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Sri Lankans express solidarity with Kashmiris


Sep 18, 2009
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Sri Lankans express solidarity with Kashmiris and urge early resolution of the dispute in accordance with UN Resolutions


A seminar titled "Kashmir Dispute in the Regional Perspective" was held in Colombo, last evening, to express support for the Kashmiri people on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day.

The event was attended by a large number of participants including diplomats, members of academia, dignitaries, Pakistani community based in Sri Lanka and a large contingent of media personnel.

Prominent scholars including Mr. Jamal-ud-Din Chairman Kashmir Study Group, Ms. Ramla Wahab from Lakshman Kadirgamer Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies, Senior analyst Mr. Ameen Izzadeen, expressed their views and participated in the panel discussion.

The speeches delivered by the eminent speakers underline that lasting peace in the world especially in the South Asian Region cannot be guaranteed unless Kashmir Issue is resolved in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiri people and the United Nations resolutions of 1948 and 1949.

The High Commissioner of Pakistan Maj. Gen. (R) Qasim Qureshi while speaking on the occasion, highlighted the significance of Kashmir issue and said that it was the main stumbling block in making SAARC an effective entity.

He noted that Kashmir issue is more relevant today, as it involves the principle of self determination and human rights of the Kashmiri people. The International Community is far more conscious of these principles today, than it was at any time in the past.

He explained that the purpose of this seminar was not to vilify any party to the dispute, but to draw attention towards the miseries of the Kashmiri people and to appeal to the international community to take cognizance of the urgency of resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people.

Chairman Kashmir Study Forum Sri Lanka, Mr. Jamal ud Deen, said it was the obligation of the world community to ensure a United Nations sponsored plebiscite in Kashmir according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir. He decried the human rights violations have been committed by the Indian armed forces in occupied Kashmir for the past 6 decades.

He recalled that the complaint relating to Kashmir was initiated by India in the Security Council, however, India is reluctant to implement the resolution for past 64 years.


Ramla Wahab from Lakshman Kadirgamer Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies highlighted the commercial and cultural roots of Kashmir and its significance as an important junction on the ancient silk route connecting China with Europe. She noted that the resolution of this dispute could usher in new vistas of progress and cooperation in the region. She underlined that integration of regional economies through revival of the ancient silk route was the best way forward for economic growth of not just Kashmir but all countries of south Asia.

Speaking on the occasion, senior analyst Ameen Izzadeen stressed that the peace loving people around the world were concerned about the sufferings of the Kashmir people. He said that the UN resolutions, which called for a plebiscite in Kashmir, warranted attention of the international community. He said that there was no legality in the claims that Kashmir is legally Indian Territory.

The message of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day was read out to the audience by the Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Sarfraz Ahmed Khan Sipra.

After the conclusion of seminar, the High Commissioner of Pakistan formally opened the photographic exhibition on Kashmir Solidarity Day, for the participants, who took keen interest in the photographs depicting the prevailing situation in the Indian held Kashmir. A video documentary related to the Kashmir situation was also screened for the participants.

Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed every year by Pakistan and Kashmiris around the globe on February 5 since 1990 to remind the international community and the United Nations of their promises made to Kashmiris decades back for holding a plebiscite and respecting aspirations of Kashmiri people.

The Island

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Errrr..... its a congregation of a few SriLankan Muslims..... How come the title says SriLanksns?

BTW Srilanka has millions of Hindus and Buddhists (majority) who are more closer to India and Indian values than to Islam or for that matter to Pakistan.

Ps: Isn't there a growing concern on PDF of Muslim persecution in SriLanka by the Buddhists :what:
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Errrr..... its a congregation of a few SriLankan Muslims..... How come the title says SriLanksns?

BTW Srilanka has millions of Hindus and Buddhists (majority) who are more closer to India and Indian values than to Islam or for that matter to Pakistan.

Ps: Isn't there is a growing concern on PDF of Muslim persecution in SriLanka by the Buddhists :what:
Sri Lanka has no love for India, even if the current gov seems to want better relation with it. Sri Lankans blame India for supporting LTTE, and like Pakistan for giving it massive military support when they needed it most.
Prominent scholars including Mr. Jamal-ud-Din Chairman Kashmir Study Group, Ms. Ramla Wahab from Lakshman Kadirgamer Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies, Senior analyst Mr. Ameen Izzadeen, expressed their views and participated in the panel discussion.

The High Commissioner of Pakistan Maj. Gen. (R) Qasim Qureshi while speaking on the occasion, highlighted the significance of Kashmir issue and said that it was the main stumbling block in making SAARC an effective entity.

Notice anything? :lol:
Sri Lanka has no love for India, even if the current gov seems to want better relation with it. Sri Lankans blame India for supporting LTTE, and like Pakistan for giving it massive military support when they needed it most.

Religious and cultural ties will always exist
Religious and cultural ties will always exist
Of course they will, they still exist between Pakistan and India, despite the hate between each other; the same with Pakistan and India.
Sri Lanka has no love for India, even if the current gov seems to want better relation with it. Sri Lankans blame India for supporting LTTE, and like Pakistan for giving it massive military support when they needed it most.
Pakistan is itself reliant on other countries for military support.
Since when did you guys start giving "massive military support" ?:what:
Some of the Participants of this 'Srilankan' solidarity seminar.

Mr. Jamal-ud-Din Chairman Kashmir Study Group,

Ms. Ramla Wahab

Senior analyst Mr. Ameen Izzadeen

High Commissioner of Pakistan Maj. Gen. (R) Qasim Qureshi

Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Sarfraz Ahmed Khan Sipra

There is nothing Srilankan about this seminar, except the place where it was held.

Just a bunch of Pakistanis in Srilanka getting together, paid for by Pakistani high commission.
Pakistan is itself reliant on other countries for military support.
Since when did you guys start giving "massive military support" ?:what:
Pakistan has been growing it's defense industry for the last few decades so that reliance on foreign nations decrease. Pakistan gave Sri Lanka vitally needed equipment such as artillery, ammunition, and other heavy weapons free of charge to fight the insurgency, when India refused to sell to Sri Lanka.

Despite the myths, Pakistan is quite self reliant.
Of course they will, they still exist between Pakistan and India, despite the hate between each other; the same with Pakistan and India.

I worked with both Tamils and Sinhalese people and I can tell you that both sets did not hate me (being a Indian) but yes my Sinhalese friend did hate Tamils (but maybe he was a exception) I can not speak for everyone. Infact my Sinhalese co-worker used to give me lifts home in his car he was big softie at heart. (Although when I first met him he did ask me if I support the Tamils in Lanka lol) him being a big bastard I said I did not :enjoy:

As for the Tamils, I know many from Lanka and some who have been active in the war with the Tigers and the stories they told me about kidnapping while sleeping in their homes etc made them join the movement.

So for me I do not have a stance I just get both sets of opinions, I don't know why they hate each other and hope they can both live in peace.
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