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Sri Lanka: India’s latest security nightmare

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Sri Lanka: India’s latest security nightmare

Sri Lanka is fast emerging as a security nightmare for India. Basking in its military success against the separatist Tamil Tigers, Sri Lanka is cementing its ties with China and Pakistan, ignoring Indian security interests. By embracing India’s enemies and inviting them home, treating them as guests, and doing business with them, Sri Lanka is embarking on a dangerous foreign policy that has the potential to undermine India’s national security.

The Chinese are developing a port in Hambantota in Southern Sri Lanka, which experts feel could be converted into a Chinese naval base at short notice. In a recent interview to Tehelka, Colonel (retired) R Hariharan, a Sri Lanka expert, had stated: “Though Hambantota is being developed as a merchant shipping port, it can be converted into a naval base by adding a few facilities.”

The Chinese are building an expressway in Colombo and are also involved in an important power project in North Sri Lanka. As the two countries keep signing more collaborative projects, and the Chinese presence increases in Sri Lanka, it would bring the Chinese within breathing (or striking) distance of India’s southern coast, where several sensitive installations including atomic power plants are located. Chinese personnel will be all over Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka doesn’t lose an opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to one-China policy. By doing that Sri Lanka accepts Chinese claims over Taiwan.

Sri Lanka would be fully prepared with an Armed Force of 400,000, near-fully trained and equipped by China and Pakistan, forcing India to open a massive land-sea front in the south, which till now has been peaceful. It is thus evident that India’s ‘foreign policy’ on Sri Lanka has been palpably against national interest and security.”

As if Chinese presence in Sri Lanka was not enough, Colombo is now all set to train Pakistani army personnel in anti-guerilla warfare in soon-to-be established training schools in Sri Lanka. The proposed training to the Pakistani personnel is to be provided based on a request from Islamabad to train their officers in ‘small team operations.’ Their presence near India’s southern borders should ring the alarm bells in the Indian security establishment.

From:Sri Lanka: India?s latest security nightmare
Motive of Chinese presence in SriLanka is crystal clear. There is nothing SL can do about it than to accept them. Will you reject an offer from a country when it comes with mouthwatering proposals.

But i don't understand the friendship with Pakistan. I don't quite sure how far that friendship will go.
India has herself to blame. The hegamony and interferance in the south asia has made India the most hated country in the sub continent. Partisan approach to the problems of Sri Lanka has made 75% of the Sri Lankan people very suspicious of India. Hence the genuine affection to China. I tell the indians change your foreign policy from hegamony to friendship then you will not have problems.
India has herself to blame. The hegamony and interferance in the south asia has made India the most hated country in the sub continent. Partisan approach to the problems of Sri Lanka has made 75% of the Sri Lankan people very suspicious of India. Hence the genuine affection to China. I tell the indians change your foreign policy from hegamony to friendship then you will not have problems.

Then why Sri Lanka continues to buy defence equipment from India?

Half of your Navy's major surface combatants are ex-Indian.

If it wasn't Indian Navy in 2004 Tsunami, even God couldn't have helped Sri Lanka.

Then why Sri Lanka continues to buy defence equipment from India?

Half of your Navy's major surface combatants are ex-Indian.

If it wasn't Indian Navy in 2004 Tsunami, even God couldn't have helped Sri Lanka.


India should respect that in the same way that Germany respects the sovereignty of Switzerland, it will improve Sri Lanka India Relations

India should respect that in the same way that Germany respects the sovereignty of Switzerland, it will improve Sri Lanka India Relations

and since when we invaded your soverginity?

Both India-Sri Lanka has visa free regimes for each other's citizen.

Sri Lankan's doesn't require Indian visa nor Indians require Sri Lankan visa for a single time (max 30 days) entry.

We have no problem with Sri Lankan model cum actress working in India and acting in films /ads whatsoever.

It is the courtesy of Indian Oil and apparently GOI that Sri Lanka recieves oil so cheap through Indian Oil Lanka.

A training programme for 465 Sri Lankan Police officers has been commenced in Dec 2005. Another 400 Sri Lankan Police personnel are being trained for the course of ‘Maintenance of Public Order’.

Upgradation of the educational infrastructure of the schools in the Central province including teachers’ training, setting up of 10 computer labs, setting up of 20 e-libraries (Nenasalas), Mahatma Gandhi scholarship scheme for +2 students and setting up of a vocational training centre in Puttalam. India also contributes to the Ceylon Workers Education Trust that gives scholarships to the children of estate workers.

