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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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^^ They need to be convinced that they did the right thing by converting every day.

It is an endless quest...............
More shocking atrocities from Hindus - now in Karnataka

Please pray the Christians in Karnataka state, India. The situation of Christians in Karnataka is not good, although the central government has put pressure on the Hindu state government to rein in their goons. The RSS and BJP are planning more violence against Christians.

Yesterday there were many attacks on churches in different parts of Karnataka.

Few churches in Bangalore (Yelahanka and Yeshwanthpur) were also been attacked by RSS. They have demolished churches in Mangalore and Udupi Districts at the same time. 18 churches have been completely banned in Davengare Dist. Government is planning to put an end to all the home churches in Karnataka. Government is also planning to stop the visit of Joyce Meyer to Bangalore in January 2009 and create problems during that time.

Please pray for New Life Church in Karnataka .Anti Christians are trying stop the entire ministry here

Orissa Christians are under terrific threat. Local Christians are not allowed to stay in the villages they have taken shelter in the surrounding forests as the villagers compel them to worship idols if they come out. Also there is no safety for any Christian in these places. Many Christians had been killed and burnt alive. Houses of believers and churches are being torched. There is no support from the Government.

One believer was cut into 3 pieces after he refused to deny Jesus. His wife was gang raped in front of his eyes before killing him. And she her throat was also slit and left in the house. A pastor was kidnapped and was drove 80 kns from his village all the while being hit and abused. They took him into a temple put the kumkum and thiruneer on his forehead and then he was taken to another place were he escaped. The people in the jungle have no food to eat and are surviving the rainy weather. One family had to run away into the jungles with the young and old after the villagers came to know that they were Christians. On the way the old father broke his leg and they could not rescue him they had to leave him there and never saw him again.

There are too many stories like this happening in Orissa. Please pray that the Lion of Judah will rule over these places.
Name of source has been withheld to protect his identity.

More shocking atrocities from Hindus - now in Karnataka | Christian Faith Site
This is very unfortunate. I hope this is isolated and not widespread. Atrocities like this must be stopped. Im sure action will be taken?
Hindu Radicals’ Terrorist Attacks Against Christians:

Hindutva Terror against Christians

Lot of hot air, very little substance. A very long article which mentions Karnataka a bit in the beginning& in the end. No substance whatsoever. Standard ploy....Divert to events in Orissa, Gujarat etc..... Mention BJP government in Karnataka....throw some mud...what exactly is the heinous nature of the atrocities in Karnataka? Neither you nor anyone else has come up with anything to that effect.

Btw, your articles are usually from religious sites -christian & muslim blogs. They do not constitute an unbiased news source.
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Christians Face 1,000 Attacks in 500 Days in Karnataka:

Investigation concludes Hindu nationalist state government is responsible.

NEW DELHI, March 22 (CDN) — Christians in Karnataka state are under an unprecedented wave of Christian persecution, having faced more than 1,000 attacks in 500 days, according to an independent investigation by a former judge of the Karnataka High Court.

The spate began on Sept. 14, 2008, when at least 12 churches were attacked in one day in Karnataka’s Mangalore city, in Dakshina Kannada district, said Justice Michael Saldanha, former judge of the Karnataka High Court.

“On Jan. 26 – the day we celebrated India’s Republic Day – Karnataka’s 1,000th attack took place in Mysore city,” Saldanha told Compass, saying the figure was based on reports from faith-based organizations.

Saldanha conducted the People’s Tribunal Enquiry into the attacks on Christians in Karnataka on behalf of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties’ Dakshina Kannada district chapter, the Catholic Association of South Kanara (another name for Dakshina Kannada) and the Karnataka Chapter of Transparency International.

“Attacks are taking place every day,” said Saldanha, chairperson of the Karnataka Chapter of Transparency International.

The latest attack took place on Wednesday (March 17), when a mob of around 150 people led by the Hindu extremist Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council or VHP) and its youth wing, Bajrang Dal, stormed the funeral of a 50-year-old Christian identified only as Isaac, reported the Karnataka-based Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC).

As Pastor Sunder Raj of St. Thomas Church in Gijahalli, near Arsikere in Hassan district, was about to begin the funeral service, the mob pulled the coffin apart and desecrated the cross the relatives of the deceased were carrying. They threw the body into a tractor and dumped it outside, saying his burial would have contaminated Indian soil and his body should be buried in Rome or the United States, added the GCIC.

With police intervention, the funeral took place later the same day.

Blaming the state government for the attacks, Saldanha said the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had “outdone Orissa.”

