When you raise the Sikh War Cry...all Sikhs will answer....... it is in your blood.
You are as Sons of the River Indus and all of its offsprings going through Pak Punjab and your homeland... brothers can not be divided.
It is duty of all Paks, Young and Old, to support their kin, you!
In Pak Sikhs are/were from every Pak Province from all ethic groups...
You might be Sikhs but still you share bond of blood, culture, music and DNA with Paks...
Keep your head up, walk upright without arrogance look ahead... May you see a Free Sikhland in your lifetime.
Brother, just stop feeding the trolls...report and move on.
Focus on your Noble Cause. All those who believe in human dignity here are with you.
Keep telling your tale..
@Windjammer very dear Jammer, don't you have somewhere pictures of Proud Paks..who happen to be Sikhs.. I have seen on PDF that there are even Pathan Sikhs.. please, show this man his brothers in Pak. Bless you!