We have supplied medical equipments to hospitals at Hambantota and Point Pedro, supplied 4 state of the art ambulances to the Central Province, implemented a cataract eye surgery programme for 1500 people in the Central Province and implemented a project of renovation of OT at Dickoya hospital and supplying equipment to it.

The projects under consideration are: Construction of a 150-bed hospital at Dickoya, upgradation of the hospital at Trincomalee and a US$ 7.5 million grant for setting up a Cancer Hospital in Colombo.

In the recent past three lines of credit were extended to Sri Lanka: US$ 100 million for capital goods, consumer durables, consultancy services and food items, US$ 31 million for supply of 300,000 MT of wheat and US$ 150 million for purchase of petroleum products. All of these lines of credit have been fully utilized. Another line of credit of US$ 100 million is now being made available for rehabilitation of the Colombo-Matara railway.

Every time there is a disaster in Sri Lanka, India is the first country to reach with aid.


India should respect that in the same way that Germany respects the sovereignty of Switzerland, it will improve Sri Lanka India Relations

The disadvantage of India is that it cannot claim how it is supported SL against LTTE as people of TN will not be happy. The same goes to future support, this leads to a situation where people like you get disillusioned. The good thing is GOSL knows what India is doing.

About neighbors hating India, you know when people like together no matter what the head of family does people living will always be unhappy. It is when they have to play the same role they can realize things are not the way they thought. Plus immature people in SE Asia adds to the problem. So we have to live with it, everyone wants something from us. Pakistan for that matter has never been tested, they do not share border or concerns with SL, so just supplying arms will make SL happy. Will like to see how it would have been if they had common issues (Ask Afghanistan/ Banagaladesh). So people accusing, India cannot compare 2 countries which does not have same situations (apples cannot be compared to oranges).
Only way Sri Lanks do some harm to India is by hosting the Chinese bases, otherwise I don't see any reason why we should be afraid of each other. And this piece totally ignored the Indian assistance to them in the last conflict.
Only way Sri Lanks do some harm to India is by hosting the Chinese bases, otherwise I don't see any reason why we should be afraid of each other. And this piece totally ignored the Indian assistance to them in the last conflict.

Dont forget their co-operation with our western neighbors.

I don't think there is much happening in this regard, it's just a bargaining chip (soft blackmail) on us.

I leave it to you and others to decide.

Sri Lanka started buying arms and ammunition from Pakistan in a big way from 1999. The total purchases until December 2007 were worth $50 million while there has been a sudden jump in the quantity of merchandise ordered in 2009 and the amount has been tripled.

With India reluctant to sign a Defense Cooperation Agreement with Sri Lanka and unwilling to supply it with the kind of weapons it is looking for, Colombo has turned increasingly to Pakistan. There are segments of opinion in Sri Lanka that are in fact in favor of the government finalizing a defense cooperation agreement with Islamabad.

In May 2000, President Musharraf of Pakistan supplied millions of dollars of much-needed weapons to the Sri Lankan government, when separatist Tamil Tiger rebels were about to recapture their former capital of Jaffna.

In May 2008, Lt. Gen Sarath Fonseka of the Sri Lanka Army held talks with his Pakistan Army counter-parts regarding the sale of military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The sale of 22 Al-Khalid MBTs to the Sri Lanka Army was finalised during these talks in a deal worth over US$100 million.

In April 2009, Sri Lanka requested $25 million worth of 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month.

Shortly after the defeat of the Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka, Islamabad congratulated Sri Lanka and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hussein A. Bhaila of Sri Lanka called Pakistan a true friend saying:

"The government and the people of Sri Lanka have considered Pakistan as a true friend of Sri Lanka, which has always stood by it in times of need..."

Its the news coming from tehelka journalists, what can we expect. Contrary to authors opinion, most of the srilankans have very positive opinion about India due to many reasons. The Chinese investments in srilanka are seen in suspicion not on by Indian govt but also by Srilankans themselves, as the loans china granted for infrastructure projects have a clause that the contractors and construction workers need to be from china. Around 25000 Chinese workers are going to work for next 5 years in Srilanka, its evident that whom srilanka is surrendering its sovereignty to. Where as investments by Indian companies are more into service sector and industrial sector which are going to employ 90% srilankan workforce.
Motive of Chinese presence in SriLanka is crystal clear. There is nothing SL can do about it than to accept them. Will you reject an offer from a country when it comes with mouthwatering proposals.

But i don't understand the friendship with Pakistan. I don't quite sure how far that friendship will go.

It is Pakistan's ACTIVE HELP that LTTE is now history !! Lankans were unable to wipe them out since decades. So friendship with Pakistan look more natural.

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