from a Hindu majority India.

Now which side would you like to be on?

I will never understand pro-india indian "muslims".

I appreciate your wisdom. As I cannot see the difference, how about this.. try your luck as a "Freshly appointed Suicide Bomber" and embrace martyrdom for the entire Muslim community. This will be more potential than giving life to Pakistan.

P.S: Surely you will be remembered for a long time not only in Pakistan but also in entire Muslim brotherhood(including India).
You are a fool! Pakistan is indeed an Islamic state, and we have Islamic values! Pakistanis dont want the foolish system of the British, we have our own system, and Insha Allah, we will get a true Islamic sytem! The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was made in the name of Islam, and will continue to be Muslim, Alhamdulillah! :pakistan:

Better come out of fool paradise, before its too late, US is knocking your doors , Supreme court rejected shariah bill approved by NWFP,still you think Pakistan is islamic republic ?:crazy:

Democractic system is not islamic ,in which numbers are counted.we need to change our present western democratic system to khalafat not only in Pakistan but also in all muslim countries .
Awwww. Do you want us to cry or something? And why did you Indian "Muslims" take the side of kuffar hindus and sikhs over an all Muslim army?

And by the way nice fiction...it will make a great bollywood flop.

I am a muslim and a canadian now suppose if there is a war between say pakistan and canada who will i side with my answer is clear cut and it is canada why because i am a canadian see pakistan might be a muslim majority country but pakistani or pakistaniyat is national symbol just like say india or cuba or for that matter any other nation theme or state it is nationalism plain and simple so the people on the pakistani side were fighting for pakistani nationalism and the the people on indian side were fighting for the indian nationalism it has absolutely nothing to do with Islam simple as that in some place you have more muslims and in some places you have less what has islam or hinduism or christianity or for that matter sikhism got to do with it the answer is simple nothing so even if pakistan had muslim majority and the other guy's country wasnt religion in any case really did not matter.

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Well a nice story.. whether it was fiction or truth..!! Why the hell do you guys need to look at it through your hate filled eyes. I felt very moved by this. The partition was done based on religion and not on hate so when did this hate thing started. People i guess decided to move thinking that everything will be all right one day. Now look at what we have today. These bloody politicians they broke a country which could have been the number one nation in the world if it stood united. They destroyed a nation(united india) by bringing in religion into politics.
I am a muslim and a canadian now suppose if there is a war between say pakistan and canada who will i side with my answer is clear cut and it is canada why because i am a canadian see pakistan might be a muslim majority country but pakistani or pakistaniyat is national symbol just like say india or cuba or for that matter any other nation theme or state it is nationalism plain and simple so the people on the pakistani side were fighting for pakistani nationalism and the the people on indian side were fighting for the indian nationalism it has absolutely nothing to do with Islam simple as that in some place you have more muslims and in some places you have less what has islam or hinduism or christianity or for that matter sikhism got to do with it the answer is simple nothing so even if pakistan had muslim majority and the other guy's country wasnt religion in any case really did not matter.


Pakistan and Canada will never enter war. Pakistan has problems with only one country and thats India. By the way, Canadians are mostly Christians they are not Kuffar they are the People of the Book. Hindus are Kuffar, we cant even eat with Hindus..it is against Islam.

If you are fighting shoulder with shoulder with Kuffar against an all Muslim army from a Majority Muslim nation, and you get shot and die... then you will have to answer to Allah on Judgement Day why you took the side of Kuffar and were fighting your own Muslim brothers.

I rather be on the side of the Muslim army who are fighting a Majority Kuffar army to protect our Muslim majority nation from the Majority Kuffar army.

Pakistani army is a Muslim army and Pakistan is a nation with 97% Muslims. I rather take the side of the Pakistani army because even if I get shot during war, I sacraficed my life fighting to protect my Muslim majority nation with my Muslim brothers from Hindu majority army from Hindu majority India.

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Pakistan and Canada will never enter war. Pakistan has problems with only one country and thats India. By the way, Canadians are mostly Christians they are not Kuffar they are the People of the Book. Hindus are Kuffar, we cant even eat with Hindus..it is against Islam.

If you are fighting shoulder with shoulder with Kuffar against an all Muslim army from a Majority Muslim nation, and you get shot and die... then you will have to answer to Allah on Judgement Day why you took the side of Kuffar and were fighting your own Muslim brothers.

