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Story of the Two Khans


Who told you Pakistan army is muslim army then why Sikh and Hindu and other minorities part of it.:tsk:

Sikhs and Hindus dont even make up 1% of Pakistani army. They probably dont even make 0.01% of Pakistani army.

Do some research kid.
Do You know something, They attack the disbelievers of allah, Isnt that whats said in holy kuran as you call it?

The very terrorists came into existance from the day pakistan created there first army of terrorists to attack India... Terrorists are brainwashed in the name of allah,they kill in the name of allah, and they Spread fear in the name of allah... Do you need proof?:flame::flame::flame:

Why are you flaming , be positive :enjoy:
Sikhs and Hindus dont even make up 1% of Pakistani army. They probably dont even make 0.01% of Pakistani army.

Do some research kid.

Door is now open for all minorities , they will join and can send your secrets to enemy.:tsk::agree:

Faith comes first then any thing else which you can not understand at this age, what is your age same is my experience .
Well, So much propoganda..Let me show how Khans and pathans of Pakistan Army.
General Muhammad Ayub Khan
Commands held Brigade in Waziristan
14th Infantry Division, Dhaka
Adjutant General (AG)
Deputy Commander-in-Chief
Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army from 1951 to 1969
President of Pakistan from 1958 to 1969
General Yahya Khan
President of Pakistan from 1969 to 1971 as well as Head of Army
General Gul Hussan Unfortunately he was removed by Bhutto.He was a very good General.
General Gul Hassan Khan, SPk, SQA, was the last Commander-in-Chief, Pakistan Army.After independence, he served the Pakistan Army for 25 years. In 1969, he was made the Chief of General Staff (CGS) of the Pakistan Army.
General Musa Khan Hazara
was the Chief of Pakistan's Army Staff. He succeeded Field Marshal Ayub Khan, who assumed the Presidency of Pakistan.
Sahabzada Yaqub Khan
Lieutenant General (retd) Sahabzada Yaqub Ali Khan (born 23 December 1920) was the international face of Pakistan for as many as three decades. He served as Foreign Minister of Pakistan from 1982 to 1991 during the dying days of Cold War and then caretaker Foreign Minister from 1996 to 1997. Before that, he was Pakistan Ambassador to United States, then Soviet Union and France from 1972 to 1982. He was a central player in the UN negotiations to end the Soviet involvement in Afghanistan.
General Waheed Kakar
General Abdul Waheed Kakar, NI(M), SBt, afwc, fsc(c) (born 20 March, 1937) was the Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army from 12 January, 1993 to 12 January, 1996.
General Asad Durrani
Lieutenant General Mohammad Asad Durrani (born 7 February 1941) is a Pashtun retired military general. He is a former head of the Pakistani intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence. He graduated from Government College Lahore in 1959, and was commissioned from the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) in 1960. During his 34 years with the Army, he served in a number of command, staff and instructional appointments, and took part in the wars of 1965 and 1971.
There are many more examples like General Akther Abdur Rehman etc.. but i guess these are enough.I know you guys would play Punjabi army card sooner or later so decided to post this.
Well, So much propoganda..Let me show how Khans and pathans of Pakistan Army.
General Muhammad Ayub Khan

General Yahya Khan

General Gul Hussan Unfortunately he was removed by Bhutto.He was a very good General.

General Musa Khan Hazara

Sahabzada Yaqub Khan

General Waheed Kakar

General Asad Durrani

There are many more examples like General Akther Abdur Rehman etc.. but i guess these are enough.

Why you forget Gen Niazi :lol:
Well you have every right to doubt the veracity of the story. But you don't have to get so emotional and insecure about it. You can logically explain your pov like niaz did without bringing unrelated and inconsequential topics into this thread.

I agree the author has embellished the story to bring out some emotional aspects and is not objective per se. However, the emotional farewells that Hindus Sikhs and Muslims gave to each other before making the journey to the other side is documented not only among army officers but among the common folk as well.

Also, this story of two brothers fighting on opposite sides is not only listed by this Indian author but by British historians in Freedom at Midnight.

Infact, you can go to primary sources and declassified documents provided by the British that talk about the partition of the Indian Army. And the fact that about 200+ Commissioned Officers and 300+ Viceroy Commissioned (to be called JCOs later) Muslim officers (mostly Rohilla Pathans) choose to stay with India.

