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Featured Startling revealations by CEO of Broadsheet LLC in his interview to Pakistani Journalist

We should take up this offer. His firm will be incentivised to take as much money as they can as they get 20%.
Senior journalist Shaheen Sehbai reveals that CEO of Broadsheet LLC, London firm that forcibly took away 30 million dollars from Pakistani High Commission UK's account as penalties, has decided to return the money back to the State of Pakistan. He also wishes to work with govt to retrieve more than 100 billion dollars of hidden Pakistani assets abroad.

Thanks for tagging me yet again;

Perhaps you need to listen to this interview yourself first. If we can recover money from people that is equivalent to our external debt that would be the day which would truly become our independence day.

However, stop being naïve and ignorant. First of all, is it at all possible that an international business firm would refuse business based on the claims of this guy that they wanted to rid Pakistan of corruption? And do international businesses routinely define the scope of requirements which does not align to the customer's need? And who made them jury and judge to decide which individuals, families and companies were involved in corruption even before they initiated any investigation, which they held as a premise to initiate the investigations? And did they actually ever pull up any 'evidence' of wrong doing by any of the targets?

I mean there are so many loopholes and BS in that interview. Would anyone hold any of the subsequent heads of NAB for derailing the so called investigations? I know you cannot be objective or logical, you should atleast be realistic. How much money have we ever been able to recover from overseas? Why do safe havens in England (British Virgin Islands), Switzerland, Panama, UAE etc., even exist?

Please do me a favor and stop tagging me with childing propaganda and BS day in and day out.
well he is a smart businessman, he returned the money because he can get a share of 100 Billion! Smart move and a great Business deal.
We need da money back maan, ras klat.

No. In the interview , he said, Sharifs sent one of their Nephews to negotiate with him , he refused by saying they don't negotiate with criminals.

If Pakistan gets 100 billion and he gets few million for their fees and expenses, why are you objecting!!

Shouldn't you be more concerned from the fact that After General Amjad, he said the other NAB chiefs, including General Maqbool, who is a known associate of corrupt Sharifs , was lying and concealing the facts from Broadsheet and from Pakistani people.

We also know recently how Qamar Chaudhry didn't move one single case against corrupt Sharifs and Zardaris, despite instructions from SCP.
Should you not be worried about such traitors who have caused damage to Pakistan to facilitate their corrupt political masters!!
Thanks for tagging me yet again;

Perhaps you need to listen to this interview yourself first. If we can recover money from people that is equivalent to our external debt that would be the day which would truly become our independence day.

However, stop being naïve and ignorant. First of all, is it at all possible that an international business firm would refuse business based on the claims of this guy that they wanted to rid Pakistan of corruption? And do international businesses routinely define the scope of requirements which does not align to the customer's need? And who made them jury and judge to decide which individuals, families and companies were involved in corruption even before they initiated any investigation, which they held as a premise to initiate the investigations? And did they actually ever pull up any 'evidence' of wrong doing by any of the targets?

I mean there are so many loopholes and BS in that interview. Would anyone hold any of the subsequent heads of NAB for derailing the so called investigations? I know you cannot be objective or logical, you should atleast be realistic. How much money have we ever been able to recover from overseas? Why do safe havens in England (British Virgin Islands), Switzerland, Panama, UAE etc., even exist?

Please do me a favor and stop tagging me with childing propaganda and BS day in and day out.

Vow, just vow. Is there a limit to your childish propaganda!!
Grow up dude, you wouldn't last 5 mins , get a hike.
If Pakistan gets 100 billion and he gets few million for their fees and expenses, why are you objecting!!
bro when did I object? i said it 2 times we want our money back and if they are willing to help recover it then more than welcome to having a share of the recovered amount for their services.
Senior journalist Shaheen Sehbai reveals that CEO of Broadsheet LLC, London firm that forcibly took away 30 million dollars from Pakistani High Commission UK's account as penalties, has decided to return the money back to the State of Pakistan. He also wishes to work with govt to retrieve more than 100 billion dollars of hidden Pakistani assets abroad.

