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Stop Being Indian-American!?!

Isn't Jeb Bush the front-runner in Republican party? Bush family has considerable strong hold inside Republican party

I have heard some in the media refer to him as front-runner but many polls show Sen. Rand Paul as the front-runner. In key early primary states Rand Paul is definitely leading. I don't think another Bush could ever get elected in recent times especially after George Bush's presidency. Romney has lost twice, Jeb Bush is a "Bush".

Mark Halperin: Rand Paul Is Now Front-Runner in N.H. - Bloomberg Politics

Why Rand Paul Might Be The GOP Front Runner - Business Insider

Rand Paul Is the 2016 Republican Frontrunner - The Atlantic

Meet the Press: Rand Paul is Republican Presidential Frontrunner | Video | RealClearPolitics
I have heard some in the media refer to him as front-runner but many polls show Sen. Rand Paul as the front-runner. In key early primary states Rand Paul is definitely leading. I don't think another Bush could ever get elected in recent times especially after George Bush's presidency. Romney has lost twice, Jeb Bush is a "Bush".

Mark Halperin: Rand Paul Is Now Front-Runner in N.H. - Bloomberg Politics

Why Rand Paul Might Be The GOP Front Runner - Business Insider

Rand Paul Is the 2016 Republican Frontrunner - The Atlantic

Meet the Press: Rand Paul is Republican Presidential Frontrunner | Video | RealClearPolitics

Yes, Jeb Bush is a "Bush". Ths has both an advantage and disadvantage
Yes, Jeb Bush is a "Bush". Ths has both an advantage and disadvantage

The advantage is his name recognition, the disadvantage is his name recognition. Besides that, he has money and network. He may get support from establishment type Republicans but tea party, libertarian, and many conservatives in the Republican party oppose him, I don't see him getting far. The Republican competition will be between 1. Sen. Rand Paul, 2. Gov. Chris Christie, 3. Gov. Scott Walker, 4. Gov. Jeb Bush, the rest are wildcards like Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Rubio, Gov. Jindal, Sen. Ted Cruz, etc. This may very well create campaign tensions between Chris Christie and Jeb Bush as both are establishment types and vying for the same establishment support, leaving Rand Paul to shine. Sen. Rand Paul appeals to the center and right and even to young people on the left, that is a great advantage he has. That is my brief analysis, take it for what you will.
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Dont we have A Bobby VCheng there as well?
The problem with bobby jindal is that he is a wannabe white guy.
I mean change name, religion and even try to distance himself from his roots. All he needs now is a Michael Jackson kind of plastic surgery.

Are the Pennsylvania Dutch not American? Boston Irish?

If the race and root are not important, then why do Americans constantly focus on that. Indian American community has done exceptionally well and is well integrated into the American society. It is proud of its heritage as well as achievements, so has the Asian American community.
I would not want the Korean American or the Chinese American to say we are only American. Yes all of them are American, but why should that stop them from taking pride in the country or culture of their origins, or the achievements of their compatriots.
It is not as black and white as he is portraying it as , I am not saying he is entirerly wrong , but if it were so, Americans should not have wiped the Red Indians ,along with most of their culture ,they should have instead become Red Indians themselves .
That's the point, according to their logic, they should abandon the European culture and adopt the Red-Indian culture.....
Moreover, how come listening to Indian songs and watching Indian movies make them less patriotic I don't understand.....Don't they watch European films and dramas, listen to European songs??......or do they think the 'white' way of living is the American way?? If that is the case, someone should inform them that the 'whites' were not indigenous to the landmass they call America....
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Lol :lol:
Indian will always Indian.Because they have always a pride of thousand old civilization (something US dont have ).
I think Chinese are also like that.
And at current scenario people having ethnic background of both nations have good pride about their respective nations.Because both those nation are successful.

But that doesnt mean they are not loyal to US.Besides ethnic white Americans also have some taste in Bollywood.
Case Study of Canada allowing such (contracts with international companies)

Dozens of employees at Canada’s largest bank are losing their jobs to temporary foreign workers, who are in Canada to take over the work of their department.

"They are being brought in from India, and I am wondering how they got work visas," said Dave Moreau, one of the employees affected by the move. "The new people are in our offices and we are training them to do our jobs. That adds insult to injury."

Minister responds
As a result of Go Public’s inquiries, the office of the minister of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada — the federal office that approved iGATE’s plans to bring in foreign workers — issued a statement late Saturday.

"We have recently learned of allegations that RBC could be replacing Canadian workers by contracting with iGate, which is filling some of the roles with temporary foreign workers. If true, this situation is unacceptable.

"The purpose of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program is to fill acute labour needs when Canadians are not available for the work required. It was never intended as a means to bring in temporary foreign workers in order to replace already-employed Canadian workers.

"I have instructed my department to work with Citizenship and Immigration Canada to determine the next steps."

Moreau, who works in IT systems support, said he is one of 50 employees who facilitate various transactions for RBC Investor Services in Toronto, which serves the bank’s biggest and wealthiest institutional clients.

In February, RBC told Moreau and his colleagues 45 of their jobs with the regulatory and financial applications team would be terminated at the end of April.

"There are a lot of angry people," Moreau told Go Public. "A lot those people are in their late 50s or early 60s. They are not quite ready for retirement yet, but it may be very difficult to employ them."

Move love to Anorth American society

In 2008, the multinational paid $45,000 to settle charges by the U.S. Department of Justice for discriminating against American citizens. iGATE was advertising jobs in the U.S. for foreign workers — effectively saying Americans need not apply.

Bobby Jindal view is nothing to do with loyalty to his home country, it is do with US presidential elections. He wants to be republican presidential candidate for 2016 elections

He may stand a chance in the Dem party, but it is hard to beat those male WASP candidates from the GOP.

No matter what, he is still colored, so it is better to be Obama 2.0 than to be Bush 2.0.
Some more amazing stories of collaboration

TORONTO — Sears Canada is laying off 245 workers, the lion’s share in its information technology department, with plans to replace them by partnering with companies that outsource to India and the Philippines, a senior spokesperson confirmed Tuesday.

The company’s finance department will also take a hit with 99 job losses, along with eight in payroll, said Vince Power, the retailer’s vice-president of corporate affairs and communications.

“For Sears to continue maintaining its systems, it’s going to take a lot of investment. We want to invest in our core retail business — which are things like improving the stores, store presentation, e-commerce,” Mr. Power said in a phone interview.

Translation: We want local workers who work for $10 dollar / hour

“For us to keep up to date with certain systems in IT and in finance and accounting, [we need] to divert some of that investment.”

The 138 laid-off IT employees will be replaced by Filipino workers in Sears Canada’s partnership with technology giant IBM. Sears Canada is also looking to new vendor Wipro Ltd., an Indian outsourcing service company, to replace the rest of its discharged force.


Aaa... tu gale lag ja , teri bhi job india move ker doon ga

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