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Pakistan would win 60+ percent of the vote hands down, with independence coming second and India probably getting like 5%.

Actually much...much more than the 60% if you allow us - the Kashmiris who are settled in the rest of the country - to vote ! :azn:

But even if its just the AJK Nationals, the GB Domicile Holders & the Indian side - We can win this ! :)
Some of my family members had already immigrated from Kashmir before the Partition because the Dogra Sahib epitomized Religious Impartiality & Free-Play; the rest either came with the first wave when the crack downs started, got cut down along the way whilst coming to Pakistan & yet the few families that remained God knows how they managed to hide themselves there & stayed put !

Exactly tell her because she is blind to the reality, she thinks all was well or something before the first war.

Actually much...much more than the 60% if you allow us - the Kashmiris who are settled in the rest of the country - to vote ! :azn:

But even if its just the AJK Nationals, the GB Domicile Holders & the Indian side - We can win this ! :)

I was going to say 80% but I didn't want to give dillinger a heart attack. AJK votes alone would be more than enough and throw in the valley Pakistan would win easy, the rest would probably vote independence with like 2% voting India (if India is lucky on such a day). The true reality is that even if some Kashmiris do not want to be with Pakistan, they definitively do not want to be with India lol.
Actually much...much more than the 60% if you allow us - the Kashmiris who are settled in the rest of the country - to vote ! :azn:

But even if its just the AJK Nationals, the GB Domicile Holders & the Indian side - We can win this ! :)

Unfortunately the option for a referendum was rendered null and void the day both countries decided to not meet the criteria given out by the UN which were to be met before the referendum could be held. So its not just unlikely but abjectly impossible for such a solution to ever occur.
Supporting independence only works if the people want independence which when taking in effect Pakistani side of Kashmir, Pakistan would win the vote hands down.

you're so cute. do you know why???? Pakistan only allows pro-pakistani stuff in kashmir.... it's brainwashed the people so much.....Check out the constitution for it, Kashmir is like it's puppy! No pro- independence groups are allowed in politics and are usually dealt with by the army and ISI. if the polls are fair with no influence from either side and if independence is an option, I highly doubt that.
Unfortunately the option for a referendum was rendered null and void the day both countries decided to not meet the criteria given out by the UN which were to be met before the referendum could be held. So its not just unlikely but abjectly impossible for such a solution to ever occur.

Let us be honest with ourselves India had no intention whatsoever of conducting a referendum in Kashmir irrespective of Pakistan pulling back her troops & tribals or not ! It is, was & is projected to be - A Status Quo Power !
Let us be honest with ourselves India had no intention whatsoever of conducting a referendum in Kashmir irrespective of Pakistan pulling back her troops & tribals or not ! It is, was & is projected to be - A Status Quo Power !

That you've got right..we've had this conversation too many times. :D Are you surprised though, you are well aware that morality has no role to play in geopolitics and the securing of national interests. Pakistan has its moves and we have our own. The possible solutions have been mooted and beaten to death by now. So really not much to say anymore.

that one you can decide LOL
@ZYXW A humble condition then, apple pies. :smitten:
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you're so cute. do you know why???? Pakistan only allows pro-pakistani stuff in kashmir.... it's brainwashed the people so much.....Check out the constitution for it, Kashmir is like it's puppy! No pro- independence groups are allowed in politics and are usually dealt with by the army and ISI. if the polls are fair with no influence from either side and if independence is an option, I highly doubt that.

Despite that if such independence groups were being cracked down upon there would be some sort of resistance militarily but there is not and had there been India would have jumped at the opportunity to support it. Meanwhile IOK burns and their soldiers are killed openly.
you're so cute. do you know why???? Pakistan only allows pro-pakistani stuff in kashmir.... it's brainwashed the people so much.....Check out the constitution for it, Kashmir is like it's puppy! No pro- independence groups are allowed in politics and are usually dealt with by the army and ISI. if the polls are fair with no influence from either side and if independence is an option, I highly doubt that.

Why do you think we - Kashmiris - being less than 2-3 % of Pakistan's population have more than 9% representation in the Army if the Pro-Independence narrative was ever so strong ?

Why do you think that the people of GB had been clamoring to be de-linked from the whole Kashmir Issue & be given a Provincial Status within Pakistan as they now have been given, de facto if not de jure, if they were looking towards Independence ?
Exactly tell her because she is blind to the reality, she thinks all was well or something before the first war.

I was going to say 80% but I didn't want to give dillinger a heart attack. AJK votes alone would be more than enough and throw in the valley Pakistan would win easy, the rest would probably vote independence with like 2% voting India (if India is lucky on such a day). The true reality is that even if some Kashmiris do not want to be with Pakistan, they definitively do not want to be with India lol.

LOL I am not blind to reality. You guys just let your affection for Pakistan get in the way of seeing things clearly. Honestly, I am not dillusional in having this view, I have many many reasons for it. lol

In November 1948, The Indian and Pakistani governments agreed to hold the plebiscite, but Pakistan did not withdraw its troops from Kashmir, thus violating the conditions for holding the plebiscite.[25] In addition, the Indian Government distanced itself from its commitment to hold a plebiscite.[25] India proposed that Pakistan withdraw all its troops first, calling it a precondition for a plebiscite. Pakistan rejected on the grounds that the Kashmiris may not vote freely given the presence of Indian army and Sheikh Abdullah's friendship with the Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. However, Pakistan proposed simultaneous withdrawal of all troops followed by a plebiscite under international auspices, which India rejected.[26] Hence Pakistan didn't withdraw its forces unilaterally[27] In addition, the Indian Government distanced itself from its commitment to hold a plebiscite.[25] Over the next several years, the UN Security Council passed four new resolutions, revising the terms of Resolution 47 to include a synchronous withdrawal of both Indian and Pakistani troops from the region, per the recommendations of General Andrew McNaughton. To this end, UN arbitrators put forward 11 different proposals for the demilitarization of the region. All of these were accepted by Pakistan, but rejected by the Indian government.[28]

Why were the proposals made by the UN arbitrators not accepted by India ? Any reason or justification which the Indian Govt offers to the people ? Was the Indian Govt never sincere in holding a plebiscite hence the rejection and distancing ?
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Let us be honest with ourselves India had no intention whatsoever of conducting a referendum in Kashmir irrespective of Pakistan pulling back her troops & tribals or not ! It is, was & is projected to be - A Status Quo Power !

The solution to kashmir must be written in blood, there is no other option. :coffee:
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