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Steve Bannon on fugitive Chinese billionaire's 150-foot superyacht hours before he was arrested with

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Steve Bannon on fugitive Chinese billionaire's 150-foot superyacht hours before he was arrested with military plane overhead: Donald Trump's aide is charged with crowd-funded border wall scam - and president says arrest is 'SAD'
  • Steve Bannon, once Donald Trump's most trusted aide, is arrested on a 150-foot yacht off the Connecticut coast and is due in court accused of being part of massive fraud scheme
  • He is alleged to have ripped off the We Build The Wall scheme which planned to build a crowd-sourced border wall
  • They raised money claiming the idea was 'Trump approved' and took in $20 million on GoFundMe before being kicked off the platform, then $5m more
  • 'Non-profit' told hundreds of thousands of donors the people behind it were volunteers but secretly were being paid, feds say
  • Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York say he helped run scheme which funneled donations to its co-founders
  • Some of the cash has built sections of wall - and Donald Trump Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle took part in a fundraiser; first son now claims he too was 'deceived'
  • Bannon received $1 million and kept hundreds of thousands for his personal expenses
  • Yacht, the Lady May, belongs to dissident Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui and Bannon broadcast a podcast interview from it Wednesday - with Kolfage
  • Massive amounts of cash went to Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee co-founder who prosecutors say spent it on his lavish lifestyle
  • Kolfage used the money he received on home renovations, boat payments, an SUV, a golf cart, jewelry, cosmetic surgery, tax and credit card debt
  • His wife Ashley, 34, received cash too and posted on instagram about their lifestyle and said Thursday that Kolfage, 38, was on his way back home
  • All four indicted men face one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

PUBLISHED: 09:49 EDT, 20 August 2020 | UPDATED: 16:11 EDT, 20 August 2020

Former Donald Trump campaign strategist Steve Bannon was arrested aboard a superyacht owned by a Chinese national and charged Thursday with defrauding hundreds of thousands of people as part of a group pledging to use private donations to build a section of border wall.

The circumstances of his arrest – Bannon was on board the 150-foot yacht the Lady May owned by Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui in Long Island Sound, off the Connecticut coast, NBC News first reported – provided an odd twist that had a onetime top advisor to the president facing charges of helping swindle contributors by funneling charity donations to one of his partners and funding a 'lavish' lifestyle.

DailyMail.com obtained the last photographs of Bannon, hours before federal agents seized him in a dramatic arrest, checking his phone on the $35 million yacht just off Westbrook, CT.

The source who shot the photos said: 'We saw the yacht come in on Tuesday night and the next day we saw a C-130 military plane circle over it, today there were more Coastguard military planes all around it.'

Chinese authorities have accused Wengui of fraud. He has been pictured with Bannon aboard the megayacht, and this summer they were behind an effort to declare a new 'Federal State of New China' that flew flags towed by planes around New York Harbor.

Bannon helped make confronting China a centerpiece of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, a posture the president has continued into his tenure in office. Another key tenet of that election was building a wall on the southern border that Trump said Mexico – not the U.S. government – would pay for.

The We Build The Wall scheme raised $25 million to fund its own barriers in Texas and New Mexico, some of which have been built. The group's online appeal for funds included a picture of President Trump and a stamp that said 'Trump Approved.' His son Don Jr. visited one section in Sunland Park, New Mexico, in July 2019.

But prosecutors say it was a scam: donors' cash was also funneled to its founder Brian Kolfage and to Bannon.

Bannon, who helped steer Trump's campaign then joined him in the White House in 2017 as chief strategist only to be forced out, is accused of getting $1 million in the alleged scheme, spending hundreds of thousands of that on 'expenses.


House before his arrest: Steve Bannon, wearing his distinctive two shirts, was on deck checking his phone hours before federal agents, with a C-130 plane overhead, arrested him


Luxury: The Cayman Islands-registered Lady May where Steve Bannon was seized

The group's founder, Kolfage, is also accused of fraudulently pocketing funds. He claimed he did not get a cent from the scheme but instead got $100,000 up front and $20,000 a month salary, prosecutors allege, living a lavish lifestyle at Miramar Beach in the Florida panhandle.

Kolfage, an Iraq war veteran who had both legs amputated and lost his right arm in a rocket attack, was arrested at his home in Florida.

At the White House Trump denied knowing anything about the scheme and tried to distance himself from his former campaign manager.