Interview with Broadsheet CEO with Urdu translation can be watched on journalist Irfan Hashmis YouTube channel:

Another sad day for Patwaris and their liberal allies who sold recent Broadsheet-NAB controversy as their victory to gullible public 🤣

@Horus @waz @Zibago @Syed1. @Path-Finder @koolio @ziaulislam @Patriot forever @Morpheus @ghazi52 @Mav3rick @Jungibaaz @Pakistan Space Agency @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @ejaz007 @Tameem @El Sidd @Death Adder
any other source besides this, this story has not been covered by any news channel yet.
And do international businesses routinely define the scope of requirements which does not align to the customer's need?
Yes and no. The guy who leads it is a human rights academic. Sometimes such entities can be driven by gread and a purpose beyond that. A company espousing climate change might make profit out of such ventures and help to reduce carbon footprint at the sametime.

And who made them jury and judge to decide which individuals, families and companies were involved in corruption even before they initiated any investigation
You don't need to be a judge, jury to decide who to investigate. That function falls on the investigator. It could be mere suspicion that triggers such a process. Police, NAB or FBI or Scotland Yard don't first go to courts with juries to give them decision as to who is investigated. You seem to have got the entire process wrong way around. Investigatiors decide, then gather evidence, then take it to the courts and the jury decides if the evidence given is sufficient for a guilt or innocent.

These are the takeways from the interview -

  • Broadsheet was approached by Musharaf early in his rule as dictator when he was flush with energy to rid Pakistan of corruption.
  • Broadsheet agreed but insisted that the contract woud be irrevocable and not limited by who they investigate.
  • The reason given for the irrevocable clause by Mr Moussavi who has deep knowledge of how Pakistan works was that knowing how the corrupt are entrenched in positions of power. If a investigation made headway and the corrupt felt the heat they would bring pressure to bear to have the investigation closed or blunted.
  • The reason given for limiting clause was that investigator did not want to be or appear to be part of a witch hunt. Thus the investigator insisted on having power to investigate corruption and NOT some rivals of Musharaf who might be corrupt.
  • Musharaf to his credit agreed to these points. Something Mr Mousavvi notes.
At the begining when Musharaf was the dictator everything went fine. NAB under Gen. Amjad worked seamlessly with Broadsheet. However as soon as court mandated elections were held some of those who were being investigated for corruption ended up as part of the new government including the one as interior minister who I suspect was Faisel Hayet of PPP. Clearly Musharaf had made a deal with the devil and after this the accountability process became a sham. NAB chairman was changed. The new incumbent did not want to work with Broadsheet. Dirty deals began to be cut. The dirty were being whitwashed. Broadsheet was pushed out.

Now could be making all this up. Telling us all a story, a fable if you wish. BUT. But he said this live on video and in UK. So now let's test this out -

  • A court in UK has ALREADY made a judgement on side of Broadsheet that found government of Pakistan had breached the contract. This of course gives credibility to what Mr Mousavvi says.
  • What stops any of those being slandered by Mr Mousavi. People like Nawaz Sharif and Zardari et al from going to High Court in London and taking Mr Mousavvi for slander?

I ask again why has Sharifs and Zardari's taken Mousavvi to a court in London and sued for libel and damages against Mr Mousavvi? If they are innocent against such false claims they could contest this in UK court and win millions of pounds in damages making Mr Mousavvi banlrupt and homeless?

You might remember back in 1990s Ian Botham made a case against Imran Khan over comments he had allegedlly made. Imran Khan was cleared.

So again why has Nawaz Sharif who now lives in London not instructed his laywers to take action. I tell you that dirty bas*tard will not because he knows that in the court everything would be looked at and exposed.