I rather be on the side of the Muslim army who are fighting a Majority Kuffar army to protect our Muslim majority nation from the Majority Kuffar army.

Pakistani army is a Muslim army and Pakistan is a nation with 97% Muslims. I rather take the side of the Pakistani army because even if I get shot during war, I sacraficed my life fighting to protect my Muslim majority nation with my Muslim brothers from Hindu majority army from Hindu majority India.

8wAq4nkBqf4[/media] - AllahoAkbar - Dedicated to Pakistan Millitary

Now this guy is a perfect example of a propaganda victim....his words make no sense and to support his views he quotes religion and self destruction as a proof to convince people!!!
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Now this guy is a perfect example of a propaganda victim....his words make no sense and to support his views he quotes religion and self destruction as a proof to convince people!!!

Hindus are nonbelievers, Kuffar, we cant even sit and eat with Kuffar, it is against Islam.

Christians and Jews are the People of the Book we can sit and eat with them.

Muslims are the Believers.

All of what I said is true, even ask Muslims in India they will tell you.
Hindus are nonbelievers, Kuffar, we cant even sit and eat with Kuffar, it is against Islam.

Christians and Jews are the People of the Book we can sit and eat with them.

Muslims are the Believers.

All of what I said is true, even ask Muslims in India they will tell you.

backdated sick mentality unsuited for a peacefull world
Indians mostly dislike pakistan(not pakistanis) because of problems like terrorism or kashmir,.......but from some posts here it is evident that hatred for indians is in your blood,you dont need any reason to hate us........like this idiotic kuffar theory.........you hate people you never seen or interacted with
Hindus are nonbelievers, Kuffar, we cant even sit and eat with Kuffar, it is against Islam.

Christians and Jews are the People of the Book we can sit and eat with them.

Muslims are the Believers.

All of what I said is true, even ask Muslims in India they will tell you.

I live with a muslim roomie, kashmiri sunni for that fact, he eats with me, in fact he cooks bloody well; we do have debates over kashmir, but this religious crap I never heard from him so i suggest you get out of this madarassa attitude of yours and see the real world.
Ask your "Kashmiri Muslim" friend if its allowed in Islam for a Muslim to be eating with a hindu in the same table, and tell him to be honest. If not go ask a Muslim scholar.

Is Hindu going inside a Mosque allowed ?

Sometimes my Muslim Friend's Wife comes to my house to do the Cooking (Biryani) is it allowed ?

Is it allowed if she ties a Rakhi to me ?
Ask your "Kashmiri Muslim" friend if its allowed in Islam for a Muslim to be eating with a hindu in the same table, and tell him to be honest. If not go ask a Muslim scholar. I didnt tell anything incorrect in my posts, we cant even eat in the same table with hindus let alone stand shoulder to shoulder with them and fight Muslims.

Very Sorry to say this Omar. You are one sick man. You understand the meaning of islam, but you fail to understand the meaning of Human Being. I hope you get well soon..!!! I don't love you, but i don't hate you either, because you have done NO harm to me. But you don't love Hindus and at the same time you hate them too, its very sad to see such stupidity in this world. I hope you grow up and mature into a wonderful human being. But i beg you, please don't let these Muslim mullah's influence you. And this a very genuine plea from not an Indian, but a human being.
Hindus are nonbelievers, Kuffar, we cant even sit and eat with Kuffar, it is against Islam.

Christians and Jews are the People of the Book we can sit and eat with them.

Muslims are the Believers.

All of what I said is true, even ask Muslims in India they will tell you.

Ok I didnt want to reply to your posts because you certainly seem to be a victim of brainwashing, but since you wrongly claim to speak for all muslims....

The Quran mentions people of the book. Although it is agreed that it refers to the Jews and the Christians, scholars unanimously agree that it could refer to any group of people that have received a revealed book.

Now I doubt you have studied anything about Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion for that matter. Hindus are not a monolithic group. They consists of various sects which have there own practices.

