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Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies


Apr 24, 2007
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Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

April 2nd, 2008

By M.R. Narayan Swamy

New Delhi, April 2 (IANS) Faced with stiff resistance from Tamil Tiger guerrillas, Sri Lanka has ordered emergency military supplies from Pakistan, according to official sources here. In a development noted with some concern by the Indian establishment, the Sri Lanka Army has sought 150,000 rounds of 60 mm mortar ammunition and as many hand grenades for immediate delivery, the sources said.

Sri Lanka has also requested $25 million worth of 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month, the sources told IANS.

General Sarath Fonseka, the Sri Lankan army chief who spent six days in India last month, has conveyed the requirements to his Pakistani counterpart, General Ashraf Pervez Kayani, said the sources.

The Pakistani military has apparently agreed to supply the ammunition on an emergency basis from its War Wastage Reserve maintained in various army depots.

The SOS comes amid escalating fighting in Sri Lanka where the military is desperately trying to gain control of areas the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) holds in the island’s north.

The current fighting is concentrated mostly in the districts of Mannar, Vavuniya and Mullaitivu, which along with Kilinochchi are commonly referred to as the Wanni region, as well as in Jaffna.

In Mannar, the military has been trying for months to advance into LTTE territory. And with rains starting around two weeks ago, the military push could slow down further.

The Sri Lankan military controls most of Mannar, Vavuniya and Jaffna. The Tigers are in control of the whole of Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts.

Despite some gains, the military is finding the going tough in the north, in contrast to the eastern wing of the country that came under Colombo’s control in 2007 after the Tigers withdrew their forces.

The resistance the LTTE is putting up is making Sri Lanka turn to Pakistan to make up ammunition it is exhausting, the Indian sources said.

Sri Lanka started buying arms and ammunition from Pakistan in a big way from 1999. The total purchases until December 2007 were worth $50 million while there has been a sudden jump in the quantity of merchandise ordered this year.

Pakistan’s main military supplies to Sri Lanka include mortar ammunition, radio sets, hand grenades, naval ammunition and tanks.

The military links between Islamabad and Colombo worry New Delhi because this gives Pakistan access to Sri Lankan defence establishments and intelligence that analysts here fear hurts Indian security interests in the long run.

India mainly provides what it says are non-lethal military supplies to Sri Lanka. And while refusing it offensive weapons, New Delhi has publicly expressed displeasure over Sri Lanka’s military purchases from Pakistan and China.

Sri Lankan officials argue that they are free to go to any country for weapons supplies since India refuses to provide lethal weapons. Colombo says that in any case it keeps New Delhi informed about their shopping list.

A section of the Indian establishment feels that with so much military hardware pouring into Sri Lanka, the war in the island is unlikely to end any time soon.
WHAT AUTHORITY DO THESE INDIANS HAVE OVER OTHER COUNTRYS?? As long as Sri lanka is buying these weapons for national security the have every single rights of it...

ohh btw pakistan defence export is now over 350 $million..
if another country is committing acts which affect India or Indians directly or indirectly than India has every authority to react..

As long as Sri lanka is buying these weapons for national security the have every single rights of it...

what?? US sells weapons to Pak, doesn't mean US has every right over Pak isn't it?

ohh btw pakistan defence export is now over 350 $million..

if another country is committing acts which affect India or Indians directly or indirectly than India has every authority to react..

Don't know about Srilankan grand plan of invading India??
what?? US sells weapons to Pak, doesn't mean US has every right over Pak isn't it?


You do are coming on your own.........don't you:azn:
Don't know about Srilankan grand plan of invading India??

Never heard of it.. but I have heard of LTTE terrorists killing Rajiv Gandhi..

You do are coming on your own.........don't you:azn:

what?? unlike some, I prefer not to let hatred or hypocrisy blind my vision..
WHAT AUTHORITY DO THESE INDIANS HAVE OVER OTHER COUNTRYS?? As long as Sri lanka is buying these weapons for national security the have every single rights of it...

The issue here is not that Delhi is unhappy, infact it must be very happy in allowing Pakistan to supply weapons , something whcih it cannot do openly because of Tamil pressure from south India. You think if we were so pissed off , we couldnt have spurced up TIGER'S arsenel and made Srilanka eat dirt.

ohh btw pakistan defence export is now over 350 $million

Good for you and good for Pakistan , congrats
It will be good if we give help to SriLanka to fight rebels. they should not disintegrate.
It will be good if we give help to SriLanka to fight rebels. they should not disintegrate.

I don't think Sri Lanka is in perceivable danger of disintegrating(just like Pak I hope).

But SL/Sinhalese should make an honest attempt at engaging Tamils (LTTE has gone bonkers and they are beyond rehabilitation like all terror groups)
I don't think Sri Lanka is in perceivable danger of disintegrating(just like Pak I hope).

Pakistan is in no danger.

Yes there is terrorism problem and few ethnic differences but when in case of any problem the whole nation forgets their differences and this is a quality which will keep Pakistan United (Inshallah).

Only those countries disintegrate where people wants liberation, Alhamdullilah the people of Pakistan are united.
Never heard of it.. but I have heard of LTTE terrorists killing Rajiv Gandhi..

Ohh......is it LTTE that sent Arms list to Pak???

Grow up........ it is srilankan govt, which wish to wipe this LTTE terrorist.

what?? unlike some, I prefer not to let hatred or hypocrisy blind my vision..

Now that you know LTTE is target of the arms from srilankan govt, you take out your coloured glasses whaich makes for your tunnel vision, and look at the big Picture.:D
A section of the Indian establishment feels that with so much military hardware pouring into Sri Lanka, the war in the island is unlikely to end any time soon.

Interesting - but only true if the LTTE was also being resupplied.

If it was just the Sri Lankan government that was purchasing arms, then the war would actually be in a position to end quickly I would say. The Sri Lankan Govt. is exhausting its supplies, so it should be expected that the LTTE, with much smaller resources and access to supplies should have its military wing in danger of collapse, but the Indians say the war is in danger of lengthening, so who is supplying the LTTE?
Interesting - but only true if the LTTE was also being resupplied.

If it was just the Sri Lankan government that was purchasing arms, then the war would actually be in a position to end quickly I would say. The Sri Lankan Govt. is exhausting its supplies, so it should be expected that the LTTE, with much smaller resources and access to supplies should have its military wing in danger of collapse, but the Indians say the war is in danger of lengthening, so who is supplying the LTTE?

Agno , the LTTE after years of fighting have established strong supply routes both for weapons and money. For years they have been procruring arms through illegal arms trade across the world, I remember reading recently that an agent of the organisation was arrrested in the the west for trying to purchase Igla manpads.

Thogh they may be terrorists , however they are a determinde lot, irrespective of Srilanka receiving arms in lot will never make a diference in the north of the country,as LTTE had used the peace time to gather and accumulate weapons, cash and resource. Their primary source is the Srilankan Tamil diaspora who I rememberd reading about seven years ago were pumping in 2 million $ per month.
Ohh......is it LTTE that sent Arms list to Pak???
Grow up........ it s srilankan govt, which wish to wipe this LTTE terrorist.

Thanks for recycling info.

Now that you know LTTE is target of the arms from srilankan govt, you take out your coloured glasses whaich makes for your tunnel vision, and look at the big Picture.:D

What?? you are implying I have a soft corner for LTTE ?? Read my post...

I don't let Hatred and Hypocrisy blind me like some but yes like most human beings bias colours my vision..

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