Botham and Lamb face big bill as cricket libel case fails

Thu, Aug 1, 1996, 01:00

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IAN BOTHAM and Allan Lamb last night insisted they had "no regrets" about bringing the libel action against Imran Khan which may cost them up to £500,000 in legal costs.

But Botham, the former England all rounder, was "astonished" by the jury's majority decision that the ex Pakistan skipper had not libelled him and his old team mate Lamb.
I guess the word OP wants to use is "startling revelation". However i doubt this weak and incompetent govt can do much.
How much money have we ever been able to recover from overseas? Why do safe havens in England (British Virgin Islands), Switzerland, Panama, UAE etc., even exist?
Safen havens exist because corrupt leaders which you vote for come to power and need some place to hide their ill gotten wealth
Vow, just vow. Is there a limit to your childish propaganda!!
He is a supporter of Sharif family and Ishaq Dollar policies
any other source besides this, this story has not been covered by any news channel yet.
It is covered by Ary News. And the source is CEO of Broadsheet LLC himself.
Now even THEY are coming out against the thieves that looted Pakistan.

What more evidence you want unless you your selves are involved?

Those running on EXTENSIONS resign and let those people come in and take their place, who have a BACK BONE and lead this to CONCLUSION.
Now even THEY are coming out against the thieves that looted Pakistan.

What more evidence you want unless you your selves are involved?

Those running on EXTENSIONS resign and let those people come in and take their place, who have a BACK BONE and lead this to CONCLUSION.
Yes. Isn't it a shame that a foreign company hired by Pakistan to find corruption abroad is forced to reveal systematic corruption inside Pakistan?
What more evidence thus one need that these dynasties are not political parties but a gang of criminals and traitors.

Some people on this forum still support them because they spew venom against the army which is ecstasy for a particular type of people.

The moment you take army out of equation they will rip apart this country and auction it to feed their unquenchable thirst for wealth and power.

This is the only reason why i say Musharraf was a weak man and a traitor was because he had the chance to rewrite Pakistan. He went to lick the white man balls whose only objective is to keep Pakistan weak and compromised and these dynasties serve that purpose.

These are just 500 to 1000 people it will take an hour to do the job, their servants will mourn and create ruskus for a couple of weeks may be a couple of months but our future will be saved.
Broadsheet seeks Rs337m more


LONDON: The Broadsheet LLC has written to the lawyers of NAB in London seeking an additional sum of US$1,180,799.66, while confirming that it’s in receipt of funds from United National Bank’s London branch in the sum of US$28,706,533.34.
This reporter saw a copy of the letter, sent to NAB in Pakistan, NAB’s lawyers Allen & Overy and copied to the United Bank Limited’s London Bond Street branch.
The Broadsheet has confirmed that it has received nearly US$29 million “in accordance with the terms of Deputy Master Lay’s order of 17 December 2020”.
It adds: “This payment partially satisfies Mr Justice Teare’s quantum and costs orders (sealed 25 October 2019 and 29 November 2019, respectively). However, pursuant to paragraph 3 of both orders, interest continued to accrue following the issue of our client’s Third Party Debt order and an additional sum of US$1,180,799.66 had accrued on your client’s judgment debts prior to receipt of the funds from United National Bank.
“In addition, Deputy Master Lay made a costs award in our client’s favour in the sum of £30,000, equivalent to US$40,677. Those costs have been retained out of the funds received from United National in priority of the Judgment Debts. The sum now outstanding is US$1,221,476.66. Interest accrues on that sum from 1 January 2021 at the daily rate of US$267.72. Our client has also incurred additional enforcement costs, independent of those summarily assessed by Deputy Master Lay. Those costs exceed US$900,000 and are wholly attributable to your client’s failure to engage with us and the Court prior to 17 December.”
The Broadsheet’s lawyers at Crowell & Moring have written to the NAB lawyers that their client had “previously communicated its intention to satisfy its liabilities in full, please kindly confirm that your client will pay our client the sum of US$2,100,000 (Rs337 million) without further delay”.
The Broadsheet has invited the NAB to “agree terms of settlement, to be enforced by way of a Tomlin Order, pursuant to which your client will pay our client all interest accrued on the Judgment Debts within 14 days”, with a deadline of 8 January 2021.
A source told this scribe that NAB has received the letter from the Broadsheet’s lawyers and is receiving attention.
The UBL London branch debited US$29 into the Broadsheet’s account around 10 days after losing the case and the High Commission of Pakistan’s London accounts were frozen. The court separately ordered that the Sharif family’s London flats cannot be attached with this case.