'I feel very badly. I haven't been dealing with him for a very long period of time,' he said in the Oval Office, adding: 'I haven't been dealing with him at all. It's a very sad thing by Mr. Bannon.'

'He was involved in our campaign and for a small part of our administration.' In fact Bannon was the campaign CEO for its last 88 days after the ousting of Paul Manafort - who is now a convicted felon himself - and then was Trump's 'Chief Strategist,' with a West Wing office close to the Oval Office.

He also tried to distance himself from the scheme despite its ties to his inner circle, saying: 'I don't like that project. I thought it was being done for showboating reasons. It was something I very much thought was inappropriate to be doing.'

The stunning indictment of a top former Trump advisor comes on Day Four of the Democratic convention, when Joe Biden is set to speak.

'No one needed a federal indictment to know that Steve Bannon is a fraud,' said Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield on a conference call with reporters.

Trump, she said, 'has consistently used his office to enrich himself, his family and his cronies, so is it really any surprise that yet another one of the grifters he surrounded himself with and placed in the highest levels of government was just indicted? Sadly, it is not.'


Together on the yacht: This is Steven Bannon on the Lady May with its owner Guo Wengui, a fugitive Chinese billionaire who has declared his own new government of China. The 150ft vessel was off Connecticut when he was taken into custody


Live from the yacht - before the feds arrived: Steve Bannon took part in his 'war room' podcast from the Lady May on Wednesday. He was in federal custody and on his way to court the following morning


Seized: This is the Lady May off the Connecticut coast Thursday after the arrest of Steve Bannon.


'Sad.' Donald Trump, who met Iraqi prime minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi at the White House, tried to distance himself both from Bannon - saying he had not dealt with him for a long time - and the wall scheme, despite its ties to his family and inner circle



Where it is: The Lady May is position just off Westport, CT, where it was boarded by federal agents who removed Steve Bannon


How it was marketed: This was the GoFundMe originally set up to 'privately fund' a border wall


Husband and wife scam: Prosecutors say Brian Kolfage funneled cash to himself to pay for boat payments, cosmetic surgery and tax and credit card debt, with his wife Ashley, 34, getting cash which was concealed too. She is not indicted


Trump world star: Donald Trump Jr. visited a section of the wall built by Brian Kolfage's scheme in New Mexico in July 2019

The investigation did not involve the FBI - but did involve the U.S. Postal Inspectors. It was led by prosecutors from the public corruption unit of the United States Attorney's office in Southern News York - the same unit which charged Jeffrey Esptein and arrested Ghislaine Maxwell.

The high-profile arrest raised immediate questions of whether main Justice Department officials were aware of the investigation into a one-time top advisor to the president.

Attorney General Bill Barr told the Associated Press he first learned of the probe several months ago but has not gotten regular briefings on the case.

Prosecutors say the group promised donors it was a volunteer effort that would direct all funds toward a crash effort to construct wall without government red tape. In reality, say federal prosecutors in New York, the group's founders siphoned off funds for themselves.

'As alleged, the defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction,' according to the indictment unsealed in the Southern District of New York Thursday morning.

'While repeatedly assuring donors that Brian Kolfage, the founder and public face of We Build the Wall, would not be paid a cent, the defendants secretly schemed to pass hundreds of thousands of dollars to Kolfage, which he used to fund his lavish lifestyle,' according to the indictment.

'In particular, to induce donors to donate to the campaign, Kolfage repeatedly and falsely assured the public that he would 'not take a penny in salary or compensation' and that '100% of the funds raised . . . will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose' because, as Bannon publicly stated, 'we're a volunteer organization.'

The indictment states that Kolfage, 37, who lives in Miramar Beach, Florida, with his wife Ashley, 34, 'covertly took for his personal use more than $350,000 in funds that donors had given to We Build the Wall' through a non-profit he controlled.

It states that Bannon, 66, who became wealthy through film investments, consulting, and formerly running the conservative Breitbart website, 'received over $1 million from We Build the Wall, at least some of which Bannon used to cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bannon's personal expenses.'

Postal Inspector-in-Charge Philip R. Bartlett: 'As alleged, not only did they lie to donors, they schemed to hide their misappropriation of funds by creating sham invoices and accounts to launder donations and cover up their crimes, showing no regard for the law or the truth.'

