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ST: Israel Going To Offer Turkey Advanced Missile and Surveillance Tech

Just like we complied during Iraq invasion?

Turkey was not alone in opposing that invasion. The Guardian - Monday 10 February 2003

NATO itself was divided over this issue. Some believe that Iraq's decision to accept Euro (in the future) as the currency for oil (instead of the dollar) increased Europe's reluctance over the attack.

But Iran's matter is not like that. Europe and NATO will be more or less unanimous on preventing Iran from getting nukes. Turkey could still refuse on the same basis as earlier, but would risk its reputation in NATO.
What? we only just became friends again and already this? :lol:

I don't see it happening. Israeli jets stationed in Turkey? nah.

Maybe an opening of airspace when needed? didn't Turkey help Israel strike the Syrian nuclear project in 2007? I remember something about Turkish airspace opening, but Turkey had to deny it so as not to anger the neighbours. Israel jettisoned fuel tanks into Turkish territory.
What? we only just became friends again and already this? :lol:

I don't see it happening. Israeli jets stationed in Turkey? nah.

Turkish Deputy Minister Bülent Arınç already denied the Sunday Post's report.

Maybe an opening of airspace when needed? didn't Turkey help Israel strike the Syrian nuclear project in 2007? I remember something about Turkish airspace opening, but Turkey had to deny it so as not to anger the neighbours. Israel jettisoned fuel tanks into Turkish territory.
I don't think we can see military cooperation between Israel and Turkey until the relations goes normal.
turkics and jews are true friends. you can tell because when things are rosy, they might have these little diplomatic skirmishes, but when times get tough, true friends, like these two rootless races, stick together.

there are no truer tests of friendships than difficult times, and there are no truer friendships than those forged in common rootless racial gene and blood and that known to turkics and jews.

If your non-sense BS is finished, please kindly GTFO.
you know what is nonsense bs? the helpless turkics acted like they dared to defy their jew and anglosaxon stepdads after the jews cut off their noses on the high seas: the turkics knew it was an act and it was suicidal to jeopardize the diplomatic lifeline the two other rootless races extended to your otherwise friendless and rootless turkics. the turkics trembled with fear knowing that in dumped nine dead turkics into the mediterranean the jews might be willing to dump the entire jew-turkic friendship into the ocean as well, and this fear dominated turkic diplomatic agenda for the last few years until the turkics finally gave up the spectacle and meekly got back into the anglosaxon-jew fold of the grand alliance of rootless races.

so what is this nonsense and bs for you turkics to act like nine dead turkics mattered, eh?
Israel apologized and Turkey accepted. Why would Turkey not accept? Why drag that on? Seems to me like you are eager to see the start of yet another conflict.

You're using the flags of China and England, all you are doing is disgracing these flags by writing hateful remarks and provocations. I have read a couple of your posts and it seems to me that all you are doing is spewing hatred. Is that what Chinese culture is teaching you? Being intolerant and hateful towards other cultures, religions etc.?

You don't have to answer by the way, because I already know Chinese culture isn't about intolerance/hatred. What's relevant here is your answer to that question.
any damn thing that is worth a damn thing is worth killing for. i won't deign to converse with a turkic what chinese culture and values really are, but it is worth destroying all the rootless races for.

save the rest of your meaningless liberal talk to your fellow birds because i have openly professed my hostility towards liberalism (not to mention your race).
Worth destroying races over? Do you even read your own posts?

You are representing your culture in an extremely negative way. By writing like this, you are doing the biggest injustice for Chinese culture which you seem to have so much love for.

You do not represent China,you only represent your small little twisted brain!
What? we only just became friends again and already this? :lol:

I don't see it happening. Israeli jets stationed in Turkey? nah.

Maybe an opening of airspace when needed? didn't Turkey help Israel strike the Syrian nuclear project in 2007? I remember something about Turkish airspace opening, but Turkey had to deny it so as not to anger the neighbours. Israel jettisoned fuel tanks into Turkish territory.
And there is the answer,we deny evrything but in the meantime use all you want.
Im all for it as long as you send them at least 50 years back in time.
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