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Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

It was I asked the red bullet to come to this forum but he got bored and left.... I might persuade him to come back....

ask about me from KS

Not convincing:pop: Be more creative next time :wave:
hi a lankan here and found this site accidently and amazed by all the dicussions here. To begin with i should say SL will never intend to go to war crimes tribunal against india. We lankans do not want to start confrontations with anybody but we value our autonomy very highly sometimes even to the extent it costs us badly. You can check that even in our history.

What we sri lankans intend is a good relationship with all the countries in SA and we are not against india. Actually before all this war, terror camps started Lankans very much had appreciations of india because we are culturally, linguistically, religoun wise deeply connected to india. One of the reasons for great mistrust among indians abt SL is their lack of knowledge when it comes to SL. Also another thing everything in media are not true. Today it is hard to distinguish fact from propaganda.

SL won't be silent till it becomes a state of India.

SL just provided fuel for Pakistan vessels during the wartime as the result you got civil war for 30yrs. Now you need another?

IPKF in SL had faced 400 fatalities in the first 3 weeks. It is a much higher rate than its fatality rate in previous wars.

The SL army was a ceremonial army in the beginning. It is very different now. Too bad our leaders didnt anticipate possible threats we could encounter in early 60s. But things have changed.

SL won't be silent till it becomes a state of India.

SL just provided fuel for Pakistan vessels during the wartime as the result you got civil war for 30yrs. Now you need another?

invading another country is difficult, for india it has been proved difficult to engage in military action in SL. It is not easy as some keyboard warriors think.
there is no proven war crime. propaganda is not facts. But LTTE is a war criminal.

Nero, I Spike, and myself had been telling this for a long time, If INDIA supports SL at the cost of Tamils, then be ready to be back stabbed by the Shingalese whom you are supporting.
One thing is for sure, what every INDIA does to appease the Shingalese, sure they are going to allow PAKISTAN and CHINESE inteligence work in their country against INDIA.

sri lanka has never ever back stabbed india, it was the other way around. For ur information both india n SL govs has gone a long way when it comes to defence coorperations. SL even went further and built a memorial for the dead in IPKF. That is how much SL is dedicated to maintain good relationships.
And people ask why we are buying these costly weapons....with surrounding like us, it will idiotic not to be prepared for the worst.

If you can't have good neighbrs, its better to have well guarded borders.

We can thrive on our own. There are plenty of countries to work with. World' doesn't revolve around you but it certainly feels the pull of India.

With the polarity increasing in today's world, India is going to gain more importance then anyone. Let China or whatever country encircle us, we Indians are getting settled in other countries in millions, soon they can pressurize or influence their host govt. to take India's side anytime. It will be our biggest weapon, the large population, educated ones, going abroad and having ties with India.

We have to use our human resources, and this is what most of the countries are concerned about those who don't like India.

it is funny coming from an indian. Actually it is the india that has destabilized its neiughbours and created a turbulant region in SA. Dint even let the far smaller nation Maldives to its own. But still you guys cry victim. Wont it be better to have good diplomatic relations without trying to destabilize other countries.

We know india is bigger country with more resources than any of ours, so dont be afraid. Being the bully and crying victim. pathetic.

ok genius lets get to it... no artillery, no air strikes and no tanks in Kashmir. How was it in your neck of the woods. I know a pure genocide by Lankans on Tamils.

You are a member of a 'defence forum' and doesnt know the difference between holding an area and engaging in a war.:laugh:
it is good for ur country u ppl are no where close to ur defence establishments.

ok genius lets get to it... no artillery, no air strikes and no tanks in Kashmir. How was it in your neck of the woods. I know a pure genocide by Lankans on Tamils.

You are a member of a 'defence forum' and doesnt know the difference between holding an area and engaging in a war.:laugh:
it is good for ur country u ppl are no where close to ur defence establishments.

So you are blindly going to deny the heavy artillery that was pounding the refugee camps was a lie.????
Do you think the world is that naive...come back with a reply i got a somehing for your innocent behind.

Lankan military has never rejected they used artillery but they reject any indiscriminate bombing. That s the diffrence. If the world is 'convinced' as you say that Lankan army is guilty then why hasnt UN done anything?

So you are blindly going to deny the heavy artillery that was pounding the refugee camps was a lie.????
Do you think the world is that naive...come back with a reply i got a somehing for your innocent behind.

Lankan military has never rejected they used artillery but they reject any indiscriminate bombing. That s the diffrence. If the world is 'convinced' as you say that Lankan army is guilty then why hasnt UN done anything?

that's really foolish decision in our political history

SL gov didnt request for IPKF. It was a part of ILA, which was forced upon the lankan gov. India actually threatened SL to agree with the ILA at a time SL was going for a victory against ltte.
It's not worth to argue about SL anymore, they cant do any harm to us. For them, it took almost 30years to vanish few Tamils, almost with the support of all the super powers. Here in the Southern India, 7.5 crore tamils are there. We dont need to worry, whether they allow china or Pakistan. They wont dare to step an inch inside south, when we are there.

"Evan vanthaalum vaayilayae kuduthu anuppuvom" (very good words in tamil for them)

The final war took even less than 3 years. The reason was SL was never really into a military solution. The gov foolishly believed in peace talks which cost us badly.