The indictment says the alleged fraudsters used a non-profit and a shell company controlled by Kolfage.

They used fake invoices, sham vendors as part of the effort, keeping the system 'confidential' and 'need to know,' according to the indictment, which quotes from a Kolfage email.

More .....
In April 2019 I stood next to him at the inaugural public meeting of the Committee on the Present Danger-China, which I joined (and quit in protest after a month). In the audience was fugitive Chinese financier Guo Wengui (a/k/a “Miles Kwok”), a shadowy figure who, it later emerged, paid Bannon $1 million a year.

Bannon’s collaboration with the mysterious Mr Guo may be the source of additional legal trouble. Guo raised $300 million in a private offering earlier this year that is now under investigation by the FBI and the Securities Exchange Commission. Some banks have frozen the accounts of Guo’s company, GTV Media, which includes among its directors Bannon as well as China-basher Kyle Bass.
End Quote.


Too bad Trump lost. He chose the wrong side. He now think he is so smart that can escape US claws ... Its game over for him. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Judge Orders Bannon’s Sugar Daddy to Cough Up $134 Million Over Notorious Yacht​

Guo Wengui will have to pay massive contempt fines for moving the yacht where federal agents busted Steve Bannon in 2020.

William Bredderman

Updated Feb. 11, 2022 10:39AM ET / Published Feb. 10, 2022 5:42PM ET

REUTERS/NBC New York and Getty​

The financier famed for bankrolling some of Steve Bannon’s best-known ventures, as well as the far-right strategist’s jet-setting lifestyle, is in deep trouble for steering a $28 million yacht—the same boat where federal agents arrested Bannon in 2020—out of American waters.

A New York judge slapped Guo Wengui, who also uses the aliases Kwok Ho Wan and Miles Guo, with $134 million in contempt of court fines on Wednesday for violating multiple restraining orders barring him from selling or relocating the boat or any other property he controls. The high price tag results from nearly a year of the fugitive Chinese national defying the court’s order that he return the craft to a U.S. port—an order that carried a daily forfeiture of $500,000.

Court documents filed in late January showed the 151-foot-long pleasure vessel blithely plying the western Mediterranean. Now, Guo has only until Monday to come up with the funds. His attorneys at BakerHostetler—a firm with close ties to the Republican National Committee—declined to comment for this story. However, in an appeal of the decision filed late Thursday, Guo’s lawyers lambasted the charges levied as “disproportionate, excessive, unauthorized by law, an abuse of discretion, and in violation of Defendant-Appellant’s constitutional rights.”

The punishing penalties result from a case unrelated to Bannon’s maritime arrest a year and a half ago for allegedly looting a nonprofit, a charge for which he never faced prosecution thanks to a last-minute pardon from outgoing President Donald Trump.

Rather, the fines are connected to a separate fight over Guo’s enigmatic yet ostentatious wealth. Nearly five years ago, an affiliate of the Hong Kong-based investment firm Pacific Alliance Group brought suit against Guo, alleging his companies had failed to repay tens of millions of dollars in loans made between 2008 and 2009 or deliver on promised property transactions. The opulent boat has emerged as a key asset in that fight over the allegedly unpaid tab.

Guo, a Shandong-born construction magnate, absconded from the Chinese mainland in 2014, fleeing charges ranging from corruption and money-laundering to rape (all of which he has denied). Since 2017, he has lived in luxury, setting up residence in a $68 million Central Park penthouse and underwriting numerous right-wing projects, from nonprofits with Bannon to dodgy media operations to bogus COVID-19 studies to would-be Twitter competitor GETTR. All the while, he has sought refugee status and attacked figures in both the Communist Chinese regime and in the dissident diaspora online.

The yacht imbroglio is hardly the first time Guo’s activities have run afoul of U.S. authorities. In September 2021, his companies agreed to pay $500 million in Security and Exchange Commission fines for running a cryptocurrency scheme in violation of federal regulations.
Guo Wengui is a refugee, a criminal wanted in China NOT for his political belief but for his commercial crimes.
So now he is beginning to break the law in the US.

He is using anti-China rhetorics to find favour with the US government so that he won't be deported.

