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SSG Captain Breaks 30 Year Old Record !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
The closest equivalent to this 60km race that I can find is the Kepler Challenge spanning 60k and covering uneven, mountainous terrain. The record for winning this challenge is 4h33m. Of course, the SSG captain must have been facing different (read: more challenging) conditions, but I don't get how this is a world record.
is it a tweet? where is the full tweetni?
Captain Naveed Hussain from 136 PMA L/C Passed out from SOS(SSG) Congratulations for winning first prize in running (60 KM in 6 hrs 28 min) breaking 30 years record.


The closest equivalent to this 60km race that I can find is the Kepler Challenge spanning 60k and covering uneven, mountainous terrain. The record for winning this challenge is 4h33m. Of course, the SSG captain must have been facing different (read: more challenging) conditions, but I don't get how this is a world record.
And where does it imply that it was a world record?
He is God gifted Man I did today 9km fast walk in - 5C with moderate wind took 1hr 15 my whole skin was frozen but kept going
I-am going to die happy gained 40 pounds after Pilot school
Stay food conscious sometimes its good to eat something like pizza or donuts but keep them as ur part of diet will give U trouble when U will touch 40.keep Ur weight check its easy to gain very very hard to loose.
OACC-75 I reckon. He's most likely a highlander. Mind it that OACC-66 had 178 applicants, of which only 20 could clear.
with a selection rate of 11%, it's tough.

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