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Featured Startling revealations by CEO of Broadsheet LLC in his interview to Pakistani Journalist

like someone said " hama raham bhot jaldi ajata ha " .
Yeah our weak leaders show mercy for all the wrong reasons such as sending convicted criminal Nawaz Sharif abroad on fake illness
Every institution is compromised by their loyalists apart from the army, hence the attacks on army.
Believe me these crooks have loyalists in army as well. Just ask @ziaulislam
well he is a smart businessman, he returned the money because he can get a share of 100 Billion! Smart move and a great Business deal.
We need da money back maan, ras klat.


basic 101 of sales---give to take.

If Paf had taken the Rafale when the French were desperate to sell it---the y would have given more to Paf in return---.
well he is a smart businessman, he returned the money because he can get a share of 100 Billion! Smart move and a great Business deal.
We need da money back maan, ras klat.
I sincerely hope they can help to recover the money much as possible from corrupt beasts.
Question is how was the money debited.
watch out, he is Iranian and shia ..... lolz...
We should take up this offer. His firm will be incentivised to take as much money as they can as they get 20%.
Yes and no. The guy who leads it is a human rights academic. Sometimes such entities can be driven by gread and a purpose beyond that. A company espousing climate change might make profit out of such ventures and help to reduce carbon footprint at the sametime.

You don't need to be a judge, jury to decide who to investigate. That function falls on the investigator. It could be mere suspicion that triggers such a process. Police, NAB or FBI or Scotland Yard don't first go to courts with juries to give them decision as to who is investigated. You seem to have got the entire process wrong way around. Investigatiors decide, then gather evidence, then take it to the courts and the jury decides if the evidence given is sufficient for a guilt or innocent.

These are the takeways from the interview -

  • Broadsheet was approached by Musharaf early in his rule as dictator when he was flush with energy to rid Pakistan of corruption.
  • Broadsheet agreed but insisted that the contract woud be irrevocable and not limited by who they investigate.
  • The reason given for the irrevocable clause by Mr Moussavi who has deep knowledge of how Pakistan works was that knowing how the corrupt are entrenched in positions of power. If a investigation made headway and the corrupt felt the heat they would bring pressure to bear to have the investigation closed or blunted.
  • The reason given for limiting clause was that investigator did not want to be or appear to be part of a witch hunt. Thus the investigator insisted on having power to investigate corruption and NOT some rivals of Musharaf who might be corrupt.
  • Musharaf to his credit agreed to these points. Something Mr Mousavvi notes.
At the begining when Musharaf was the dictator everything went fine. NAB under Gen. Amjad worked seamlessly with Broadsheet. However as soon as court mandated elections were held some of those who were being investigated for corruption ended up as part of the new government including the one as interior minister who I suspect was Faisel Hayet of PPP. Clearly Musharaf had made a deal with the devil and after this the accountability process became a sham. NAB chairman was changed. The new incumbent did not want to work with Broadsheet. Dirty deals began to be cut. The dirty were being whitwashed. Broadsheet was pushed out.

Now could be making all this up. Telling us all a story, a fable if you wish. BUT. But he said this live on video and in UK. So now let's test this out -

  • A court in UK has ALREADY made a judgement on side of Broadsheet that found government of Pakistan had breached the contract. This of course gives credibility to what Mr Mousavvi says.
  • What stops any of those being slandered by Mr Mousavi. People like Nawaz Sharif and Zardari et al from going to High Court in London and taking Mr Mousavvi for slander?

I ask again why has Sharifs and Zardari's taken Mousavvi to a court in London and sued for libel and damages against Mr Mousavvi? If they are innocent against such false claims they could contest this in UK court and win millions of pounds in damages making Mr Mousavvi banlrupt and homeless?

You might remember back in 1990s Ian Botham made a case against Imran Khan over comments he had allegedlly made. Imran Khan was cleared.

So again why has Nawaz Sharif who now lives in London not instructed his laywers to take action. I tell you that dirty bas*tard will not because he knows that in the court everything would be looked at and exposed.

Botham and Lamb face big bill as cricket libel case fails

Thu, Aug 1, 1996, 01:00

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IAN BOTHAM and Allan Lamb last night insisted they had "no regrets" about bringing the libel action against Imran Khan which may cost them up to £500,000 in legal costs.

But Botham, the former England all rounder, was "astonished" by the jury's majority decision that the ex Pakistan skipper had not libelled him and his old team mate Lamb.
Broadsheet did its part fairly, they could have made hundreds of millions of dollars by accepting bribes offered from these crooks, and they did not.