So for example you will have the Vedantists, the Arya samajis, the Lingayats e.t.c. who are against idol worship and believe in one God. There are others who worship dieties like Ram and Krishna. They still agree that the supreme God has the qualities of Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva(Creator/Sustainer/Destroyer, attributes of Allah and similar to concept of trinity in Christianity)

Now there is a large agreement among scholars that the vedas could be considered as a revealed book because of its content on wahdaniyat and the nature of God. That is why Hindus who strictly follow the scripture tend to reject idol worship and believe in a single creator. Then there is the concept of avatar for Ram and Krishna, which would most likely be considered as messengers. Kalki avatar by some scholars has been noted to refer to Muhammed (SAW) as an avatar of God.
Ofcourse like the the Bible has been changed over time, it could be understandable that the vedas were modified over time as well. So Hindus and Christians share a lot of similarity if you look at the requirements of being people of the book.

According to a significant section of scholars, as long as any Hindu agrees and believes that the vedas are the revealed book of God, they can be considered as "people of the book". Now before you go ahead and say that they do shirk and indulge in idol worship. Don't the Christians do the same thing? They worship Jesus as the son of god and even pray to statues of saints. Are they then considered as mushrikeen? This theological argument is not new. These have been expounded and reiterated since the 12th century when muslim converts and immigrant muslims in India studied Hindu scriptures. A large section of the then sufi ulemas held the same view.

Let me remind you that Sri Lanka is considered to be the place where Adam(AS) stepped first on earth. It also believed that Noah (known as Manu in Sanskrit literature Noah and Human Etymology) settled in India and his grave is marked in Ayodhya. The gangetic plain is where his progeny is believed to have settled.
Moreover Sheesh (AS) is also believed to be buried there.
That is why Ayodhya is considered to be as important to muslims as it is to Hindus.
There are many other such things you could find if you were interested in studying other religions.

The word Kafir is used for some who DOES NOT believe in God and scriptures. Then if a Christian, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, Parsi e.tc. believes in God and follows scriptures (albeit in an altered form), how can he be a Kafir? Infact the Communists, and atheists can categorically be stated as Kafirs. Are you ready to fight against the Chinese now?

And even if there are Kafirs (which literally means rejector ), where did you get that you could not eat with them? Did not the prophet Muhammed (SAW) eat with the idolators of meccas? Did he not invite them to eat on his sufrah and mingle with them? And did'nt the sahaba do the same? He also did the same in Medina as well.
If these illustrious people had no problem eating with "Kafirs" and meeting with them with excellent "Akhlaq", then how can we say we won't? Besides, a Kafir would be as worthy of God's compassion as any one else including a muslim. Remember Huqoq-ul-ibad (rights of the creation) is greater thatn Huqoq-ul-Allah (Rights of the creator).
I suggest you have read through this.
Asia Times Online - The best news coverage from South Asia

All my arguments are based on theological arguments from ulema from dar-ul-uloom and 11th-12th century ulemas as well. The problem is that you don't know anything about world religion, but more importantly, you don't know about Islam itself, except for some Jihad/political Islam propaganda. You tarnish the noble concept of Jihad and the name of Islam by believing in there BS. I suggest you go to a proper scholar (not the ones raking in donations for Jihad) and ask his opinion on this matter.
You must understand that in the current situation, it would make sense to create propaganda that you are indeed fighting some holy war against "kafirs" just so that they can churn out fanatics and use them.

I hope I have cleared this misconception, even though this has nothing to do with the thread.
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^ Ok that is a pretty long post. Every Muslim would agree that in Islam, Hindus are not the Believers, not the People of the Book but are UNBELIEVERS (Kuffar in Arabic).

Jews and Christians are the only People of the Book because they have been given the Torah by Prophet Musa (pbuh) and the Gospel by Prophet Isa (pbuh). Both the original Torah and the original Gospel are words of Allah that is why we refer the Jews and the Christians as the People of the BOOK.

Now we cant even eat with Kuffar, eat from the same plate as them, or drink from the same glass as them. With People of the Book we can do all these things but not with Kuffar.

If you have a hard time believing me, read the Quran and the Sunnah and see what is said about the Disbelievers (athiests, hindus) or ask a Muslim Scholar.
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Ask your "Kashmiri Muslim" friend if its allowed in Islam for a Muslim to be eating with a hindu in the same table, and tell him to be honest. If not go ask a Muslim scholar. I didnt tell anything incorrect in my posts, we cant even eat in the same table with hindus let alone stand shoulder to shoulder with them and fight Muslims.


Stop your third class craps, look at your shoulder please stop it.

Who told you eating with hindu or non muslim is not allowed,it is allowed even non muslim came to learn islam in mosque madina,read islam son stop spreading hatred.

You even dont know difference between kuffer and Sirk do you?
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