Karnataka Home Minister V.S. Acharya denied the results of the inquiry.

“The allegation of Karnataka having faced 1,000 attacks is absolutely false,” Acharya told Compass. “There is liberty in the state. Sections of the media are trying to hype it, and such claims are politically motivated. Karnataka is the most peaceful state in India, and the people are law-abiding.”

The wave of persecution in Karnataka began as fallout of the anti-Christian mayhem in eastern Orissa state, where Maoists killed a VHP leader on Aug. 23, 2008, with Hindu extremists wrongly accusing Christians. The attacks in Orissa’s Kandhamal district, the epicenter of the bloodbath, killed more than 100 people and burned 4,640 houses, 252 churches and 13 educational institutions.

Violent attacks have stopped in Orissa, but Karnataka continues to burn.

In addition to the attacks, numerous Christians also have faced false charges of fraudulent or forced conversions throughout Karnataka.

“I have been to many police stations where complaints of [forced] conversions have been lodged against Christians, and when I asked the police why they were acting on frivolous complaints, most of them told me that they had orders from above,” he said.

In his report, he notes that Christians “are dragged to the police station under false allegations, immediately locked up, beaten up and denied bail by the lower judiciary, which functions as the loyal partner of the police department and refuses bail on the grounds that ‘the police have objected.’”

The report says 468 Christian workers in rural areas had been targeted with such actions since September 2008.

“Numerous others have been threatened and beaten up,” the report states. “The police are totally out of control, with the lower judiciary having abdicated its constitutional obligation of safeguarding the citizens’ rights particularly from a tyrannical state machinery, while the state government proclaims that everything is peaceful.”

Chief Minister Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa and Home Minister Acharya are from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (Hindu nationalist conglomerate or the RSS), believed to be the parent organization of the BJP, Saldanha pointed out.

He also said that although the attacks on Christians had turned public sentiment against the BJP in Karnataka, the party seemed to care little as both opposition parties, the Congress Party and the regional Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S) party, were “in shambles” in the state.

In May 2009 the BJP lost general (national) elections, and since then sections of the party are in desperation, he said, adding, “Perhaps this is one of the reasons why attacks continue to happen in Karnataka.”

Saldanha said the state government was controlling media coverage of the attacks by “monetary appeasement.”

“The citizens are told that the situation is happy and under control, principally because the greater part of the media is being fed or appeased with massive publicity advertisements which have cost the state exchequer over 400 million rupees [US$8.8 million], most of the money clandestinely billed to the various Government Corporations and Public bodies,” Saldanha states in the introduction to his yet unpublished report.

The BJP came to sole power in Karnataka in May 2008. Prior to that, it ruled in alliance with the JD-S party for 20 months.

There are a little more than 1 million Christians in Karnataka, where the total population is over 52 million.

Christians Face 1,000 Attacks in 500 Days in Karnataka
Copy paste is not proof, merely pasting an opinion of someone in another forum here does not make you a scholar.

Is Manu Smriti a part of the Vedas?


wow , i was just pasting what is in scripture where did i claimed am scholar..

What is wrong with copy paste, i cant wirte hindu scripture myself ofc i will copy what hindus say :wave:

I have given exact veda reference which hindu frds here demanded

Yajur Veda 2.2.10:
'Too much splendour is produced', they say, 'he is liable to become a leper'; he should insert the verses of Manu's; whatever Manu said is medicine."

Before criticizing me see that what i have said.....
Lot of hot air, very little substance. A very long article which mentions Karnataka a bit in the beginning& in the end. No substance whatsoever. Standard ploy....Divert to events in Orissa, Gujarat etc..... Mention BJP government in Karnataka....throw some mud...what exactly is the heinous nature of the atrocities in Karnataka? Neither you nor anyone else has come up with anything to that effect.

Btw, your articles are usually from religious sites -christian & muslim blogs. They do not constitute an unbiased news source.

Quoted in the vain hope of curing the obsession of certain elements

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------


Quoted again for reference ,

I'm a Catholic Christian from Mangalore. Born and brought up there. Lived there for 25years of my life. I nor any one in my family or any of the fellow Catholics I know has faced any hate crime or discriminated against due to religion. In fact there are a few radical Christian sects who have recently started operations in the region, who are creating communal problems not only for non-Christians, but even for Catholic Christians, who have been living there in peace with other communities for many centuries. These new radical christian sects are mostly funded from foreign countries and they are run like multi-national companies. The more the members they get, the more the funds they can get.