This is solely the wrong on government of Pakistan, NAB at that time, they sabotaged this arrangement to protect the crooks.

Broadsheet CEO himself gave interview and talked in detail what happened.

basic 101 of sales---give to take.

If Paf had taken the Rafale when the French were desperate to sell it---the y would have given more to Paf in return---.
Important development. Journalist Irfan Hashmi just revealed to Public News TV that CEO of Broadsheet has been receiving threats from Nawaz Sharifs lawyers in UK to apologize for his statements in interview regarding Nawaz Sharif sending someone to bribe him back in 2012. He also says that CEO won't back off and will prove his case in court. It means now Nawaz Sharif will be convicted as certified liar, thief and looter by UK courts as well 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for tagging me yet again;

Perhaps you need to listen to this interview yourself first. If we can recover money from people that is equivalent to our external debt that would be the day which would truly become our independence day.

However, stop being naïve and ignorant. First of all, is it at all possible that an international business firm would refuse business based on the claims of this guy that they wanted to rid Pakistan of corruption? And do international businesses routinely define the scope of requirements which does not align to the customer's need? And who made them jury and judge to decide which individuals, families and companies were involved in corruption even before they initiated any investigation, which they held as a premise to initiate the investigations? And did they actually ever pull up any 'evidence' of wrong doing by any of the targets?

I mean there are so many loopholes and BS in that interview. Would anyone hold any of the subsequent heads of NAB for derailing the so called investigations? I know you cannot be objective or logical, you should atleast be realistic. How much money have we ever been able to recover from overseas? Why do safe havens in England (British Virgin Islands), Switzerland, Panama, UAE etc., even exist?

Please do me a favor and stop tagging me with childing propaganda and BS day in and day out.
Nawaz Sharif laughed when Pakistan was forced to pay Broadsheet law firm 30 million USD as penalties for illegal cancelation of their contract back in 2003. Now same law firm says it wishes to return the money in exchange for Pakistani govt allowing them to probe assets of corrupt Pakistanis in foreign banks. This is what we say in Norwegian: One who laughs last laughs best 😂
Important development. Journalist Irfan Hashmi just revealed to Public News TV that CEO of Broadsheet has been receiving threats from Nawaz Sharifs lawyers in UK to apologize for his statements in interview regarding Nawaz Sharif sending someone to bribe him back in 2012. He also says that CEO won't back off and will prove his case in court. It means now Nawaz Sharif will be convicted as certified liar, thief and looter by UK courts as well 🤣🤣🤣
bloody brilliant. well I hope that organisation helps recover the money and they have the share of the recovered money.
Important development. Journalist Irfan Hashmi just revealed to Public News TV that CEO of Broadsheet has been receiving threats from Nawaz Sharifs lawyers in UK to apologize for his statements in interview regarding Nawaz Sharif sending someone to bribe him back in 2012. He also says that CEO won't back off and will prove his case in court. It means now Nawaz Sharif will be convicted as certified liar, thief and looter by UK courts as well 🤣🤣🤣
Nawaz Sharif laughed when Pakistan was forced to pay Broadsheet law firm 30 million USD as penalties for illegal cancelation of their contract back in 2003. Now same law firm says it wishes to return the money in exchange for Pakistani govt allowing them to probe assets of corrupt Pakistanis in foreign banks. This is what we say in Norwegian: One who laughs last laughs best 😂
I firmly believe that mian has leaked a huge amount of methane and stained its patloon/shalwar too. THIS MUST BE USED TO KILL PDM.
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bloody brilliant. well I hope that organisation helps recover the money and they have the share of the recovered money.

I firmly believe that mian has leaked a huge amount of methane and stained its patloon/shalwar too. THIS MUST BE USED TO KILL PDM.
More revelations in upcoming part 2 of this famous interview with CEO of Broadsheet
It is interesting that most of the Pakistani media including Dawn are quite about these startling revelations by Broadsheet. This gives us a idea of how much Sharifs have bought influence in the media. One question I would love for Sharif supporters. Very simple.

  • "Kaveh Moussavi, chief executive officer (CEO) of asset recovery firm Broadsheet LLC has claimed that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif had offered his firm bribe to stop probe against the latter’s offshore assets."
  • "Moussavi added that his firm did not negotiate with the “crooks”.
  • "Sharif family has assets not only in the United Kingdom (UK) but across the world, he said adding that the Sharif family had a lot of explaining to do regarding their resources of amassing these assets"

These recorded statements by Kaveh Mousavvi quite clearly are accusing Nawaz Sharif of being a "crook". Given UK has robust laws on slander and libel the question I want to ask is -

Will Nawaz Sharif take Kaveh Mousavi to High Court in London and have him found guilty of slander leaving Kaveh facing millions of pounds in damages?
More revelations in upcoming part 2 of this famous interview with CEO of Broadsheet

This is disaster in the making for Godfather, those who were hoping some how mission impossible, Godfather will come back in politics is over and for corrupt PDM.
How did this man get hold of such sensitive Data?