Broadsheet seeks Rs337m more


LONDON: The Broadsheet LLC has written to the lawyers of NAB in London seeking an additional sum of US$1,180,799.66, while confirming that it’s in receipt of funds from United National Bank’s London branch in the sum of US$28,706,533.34.
This reporter saw a copy of the letter, sent to NAB in Pakistan, NAB’s lawyers Allen & Overy and copied to the United Bank Limited’s London Bond Street branch.
The Broadsheet has confirmed that it has received nearly US$29 million “in accordance with the terms of Deputy Master Lay’s order of 17 December 2020”.
It adds: “This payment partially satisfies Mr Justice Teare’s quantum and costs orders (sealed 25 October 2019 and 29 November 2019, respectively). However, pursuant to paragraph 3 of both orders, interest continued to accrue following the issue of our client’s Third Party Debt order and an additional sum of US$1,180,799.66 had accrued on your client’s judgment debts prior to receipt of the funds from United National Bank.
“In addition, Deputy Master Lay made a costs award in our client’s favour in the sum of £30,000, equivalent to US$40,677. Those costs have been retained out of the funds received from United National in priority of the Judgment Debts. The sum now outstanding is US$1,221,476.66. Interest accrues on that sum from 1 January 2021 at the daily rate of US$267.72. Our client has also incurred additional enforcement costs, independent of those summarily assessed by Deputy Master Lay. Those costs exceed US$900,000 and are wholly attributable to your client’s failure to engage with us and the Court prior to 17 December.”
The Broadsheet’s lawyers at Crowell & Moring have written to the NAB lawyers that their client had “previously communicated its intention to satisfy its liabilities in full, please kindly confirm that your client will pay our client the sum of US$2,100,000 (Rs337 million) without further delay”.
The Broadsheet has invited the NAB to “agree terms of settlement, to be enforced by way of a Tomlin Order, pursuant to which your client will pay our client all interest accrued on the Judgment Debts within 14 days”, with a deadline of 8 January 2021.
A source told this scribe that NAB has received the letter from the Broadsheet’s lawyers and is receiving attention.
The UBL London branch debited US$29 into the Broadsheet’s account around 10 days after losing the case and the High Commission of Pakistan’s London accounts were frozen. The court separately ordered that the Sharif family’s London flats cannot be attached with this case.

Broadsheet did its part fairly, they could have made hundreds of millions of dollars by accepting bribes offered from these crooks, and they did not.

This is solely the wrong on government of Pakistan, NAB at that time, they sabotaged this arrangement to protect the crooks.
any other source besides this, this story has not been covered by any news channel yet.

Broadsheet CEO himself gave interview and talked in detail what happened.
We should take up this offer. His firm will be incentivised to take as much money as they can as they get 20%.
That is common practice among debt collector agencies. They sign the agreement, if able to collect the delinquent debts, they kept certain percentage ... I think govt should unleash this company for collection. But, wait ...some ex lover of these politician inside PTI cabinet will ask for pardon ... lolz

like someone said " hama raham bhot jaldi ajata ha " .
I guess the word OP wants to use is "startling revelation". However i doubt this weak and incompetent govt can do much.

What do you expect them to do? This is from before their time.

Just to give you an example, they went after khokars the land grabbing mafia. Lohar high court stopped it and in fact started questioning the officers.

Every institution is compromised by their loyalists apart from the army, hence the attacks on army.

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