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Sri Lankans express solidarity with Kashmiris

And sir, likewise Sikhs will always visit Pakistan for their yatra.
Pakistani Muslims also visit the sufi Shrine of Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer Sharif, located at Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. Recently I & may family prayed at the Dargah. We were holidaying Jaipur
"purpose of the seminar is to draw attention"


From U.N and later white house ,discussion on Kashmir struggle is now limited to some 3rd class seminar in Sri Lanka

what a diplomatic achievements for pakistan

:lol: :lol:

Lankans plz preserve your hard won peace and learn from recent B.D incident and get rid of Persona Non Gratas ,if you don't want your country to be an exporter of terrorism of foreign terrorist.
Are you new to propagandas????

I'm no way oppose to any group showing solidarity with another.. All the best to them.. Kashmiris too need to be heard.. But the title does not represent the content.. Just saying
what about Money.You can not tell me that we are rich but we like to get some aid as far as I know you are not a single bit of self reliant when it come to defence,You economy doesn't allow you to support other nation,You don't have money to buy your own weapons, you have more terrorist than Sri Lanka.Saying these are myths is a myth as whole world know your internal condition. I like your attitude patriotic as I call it
Keep telling yourself that, the more India underestimates Pakistan, the better. Then again, India's leadership and military forces aren't as ignorant as you.
I'm no way oppose to any group showing solidarity with another.. All the best to them.. Kashmiris too need to be heard.. But the title does not represent the content.. Just saying

Nothing wrong, i was just pointing out how propaganda's are run
i would quote u "Whatever you want to believe, go ahead, but don't twist facts." ..u guys do not really care if tamilians are wiped out...as they r mostly hindus. But India cares abt Sinhalese too. so we provided them stuff to protect themselves, instead of offensive weapons that eventualy would be used to commit genocide against Tamils...please put a proper source to support ur point that srilankan military's belief that india provided support covertly to LTTE during the last LTTE-srilanka war(and after 1992). Then we can discuss..or ur arguments will only be considered propaganda and nothing else..
It's been discussed to death on this forum multiple times, I'm not going to waste my time arguing the obvious. You don't want to believe me, that's fine, I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

Nobody in SL believes that. They are not stupid. Pakistan's help? Without Indian assistance, Sri Lanka would never have won. It was the Indian navy that effectively blockaded the LTTE. The Sri Lankans understood that the then government needed to step carefully because of Tamil Nadu politics. However they know the score .
According to you, and a few Indians here. India's support for LTTE in the early to mid phases of the war are quite well known. It's only until it became clear that the LTTE would lose, that India decided to cease support for the LTTE. Even to this day, India still continues to accuse SL of genocide, and make excuses for the LTTE's atrocities.
actually no..many sri lankans love india..they love sri lanka and are angry india's interference in 70's and 80's and they equally blame past sri lankan govts for screwing up relationship with India, but they still consider India as their cultural homeland(just like Maldivians btw). And also get ur facts rite...india provided a lot of non-offensive weapons like vehicles, radars, even ships..And also LTTE could not have been wiped out if we had interfered. So go to sri lanka and talk to locals there, instead of relying on PDF and online news portals like The Island which is known for its pro-rajapakshe slant(who recently was kicked out by srilankans and voted a pro-Indian govt).

No actually we do not "love" India. We mostly respect India and some times bit fearful of it's potential but most of the other times we just mock India as the "s*it hole". (Pun intended).
No actually we do not "love" India. We mostly respect India and some times bit fearful of it's potential but most of the other times we just mock India as the "s*it hole". (Pun intended).

ya right..and i have to believe a guy on pakistan forum...get real dude..a bunch of rajapakse supporters could not stop us from installing a india friendly govt..so much for a county u call s*it hole..
India does not underestimate your resolve. Be sure of that. :)

And that is why your PM is training to fly jets? :D Lead from the front the maha yuddh for Akhand Baharat. :p:

ya right..and i have to believe a guy on pakistan forum...get real dude..a bunch of rajapakse supporters could not stop us from installing a india friendly govt..so much for a county u call s*it hole..

But I think Sri Lankans do credit Rajapaksa for getting rid of that decade or more long insurgency........
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