Pakistani data sells for quite a good amount. He is entitled to make a profit on his investment but basic question needs answering, why is Pakistani data out there not secure?

And No. Corrupt people won't keep the money under their name anywhere on this planet.

Is he the same guy hired by the government to spy on the judges?
After these revelations mian nawaj sharif will be even more dangerous and powerful!

Kazab Mir Jafar Hamid Mir.
How did this man get hold of such sensitive Data?

Pakistani data sells for quite a good amount. He is entitled to make a profit on his investment but basic question needs answering, why is Pakistani data out there not secure?

And No. Corrupt people won't keep the money under their name anywhere on this planet.

Is he the same guy hired by the government to spy on the judges?
Troll is here to destroy a healthy discussion on one of the worst corruption scandal in Pakistan. Please refrain him @waz @The Eagle
Please watch part 2 of the same interview here. It reveals even more about Nawaz Sharif and other crooks sold as revolutionary democrats in Pakistan

@Syed1. @Path-Finder @Mugen @Mrc @Indus Pakistan @koolio @Patriot forever @Pakistansdefender @ziaulislam @HAIDER @313ghazi @MastanKhan
CEO of Broadsheet says the same here word by word about a corrupt Pakistani General who wanted his "cut" from a stolen money account Broadsheet found to obtain 1 billion dollars:

Imagine that. This story was published in Daily Caller one year ago and it hardly made any headlines in Pakistan. Why are corrupt Pakistani generals and officials in NAB spared? Who will prosecute them? Had the deal gone through, Pakistan would have got back 80 percent of that stolen money by now. But because of that corrupt general, all the money is long gone as corrupt NAB officials have a nasty habit of alerting the crooks.
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Very very bad translation, not just bad it seems deliberately misleading. And interviewer could have done a lot better. But nonetheless something is better than nothing. Hope someone in Gov and media has the balls to use this interview and name these assholes who were removed from this list of 200.
What do you expect from ublarh jaahil Pakistani sahafi. Remember these people don't stand a chance to even be heard, thanks to YouTube, its full of Tom dick and harry
What do you expect from ublarh jaahil Pakistani sahafi. Remember these people don't stand a chance to even be heard, thanks to YouTube, its full of Tom dick and harry
So why Pakistan most read English daily has covered this Tom, Dick and Harry?

Moussavi says didn’t want to be part of witch-hunt
Atika RehmanPublished January 11, 2021Updated about 8 hours ago