Now its funny that certain people who left India in 1947 and infact left Asia itself soon after continue to prfess their ignorance by ignoring the words of people from the ground. Let the tamasha continue..:cheesy:
Christians Face 1,000 Attacks in 500 Days in Karnataka:

Christians Face 1,000 Attacks in 500 Days in Karnataka

Justice Saldanha (retd) was not working in his official capacity nor was he appointed to officially conduct any enquiry. In absence of that official sanction (either state, central or Judicial), he would have almost no access to official reports or to governmental personnel & certainly not to those he is accusing. He is entitled to his opinion but it is best remembered that it is just an opinion of a retired judge who is part of the community that is being targeted.

Nice try, still no Cigar.
Incidents of persecution of Christians in Karnataka:

June 29 (CDN) — Karnataka, June 28 (Compass Direct News) – Hindu extremists assaulted Silvester Pereira, a Roman Catholic priest at Carmel Church at Katkeri, in the village of Koteshwara, Kundapura, in a hospital on June 25, the Deccan Herald News Service (DHNS) reported. Fr. Pereira had gone to Surgeon Hospital, along with four companions, for a medical check-up. As he waited for a doctor, four local Hindu extremists confronted the priest and his companions, accusing them of forcibly converting people to Christianity, according to the website of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. Local sources told Compass the accusers were members of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. They pulled Fr. Pereira down the stairs, pushed him to the floor and struck him with kicks and blows. One of his companions tried to intervene and lost teeth in the altercation. The extremists took them to a local police station and accused them of forcible conversion. Initially police refused to allow Fr. Pereira to file a complaint, but with the support of another priest he was able to file a First Information Report against the assailants. At press time, police had arrested one person.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists of the Hindu Jagaran Vedike attacked pastor Paul Samuel in Sirsi, Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka state on June 10, Samuel told a meeting of Christian leaders organized by the All-India Christian Council and the Joint Action Forum of Christians in Bangalore on June 21. According to The Hindu newspaper, Samuel told the meeting, “No one, not the local member of the Legislative Assembly, the police or the media are on our side.” Dr. Sam Paul of the All India Christian Council told Compass the meeting of Christian leaders was held to develop a strategy for networking and staging protest marches and sit-ins. “The police are not responding to the Christian appeal for security as they should,” Samuel said. “Often the police connive with the fundamentalist elements to harass the Christians.”

Karnataka – Hindu extremists burned 500 copies of a book called The Life History of Jesus Christ that they confiscated from a girls primary school in Siddapur, Karnataka state on June 18, the Vijay Times reported. The mob, drawn from Hindu Jagarana Vedike (HJV, or Hindu Forum for Revival) and the Bharatiya Janata Party claimed that the books were being used to convert schoolchildren to Christianity. They also staged a protest in Sirsi. According to local sources, the Siddapur protest was conducted under the leadership of Member of Legislative Assembly Vivekananda Vaidya, who told reporters, “This matter will be taken to the knowledge of the education minister, and action will be taken by the authorities.” Others present in the protest were BJP town President K.J. Naik and Satish Kodia of the HJV.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists allegedly belonging to the Hindu Jagarana Vedike (HJV) handed over nine Christians to the police on June 10 in Sirsi, Karnataka state, for alleged forcible conversion of Hindus to Christianity, said Dr. Sajan George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians. “The Christians were assembled for Sunday worship when the HJV activists disrupted the prayers and dragged the nine believers to the local police station,” George said. The nine Christians mentioned in the HJV’s complaint are Paul Samuel and his wife Estela, John Alfhans, Zavier Fernandes, Iresh Bhovi, Usha Manohar Naik and others identified only as Pramod, Ganesh, Antoni.

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This is very unfortunate. I hope this is isolated and not widespread. Atrocities like this must be stopped. Im sure action will be taken?

Yup, thankfully this persecution is not part of the Indian constitution. :)
Manusmriti was composed between 200 BCE and 200 CE, after the breakdown of Mourya empire, it was the product of the void of that time.

Vedas were composed roughly between 1500–1000 BCE, now do the math genius!

