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^ These indian "muslims" have their own religion I think.

Everyone knows you cant eat with Kuffar (hindu), it is in Islam that we cant eat with Kuffar (hindu).

Stop trying to kiss up to hindus like you indian "muslims" always do.

Oh yea, they might come with torches after you and burn you alive like they did in gujrat 2002, so you have to kiss up to them.
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^ These indian "muslims" have their own religion I think.

Everyone knows you cant eat with Kuffar (hindu), it is in Islam that we cant eat with Kuffar (hindu).

Stop trying to kiss a** of hindus like you indian "muslims" always do.

Oh yea, they might come with torches after you and burn you alive like they did in gujrat 2002, so you have to kiss their a**.

You are violating forum rule man, read little more about islam and grow man

Please stop abusive language other wise ready for ban
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@omar,Gujrat is a state of a huge country called india,there is enough land in india leaving gujrat or babri.............but offcourse your small brain filled with hatred is not capable of understanding that.........do you even care to see that many hindus also tried to save the muslims from the extremist hindus risking there lives......,..no,you dont,as you are a ****** hypocrate........you know,how to hate a human whom you never saw because they are 'KUFFAR'.........HINDUS WITH SICK MENTALITY CAUSED GUJRAT RIOT,AND YOUR MENTALITY IS NO DIFFERENT FROM THEM though A MUSLIM!........
^ These indian "muslims" have their own religion I think.

Everyone knows you cant eat with Kuffar (hindu), it is in Islam that we cant eat with Kuffar (hindu).

Stop trying to kiss a** of hindus like you indian "muslims" always do.

Oh yea, they might come with torches after you and burn you alive like they did in gujrat 2002, so you have to kiss their a**.

dude reply in a civil manner...

do I need to remind you Parachinar genocide?

If you don't have words to express yourself then do not post... stop your abusive language.
I live with a muslim roomie, kashmiri sunni for that fact, he eats with me, in fact he cooks bloody well; we do have debates over kashmir, but this religious crap I never heard from him so i suggest you get out of this madarassa attitude of yours and see the real world.

Don't insult madrasas by equating this attitude with them. No madrasas graduate would agree with him if he has true knowledge of Islam
Don't insult madrasas by equating this attitude with them. No madrasas graduate would agree with him if he has true knowledge of Islam

I didnt degrade madrasas...the attitude was what I am referring to.
Jeez...the guy has gone bonkers...nothing anybody says will convince him of the reality...i guess leave him alone in his twisted delusional hateful world. The side effects of propaganda..mental failure.
Hindus are nonbelievers, Kuffar, we cant even sit and eat with Kuffar, it is against Islam.

Christians and Jews are the People of the Book we can sit and eat with them.

Muslims are the Believers.

All of what I said is true, even ask Muslims in India they will tell you.

one word : pathetic post

words of wisdom: worship GOD but dont try to become god for you or anybody for that matter can never become. Who is a believer and who is not is only upto god to decide and not us.

hope this helps
To ^ & ^^ & ^^^ & ^infinity :

All you guys are a couple of young hotshots, :disagree:

Dont be so prompt and arrogant, all of you!

I saw one very acid comment:

"ask your Muslim friend if Islam allows eating on the same table with Hindus?" probably by one of our Indian +/- Hindu friend.

Well bro, Yes it does, as a matter of fact, let me name someone from your own side of the border, the Saint now buried at your Ajmir Shairf.

True religion both Hindu and Islam does not promote hatred, so before you say so, PALEEEZE read your own scripture :smitten:
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