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Stop work in Pakistan Kashmir, says India after being urged to back ‘One China’

They said China has not made any move so far to address India’s concerns over the CPEC, which remains the key reason for India to oppose China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Well China didn't even want to respond on the concerns of India on CPEC LOL
Stop work in Pakistan Kashmir, says India after being urged to back ‘One China’

Kashmir is not belong to India when they still hold our South Tibet LMAO. If there is no one China there will not be one India as simple as that: if India think to play Taiwan card then they should expect to be balkanized, we shall see who will prevail.
Wow! I'm blown. No rhetorics?

Director General Sridharan Madhusudhanan IFS (Indian Foreign Service) de facto ambassador to de facto embassy:lol:. Anything else?

So who is the ambassador to ROC?

Highest ranking diplomatic representative of one sovereign state to another. He or she is the chief officer of an embassy which is normally located in the capital of the country.
Oh yeah smart @$$, they were quoting your bhartis, look at this official statement,

View attachment 479559

You bhartis have a habit of spreading your propaganda with passion.

Every single indian news agency does it, where are you hiding that time?

Why would I be reading Indian News sites regularily?
That happens only if there is a link to something I am interested in like the fighter tender.

Note that there is a difference between a site that “corrects” postings by readers in a forum,
and a general Internet function that rewrites anything read from a website.
I was referring to the latter.
So who is the ambassador to ROC?

Highest ranking diplomatic representative of one sovereign state to another. He or she is the chief officer of an embassy which is normally located in the capital of the country.
He is the Chief officer of the de facto embassy. :) Severe lack of cognitive ability makes one repeat himself.

What are you f@tring daw? Following is my quote, use glasses and read again,
What? o_O

Speak English. And try to understand what's written.
He is the Chief officer of the de facto embassy. :) Severe lack of cognitive ability makes one repeat himself.

What? o_O

Speak English. And try to understand what's written.

So who is the ambassador to ROC?

There is one for the PRC though.

As we can observe non-serious Indian attitude towards SCO, its better to keep them out of Belt and road initiative and not to expect any positive contribution in regional development projects as they are more interested in regional hegemony with their old colonial mindset without understanding the changing dynamics and its effect on the region, Indian whining have more issues with increased Chinese presence in the region as it directly hurt their hegemonic ambitions. While it’s not the first time we have launched developing projects in Azad Kashmir.
Pakistan has boldly and maturely offered India an olive branch in the form of joining CPEC, even offering for the name of the corridor to be changed due to India's childish opposition to it. This generous gesture, however, should not be brought up again. Instead, India shall observe Pakistan's rapid development and an even stronger independence movement in Indian occupied Kashmir as a result of the population seeing their fellow Kashmiris enjoying their freedom and a high quality of living on the other side of the LoC. This shall only happen if CPEC benefits Pakistan as much as it has been sold to us by the Chinese and Pakistani leadership which I hope it does.
Pakistan has boldly and maturely offered India an olive branch in the form of joining CPEC, even offering for the name of the corridor to be changed due to India's childish opposition to it. This generous gesture, however, should not be brought up again. Instead, India shall observe Pakistan's rapid development and an even stronger independence movement in Indian occupied Kashmir as a result of the population seeing their fellow Kashmiris enjoying their freedom and a high quality of living on the other side of the LoC. This shall only happen if CPEC benefits Pakistan as much as it has been sold to us by the Chinese and Pakistani leadership which I hope it does.

Such projects cannot produce maximum level of benefits for any nation unless they stand for it so success of CPEC should be on our national priority and again it’s not an end but a beginning of a new age of development, as we know that Pakistan’s location have strategic importance and it connects South Asia to north and central asia, and connects middle east to south Asia, So infrastructural developments will definitely aid us and we should make a full use of it to back our economy, then on other side we have India a major market of south Asia failed to gain anything from this opportunity due to their ignorance and unrealistic image that they have about the region, They just keep denying the fact that how important is having better bilateral relations with Pakistan for them, and their illegal occupation of Kashmir causing the prime obstacle in it, They cannot achieve their hegemonic ambitions without resolving all issues with Pakistan, and as these both nuclear neighboring countries cannot afford another war as it could be result in a catastrophe, so negotiation is the only option they have in the end.
Such projects cannot produce maximum level of benefits for any nation unless they stand for it so success of CPEC should be on our national priority and again it’s not an end but a beginning of a new age of development, as we know that Pakistan’s location have strategic importance and it connects South Asia to north and central asia, and connects middle east to south Asia, So infrastructural developments will definitely aid us and we should make a full use of it to back our economy, then on other side we have India a major market of south Asia failed to gain anything from this opportunity due to their ignorance and unrealistic image that they have about the region, They just keep denying the fact that how important is having better bilateral relations with Pakistan for them, and their illegal occupation of Kashmir causing the prime obstacle in it, They cannot achieve their hegemonic ambitions without resolving all issues with Pakistan, and as these both nuclear neighboring countries cannot afford another war as it could be result in a catastrophe, so negotiation is the only option they have in the end.
Indeed, though as the gap in power between Pakistan and India widens, the latter feels emboldened to behave confrontationally at international forums, on the border and through sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. CPEC provides Pakistan with an opportunity to significantly close the gap by rapidly developing our economy so it should, as you say be our national priority. Naturally, China will try to maximise the benefits of CPEC for themselves so we should not give in to every one of their demands but I'm afraid that Pakistani leadership may give in to bribery and other forms of corruption and ultimately Pakistan may get a bad deal and be left laden with debt. I am no professor in economics so I am putting my trust in those who claim to know it all be fine.
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