It is well known that there is an interpol notice on him but the US Government is in fact protecting him for his billions. :coffee:
Lol looks like these arrogant boys who thought they were top of the world are now being prosecuted and slammed by the very same authority and group they wanted to blow.
guo wen gui
He is a famous liar. His wealth accumulation process is a series of economic crimes. His first pot of gold came from a Hong Kong female entrepreneur in her 50s. This Hong Kong woman went to Guo Wengui's hometown to invest, and Guo Wengui made his relatives dress up. Become a local government official, package yourself as an entrepreneur with local political influence, and successfully obtain investment. Guo Wengui was only 23 years old at the time, and he was very handsome. Later, the Hong Kong female entrepreneur knew the truth, but she did not call the police, and Guo Wengui became the sexual partner of the female entrepreneur who was almost twice his age.
All of Guo Wengui's economic partners have fallen out with Guo Wengui, which is not surprising. Guo Wengui has no moral bottom line. After Guo Wen gui( 贵 )got rich, he got a nickname, Guo Wengui(鬼:devil). In Chinese, 贵and 鬼 have the same pronunciation, he is like a devil.

Exiled Chinese Media Tycoon Guo Wengui Files for Bankruptcy​

Guo previously worked with Steve Bannon to found a right-wing media group before the two cut ties.

by Trevor Filseth

Guo Wengui, a controversial Chinese exile tied to several right-wing figures in the United States, filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday after a judge fined him $134 million for attempting to hide his yacht from creditors.

Guo, whose net worth was once around $1.5 billion, alleged in a court filing under the name Ho Wan Kwok that he had no more than $500,000 remaining, against roughly $500 million in liabilities.

The financial claim against Guo originated after the “Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund” (PAAOF), which lent Guo $30 million in 2008, sued him for failing to repay it. As of 2022, Guo’s debt to the corporation has grown to $116 million due to accrued interest.

In a New York state court, Judge Barry Ostrager had ordered Guo to pay a fine of $500,000 per day for each of the two hundred sixty-eight days he had kept his $38 million yacht, the “Lady May,” outside the reach of his creditors, including the PAAOF. Ostrager ordered Guo to pay the sum in five business days – a decision that likely led Guo to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, as repayment orders are paused during bankruptcy proceedings. Guo also appealed Ostrager’s decision, claiming in court filings that he does not control the yacht.

The “Lady May” briefly made headlines in August 2020 after right-wing organizer Steve Bannon, who served as President Donald Trump’s White House Chief Strategist in 2017, was arrested on the yacht in 2020. Bannon was arrested for his alleged participation in a scheme to defraud Trump supporters by soliciting donations to construct a fictitious border wall. Bannon and Guo worked closely together before Bannon’s arrest. The two co-founded the right-wing “GTV Media Group” in April 2020, and Guo ultimately paid Bannon $1 million for his services to the network from 2018 to 2019, although he cut ties with Bannon following his first arrest. Guo was also one of the primary financial backers of the “Gettr” alternative social media network, and launched the “New Federal State of China,” an organization devoted to removing the Chinese Communist Party from power in Beijing.

At the beginning of the bankruptcy process, the Chinese media mogul also put up his Manhattan condominium for sale at $45 million. He purchased the property for $68 million in 2015.

Trevor Filseth is a current and foreign affairs writer for the National Interest.
guo wen gui
He is a famous liar. His wealth accumulation process is a series of economic crimes. His first pot of gold came from a Hong Kong female entrepreneur in her 50s. This Hong Kong woman went to Guo Wengui's hometown to invest, and Guo Wengui made his relatives dress up. Become a local government official, package yourself as an entrepreneur with local political influence, and successfully obtain investment. Guo Wengui was only 23 years old at the time, and he was very handsome. Later, the Hong Kong female entrepreneur knew the truth, but she did not call the police, and Guo Wengui became the sexual partner of the female entrepreneur who was almost twice his age.
All of Guo Wengui's economic partners have fallen out with Guo Wengui, which is not surprising. Guo Wengui has no moral bottom line. After Guo Wen gui( 贵 )got rich, he got a nickname, Guo Wengui(鬼:devil). In Chinese, 贵and 鬼 have the same pronunciation, he is like a devil.
He bankrolled the Hong Kong rioters. He even boasted he got Steve Bannon support and behind Steve Bannon there are even more supporters in high places.

Now will Steve Bannon come help him ? After all Guo Wengui paid Steve Bannon millions. Or will Steve Bannon keep the millions and cast Guo Wengui aside like a used doll.
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