Even if you negate this fact about two brothers fighting on either side of the border. There were Muslim majority regiments fighting in the Indian army in Kashmir sector in 47, 65 and so on. Infact' the chief of planning of Indian Air Force in 71 was a Muslim as well.

Of course, I don't disagree that currently Indian muslims are heavily underrepresented in the Indian Army and security establishment. This is because of a false perceived notion among the right-wing establishment on the question of Indian muslim loyalty after the partition.

This has to be rectified asap and consciously by GoI. The Sachar committee as well as recent recruitment drives for Indian Muslims (including Kashmirs) are steps in that direction. (E.G.: India Muslim Kashmiri soldier dies fighting militants I made effort to find a non-Indian source so please appreciate )

At the same time, the GoP recruiting non-muslims is very important for the future of Pakistani state as well. A modern society can succeed only by embracing diversity, not hiding it

To other posters, I suggest you read some primary historical sources and some good researched books on the British Indian Army. There are many such stories you will find. Like the author said, such stories have been the tragedy and curse of the subcontinent. Will we ever get close together? With deep sorrow, I think this will never happen- at least as long as politicians continue to have the upper hand, and the terrorists their way.

I can say with full confidence, that even IF India becomes a Muslim majority country, there will still be conflict between India and Pakistan; given the fact that there vested interests(including international vested interests) in keeping the conflict alive. The SAARC countries trading, cooperating and prospering without being dependent on external parties is too difficult to swallow for some.

and Omar1984, you sound to young to understand that the world is not black and white but shades of grey. I hope you will ponder on this. Not all muslims are good and not all non-muslims are bad. You need to read up on the life of the Prophet to understand how he dealt with non-muslims and how much importance he had for Muslim lives.
sounds like fiction without any historical basis. the author should have mentioned he was doing creative writing :D
Few PA officiers refused to fight in Wana , because islam dont allow killing of muslims at any condition, but army has to obey the order of government right or wrong (as per islam or not)?

Are you serious. Tell me one ayah or ahadith that says fighting against criminals/terrorists is wrong.

To all indian muslims here. Learn something about asabiyah and the views on it in islam.

Pakistan may not be theocratic state but Pakistan was made for the muslims of south asia regardless of nationality.

Whereas you guys prefer nationality and prefer being called indians or should i say Bharaties in the local south asian languages.

Have fun there.
Are you serious. Tell me one ayah or ahadith that says fighting against criminals/terrorists is wrong.

To all indian muslims here. Learn something about asabiyah and the views on it in islam.

Pakistan may not be theocratic state but Pakistan was made for the muslims of south asia regardless of nationality.

Whereas you guys prefer nationality and prefer being called indians or should i say Bharaties in the local south asian languages.

Have fun there.

Main Asad,

I am refering to Musharaf attack in wana on 2003-2004 at that time many officers refused to fight.

You dont know the inside stories , so called terrorist killed by our army their bodies remain fresh but dead bodies of our soldiers become hard .Better ask any soldier of that war ,it is true or not?
You dont know the inside stories , so called terrorist killed by our army their bodies remain fresh but dead bodies of our soldiers become hard .Better ask any soldier of that war ,it is true or not?

If you think like that then may GOD help you.
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You dont know the inside stories , so called terrorist killed by our army their bodies remain fresh but dead bodies of our soldiers become hard .Better ask any soldier of that war ,it is true or not?
Oh man oh..You are either high or out of your senses.Get off your crackpipe man.
Who told you that Pakistan is islamic state? Pakistan is democratic republic country , majority is authority same as india by chance we have muslim majority .But it is our desire that Pakistan become muslim state for which it was created

You are a fool! Pakistan is indeed an Islamic state, and we have Islamic values! Pakistanis dont want the foolish system of the British, we have our own system, and Insha Allah, we will get a true Islamic sytem! The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was made in the name of Islam, and will continue to be Muslim, Alhamdulillah! :pakistan:
TTP Taliban are not Muslims, they are a bunch of uncircimcised bastards.

And we are not fighting side by side with Kuffar Hindus against Taliban.

Pakistani army is almost all Muslims and Pakistan is almost all Muslims we are protecting Pakistan from Kuffars, be it Hindu or TTP Taliban.

Good stuff brother! Pakistan will always remain Islamic, Insha Allah!

Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya?

La Ilaha Il Allah, Muhammadur Rasool Allah (Sal Allahu Alayhe Wasalam)! :pakistan:
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