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ST: Israel Going To Offer Turkey Advanced Missile and Surveillance Tech

Advanced missiles? I say a YES for Arrow-3. But a NO for Israeli presence in the middle of Turkey.

They are offering TOT in return for a strike on Iran , this is worth taking , remember a Nuclear Iran will also threaten Turkey . This is more like hitting two birds with a stone .

We pay with money, they can't get political leverage out of Armed Forces' needs.
Continue from here: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...ll-purchase-db-110-instead-israeli-lorop.html
We have too many threads already

From what I read they are offering TOT actually , this is not buy off the shelf deal
They are offering TOT in return for a strike on Iran , this is worth taking , remember a Nuclear Iran will also threaten Turkey . This is more like hitting two birds with a stone .

From what I read they are offering TOT actually , this is not buy off the shelf deal

what does TOT mean?
From every angle you look at it, nothing makes sense in the article.
Turkey giving its bases to Israel to attack a third country,for some missiles? It's more like a joke.
If Israel offers TOT on their Arrow Missile its worth taking that deal .
Doesn't worth becoming accessory to their plans. If Iran must be dealt with, we do it ourselves. They aren't NATO. They are far from allies, we didn't even send an ambassador to Israel yet.

If we ever start contracting Israel again;
1- Considering the Heron experience, I don't think there will be any R&D involved.
2- Regardless of the nature of the contract, be it TOT or direct procurement our end will be paid with hard cash. As it always have been.
Doesn't worth becoming accessory to their plans. If Iran must be dealt with, we do it ourselves. They aren't NATO. They are far from allies, we didn't even send an ambassador to Israel yet.

If we ever start contracting Israel again;
1- Considering the Heron experience, I don't think there will be any R&D involved.
2- Regardless of the nature of the contract, be it TOT or direct procurement our end will be paid with hard cash. As it always have been.

Since Israel is the weaker part in this deal Turkey should take advantage of such situation and leverage from it . I know Turkey could handle Iran , but in the meantime Turkey is focused on internal development and is trying to avoid conflict .

What happened with the Heron ?
Doesn't worth becoming accessory to their plans. If Iran must be dealt with, we do it ourselves. They aren't NATO. They are far from allies, we didn't even send an ambassador to Israel yet.

If we ever start contracting Israel again;
1- Considering the Heron experience, I don't think there will be any R&D involved.
2- Regardless of the nature of the contract, be it TOT or direct procurement our end will be paid with hard cash. As it always have been.

oh I see Heron had technical problems and Turkey later on developed a more advanced UAV currently the ANKA .

Well its not Just about military , Turkey could force Israel to fix the gas dispute it has with northern Cyprus and agree on sharing special economic zones in the mediterranean .

This could be used to Isolate Cyprus and break their alliance with Israel , now Cyprus has been neglected by both the EU and Russia .

oh I see Heron had technical problems and Turkey later on developed a more advanced UAV currently the ANKA .

Well its not Just about military , Turkey could force Israel to fix the gas dispute it has with northern Cyprus and agree on sharing special economic zones in the mediterranean .

This could be used to Isolate Cyprus and break their alliance with Israel , now Cyprus has been neglected by both the EU and Russia .

I meant southern Cyprus
Iran helped PKK terror against Turkey..

We should support Israel against Iran but we shouldn't start the war.

US and Israel first should cripple Iran and their attack capabilities. Then we can give full support to Israel and finish the job once and for all. Liberate South-Azerbaijan and cut off the support for PKK. Arab states should also join us and finish unfinished business.

This is necessary for peace in the middle-east.
Sunday Times quotes defense experts as saying that Jewish state could cripple Islamic Republic's power grid with electromagnetic pulses

:drag: :cheesy:
If Israel offers TOT on their Arrow Missile its worth taking that deal .

No one seems to understand the deep meaning of the article, witch plainly means that Israel is ready to give anything to Ankara for a renewed friendship full of hatred and hypocrisy.
I am not sure who needs who -technology wise-, I think that Turkey is more advanced technologically than Israel who depends at 90% on the US and some European technologies ( out of the too known -guilt feeling- instilled in them by the same entity they are helping -or I might say using as well-). While Turkey today is at atleast 70% independent in producing its own weapon systems and technologies in a variety of fields.
So please forget the Arrow3, it is based on some stolen and non stolen American technologies and Israel does not know how to put it together like every other weapon system they have acquired from the West (for free mostly).(remember the LAVI, an F-16 look like warplane that never materialized.)
Here is a very good example: The Iron Dom (at least they can find good names), which was supposed to stop anything coming its way (this was the claim in a global publicity -propaganda-campaign), but in reality it could not even stop some very basic rockets!!!
Turkey has already the budget to purchase the S-300/400 system or the latest version of the Patriot system, it was evaluating them when this F-4 downing by Syria occurred (see staged), to The benefit of Turkey anyway; now it has the patriot system for free, or if it wants to buy it later it would be cheaper (second hand) system with some Turkish troops already trained on it. Add to it some S-300 or 400 batteries in passive mode, so not to interfere with NATO's frequencies and voilà, the Turkish skies are protected for good. So who needs Israel...
Let's put the ToT on the shelves for a second. Turkey is in the middle of a three decade (almost 4) peace proces. If we're going to develope eastern Turkey, create jobs etc. We can't be involved in a war with Iran, nor take any side that'll be agressive.

Thus I don't see Israel getting to use Turkish bases, unless it's one far to the west, somewhere in Izmir maybe. Same area israel has trained with the hellenic Air force :).

Of course it would be good to reestablish good relations with Israel, but I think it's more important to put them on hold for the time being. With the peace proces going on in Turkey. once we've settled our internal problems we'll be developing our eastern fringes at a frightening speed.
Turkey will probably refuse such a request from Israel. But a NATO intervention programme would mean Turkey will have to comply.
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