BROADSHEET owner Kaveh Moussavi

BROADSHEET owner Kaveh Moussavi

IN an interview with a UK-based web channel, the owner of international asset recovery firm, Broadsheet LLC, spoke about the beginnings of his firm’s relationship with the Musharraf regime as well as his attempts to offer his now liquidated company’s services to subsequent governments.
Nearly $29 million dollars retrieved from the Pakistan government are now in an account in the Isle of Man, where the company is registered since 2000, Iranian-born British lawyer Kaveh Moussavi confirmed to Irfan Hashmi Official, a London-based YouTube channel dedicated to Pakistani news coverage.
The same year the firm was hired by the Musharraf government to retrieve alleged illegal offshore assets of Pakistani politicians and businessmen. His payment under the asset recovery agreement was contracted at 20 per cent of the recovery from each ‘target’, the term used for those being probed.
The contract was terminated in 2003, and although Mr Moussavi claims to have explosive evidence, it is not clear which, if any, assets have been repatriated to the government after his investigations.
Broadsheet owner says he entered into agreement with Musharraf to go after elements across political spectrum, not just Sharifs
To the contrary, Broadsheet LLC has secured the payment of $28.7 million from the accounts of the UK High Commission last month for the long overdue payment of its services, as enforced by a UK court.
Mr Moussavi said his group was approached in 2000 to come to Pakistan with a view to go after stolen assets by elements in the Gen Musharraf regime.
He added that he entered into the contract on the key condition that the agreement to go after “targets”, such as former president Asif Ali Zardari and former premier Sharif, would not be revoked if there was a change in government.
“We had lawyers in Pakistan working with us, they were liaising with NAB. We had officers in the NAB building [who worked out of] an office we had there.”
“Initially, the focus of Musharraf was to go after Nawaz Sharif and his government but we insisted we would not be a tool of a political witch-hunt and said previous governments should be looked at too,” he added, saying this expanded their search to include the Bhutto government.
“They [Musharraf government] gave us their list [of ‘targets’] and we said it’s incomplete. We told them we think, from preliminary investigation, that some other people should be in that list. Those negotiations at the time showed us that this was possibly politically inspired. We said we aren’t prepared to engage in political witch hunts… if you want an anti-corruption effort it must be across the board.”
Mr Moussavi claimed his firm made a list of 200 people and their companies with alleged ill-gotten assets overseas. “We did not want to go after adversaries of Gen Musharraf, we wanted to go after enemies of the people of Pakistan,” he maintained.
He praised retired Lt Gen Mohammad Amjad, who was appointed first NAB chairman between 1999 and 2000 by Gen Musharraf. Later in 2017, the former chairman also testified before a JIT probing money laundering allegations against the family of Mr Sharif.
“When Gen Amjad was there, it [probe] was going swimmingly,” he said, adding that he later worked with Gen Maqbool and Gen Hafeez, both of whom found evidence that “the court didn’t find credible”.
He believed NAB “went downhill” when Amjad was removed. “If I had suspected it would fall apart this quickly, I would never have entered this agreement.”
He also said when he saw Musharraf again at the Oxford Union in 2007, he asked what happened. “Musharraf told me ‘you know Mr Moussavi the Supreme Court told us to have an election and we did so. They came back to power and gutted NAB’.”
Asked what progress his firm made in three years, Mr Moussavi said Broadsheet LLC was behind the 2001 extradition of ex-Navy chief Admiral Mansurul Haque who was brought back from the US to stand trial on charges of corruption in defense deals.
“Broadsheet did its work,” he insisted, claiming that it was “sacked because it was too successful”.
He also claimed he still had evidence against the Sharifs and several other Pakistanis. He said the reason Broadsheet LLC did not pursue the Avenfield case was “because we found other money in the Pakistan government’s accounts”.
He also said that his firm had never approached the Sharifs for help, as was reported by this correspondent based on an email exchange between the company’s law firm Crowel and Moring with the Sharifs’ lawyers in which the firm explicitly asked for assistance.
Broadsheet laid a claim to attach the Sharifs’ Avenfield properties to its case but on December 2, 2020 a court ordered the company’s claim as discharged. On December 18, the court through a final third party debt order ordered that funds be debited from the Pakistan High Commission’s bank accounts in London as an enforcement of an earlier judgement.
Meeting with Shahzad Akbar
When asked if he contacted anyone in the government to pay the amount owed to Broadsheet LLC, Mr Moussavi said he had given up contacting officials over the years due to a lack of trust.
He also claimed that he met PM’s accountability adviser Shahzad Akbar twice in October 2018 to ask how the payment issue would be resolved. “He asked for a discount! I told him: this is not a souk – it’s a court order.”
Although he spoke well of Prime Minister Imran Khan and his adviser, he said he had become “somewhat sceptical to their claims of probity”.
He claimed he also told Mr Akbar in 2018 about an account he was aware of with a whopping “$1 billion” but that the PM’s aide didn’t want to pursue it.
“I met a Pakistani general in London [on this issue] and we discussed it – I’ve given an affidavit to the UK’s National Crime Agency on this – but they [Pakistani government] completely ignored that information.” He said he had also alerted the 2017 Sharif government to this purported billion-dollar account but got no response.
Mr Moussavi said despite his bitter experience, he was willing to return the near $29 million dollars to the government of Pakistan if they contracted his company to nab the allegedly illegal overseas assets of Pakistani individuals.
“I am more than happy to give back the money we have seized to the Imran Khan government. I know him to be a man of integrity, whether he has the power to deliver only God knows. I have no doubt Shahzad Akbar has integrity but he has no power. I am prepared to state: every penny the court has ordered, I am willing to hand it back as long as they show us the commitment that they want us to go after the thieves under a new contract.”
‘Faulty contract’
When Dawn approached Mr Akbar for his comment on Mr Moussavi’s claims, he said: “As a representative of the government, we made every effort to limit the financial cost of this award.”
He said: “We tried to appeal to his conscience and tell him he did not do anything. He bought a company that was in liquidation, did nothing to assist Pakistan… because of him Pakistan did not get anything.
“He won this case because of a faulty contract. He is skimming Pakistan.”
Published in Dawn, January 11th, 2021
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