Anyway there are schools of Hinduism which reject Vedas and yet to be called Hindus, we are not people of the Book!

o yeah read carefully what Veda says genius who put these things in veda?
Other incidents of violence against Christians in Karnataka:

Karnataka – At least 25 Hindu extremists on August 26 launched a violent attack on a house church in Kolar district, Karnataka state, stabbing one member and beating the pastor. In Raji Nagar area, Malur, the attackers beat 38-year-old independent pastor Emmanuel Venkatesh and M.S. Thimmakka and stabbed a church member identified as Venkattarajappa on his hand and hips, said Dr. Sajan K. George of the Global Council of Indian Christians. The attack took place during Sunday worship at Thimmakka’s house in Malur, about 55 kilometers (34 miles) from Bangalore. The extremists also vandalized Thimmakka’s house. All of the injured were admitted to Malur Hospital. Circle Inspector Shiva Kumar initially tried to defend the perpetrators when George contacted him, but the official later filed a complaint against them. No one had been arrested at press time.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists of the Rashtriya Swayemsevak Sangh (RSS) thrashed students of the Full Gospel Church on August 21 in Davangere, Karnataka. Dr. Sajan K. George of the Global Council of Indian Christians said that six female and 12 male students were on a picnic when a person approached them and began questioning them. A mob of around 50 RSS extremists arrived on bicycles, motorbikes and cars and began hitting and kicking the students, swearing at and insulting them, and accusing them of forcible conversion, George said. The extremists dragged students identified only as Parasuram, Ramesh, Vani Jyothi, Pushpa, Vijay, Shilpa, Prasan, Nirmala and Chandra, to the Vidyanagara police station and filed a complaint of forcible conversion against them. Police initially told Compass the students were arrested but later said they were held “for keeping peace” and released on August. 27. “The case against the students was officially closed,” a police official told Compass.

Karnataka – About 50 people on August 19 beat some of the 30 people worshipping at Indian Pentecostal Church of God in Jakkur, Bangalore in Karnataka state. Entering the facility where congregants were worshipping at 11:30 a.m. and bolting the doors shut behind them, the attackers beat four church members. When church members managed to escape, the assailants chased them away, following them to a house. The attackers ran them from that place too. “These attackers had warned us not to conduct worship service today,” pastor Thomas Koshy told Compass. “Even a week before, these people had attacked our meeting and nothing extreme took place. But this time they made it severe.” A member of the church filed a police complaint, but the assailants indicated they would seek another opportunity to beat the pastor. The owner of the facility where the church worships has asked the pastor to vacate the hall.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists threw stones at Kalwari Prayer Centre in Ganeshpur, a suburban area of Belgaum, Karnataka, causing damages to the prayer hall, house and nursery late at night on August 15, according to the Deccan Herald News Service (DHNS). Pastor Sajan Philips told Compass that at 11:30 p.m. about a dozen youths threw stones at the center for about half an hour, “damaging the cement sheets of the roof and breaking all the windows and the portico of the church.” Phillips filed a police complaint, but at press time no one had been arrested. Police suspect the stoning might have taken place as the result of evangelization activities in the area, the DHNS reported. The center was attacked twice in 2005.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh on August 5 disrupted and stopped a Christian prayer meeting for the dedication of a Seventh Day Adventist Prayer Hall in Sira town, Karnataka. Sajan K. George of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) said that subsequently, on August 16, police summoned the president of the Seventh Day Adventist church, Peter Alamane, along with secretary A.J. Devadas, pastor Leonard Anthony, and pastors identified only as P. John and Lazarus, to the local police station. After questioning, the pastors were taken to the magistrate, George said. Pastor Emmanuel Magimaidass told Compass, “One of the extremists had filed a First Information Report against us [Seventh Day Adventists] accusing us of alleged forcible conversions.” The pastors were arrested and charged with “hurting religious sentiments.” The GCIC secured their release on bail on August 18.

News Briefs
wow , i was just pasting what is in scripture where did i claimed am scholar..

What is wrong with copy paste, i cant wirte hindu scripture myself ofc i will copy what hindus say :wave:

I have given exact veda reference which hindu frds here demanded

Yajur Veda 2.2.10:
'Too much splendour is produced', they say, 'he is liable to become a leper'; he should insert the verses of Manu's; whatever Manu said is medicine."

Before criticizing me see that what i have said.....

That's probably because you have not read anything about the vedas. A single poster's interpretation does not constitute proof. There are no references to Manusmriti itself in the Vedas (you will understand why if you follow the timeline). Most references are regarded as interpolations put in at a later date, if we assume that the Manu reference is indeed to the author of Manusmriti who lived about a 1000 years after the vedas were composed
Leave it guys, he went into his Bot mode after getting thrashed up-down and sideways!
Isnt this a lawful act in accordance with IPC ?:what:

No, as per the tanjeem of Insaaf = This is totally opposite of Qadrification and hence is illegal and unlawful. No moochi kisses and valentine flowers for them.
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