SL was at the verge of defeating LTTE in 1987 when india intervined. SL was hardly helped by other countries except Pak, China sold us weapons without bending to other powers. But LTTE was helped by india in the beginning, continuous support by TN, western gov and even NGOs. I can give u even more. We didnt vanish the tamils it was the terrorists we targetted. The terrorists hid behind the civilians.

With the help of india, LTTE couldnt win over a badly equipped SL army which was more like a ceremonial army in 80s. Many sinhala underground thugs who fled SL have already reached TN and operate from there. They do their drug smuggling healthily in TN, why dont u guys target them? but target old women who come to TN for religous ceremonies.

poor tamilians..... don't even have backbone to carve out a country from India.... be cowards and continue lick North Indian rear... we Sri Lankans aren't like Tamils.. we have our own country even though we are small.. just like Israel!

What refuge camp be more specific I can correct you for sure! :woot::woot::woot::woot:

dont talk like that. TN being a part of india is good for us.
The final war took even less than 3 years. The reason was SL was never really into a military solution. The gov foolishly believed in peace talks which cost us badly.

SL was at the verge of defeating LTTE in 1987 when india intervined. SL was hardly helped by other countries except Pak, China sold us weapons without bending to other powers. But LTTE was helped by india in the beginning, continuous support by TN, western gov and even NGOs. I can give u even more. We didnt vanish the tamils it was the terrorists we targetted. The terrorists hid behind the civilians.

With the help of india, LTTE couldnt win over a badly equipped SL army which was more like a ceremonial army in 80s. Many sinhala underground thugs who fled SL have already reached TN and operate from there. They do their drug smuggling healthily in TN, why dont u guys target them? but target old women who come to TN for religous ceremonies.

dont talk like that. TN being a part of india is good for us.

Operation Pawan was the codename assigned to the operations by the Indian Peace Keeping Force to take control of Jaffna from the LTTE in late 1987 to enforce the disarmament of the LTTE as a part of the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord. In brutal fighting that took about three weeks, the IPKF took control of the Jaffna Peninsula from the LTTE rule, something that the Sri Lankan army had then tried and failed to achieve for several years. Supported by Indian Army tanks, helicopter gunships and heavy artillery, the IPKF routed the LTTE. But this victory came at a price, as the IPKF lost around 214 soldiers.[11]

Premadasa government support
President Premadasa ordered Sri Lanka Army to clandestine handed over arms consignments to the LTTE to fight the IPKF and its proxy Tamil National Army (TNA). These consignments include RPG guns, motars, self loading rifles, T81 automatic rifles, T56 automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, ammunition and communications setsMoreover, millions of dollars was also passed on to the LTTE.

So if your President dont send IPKF , then within month or more IPKF will destroyed LTTE, its your own foolishness that the LTTE survived.

Dont blame other for your own govt Foolishness....
^^^This Premadasa episode is one which Sinhalas like to forget..but Karma is a nasty bi**h. He was knocked off by a LTTE suicide bomber. IPKF would have handed over Jaffna to GoSL on a silver platter by early 90s itself..but Srilankans chose to confront IPKF rather than help them.
Is that the PROOF you can come up with? Must have searched in the old news section and you managed to find one from an LTTE website :rofl: what a 'genious'.

Get this into your head.
Army declared NFZ for the civilians and LTTE went inside with along with the civilians and fired at the army from within the NFZ. Then army retalliated. The LTTE is infamous for hiding behind civilians to save their sorry a**. It is just like that how Jaffna massacre occured and LTTE put blame on IPKF
The final war took even less than 3 years. The reason was SL was never really into a military solution. The gov foolishly believed in peace talks which cost us badly.

SL was at the verge of defeating LTTE in 1987 when india intervined. SL was hardly helped by other countries except Pak, China sold us weapons without bending to other powers. But LTTE was helped by india in the beginning, continuous support by TN, western gov and even NGOs. I can give u even more. We didnt vanish the tamils it was the terrorists we targetted. The terrorists hid behind the civilians.

With the help of india, LTTE couldnt win over a badly equipped SL army which was more like a ceremonial army in 80s. Many sinhala underground thugs who fled SL have already reached TN and operate from there. They do their drug smuggling healthily in TN, why dont u guys target them? but target old women who come to TN for religous ceremonies.

dont talk like that. TN being a part of india is good for us.

Why do Lankans forget that it was the Indian intel which led to the destruction of the LTTE arms warehouses in the high seas which led to arms shortage for LTTE like mortors. Without it, the damage would have been significant and the war would have been a stalemate. Lankans think about 1980s history but forget the most recent ones.
^^^This Premadasa episode is one which Sinhalas like to forget..but Karma is a nasty bi**h. He was knocked off by a LTTE suicide bomber. IPKF would have handed over Jaffna to GoSL on a silver platter by early 90s itself..but Srilankans chose to confront IPKF rather than help them.

We never wanted IPKF in SL. That's why Premadasa wanted them out hook by or crook.
Still you are not fully grown... LTTE was started in Tamil Nadu, to get a new country in Srilanka, not in India.. If you dont know, atleast do some google :)

LTTE was not started in TN. sometimes not everyone good with google either. :laugh:
Why do Lankans forget that it was the Indian intel which led to the destruction of the LTTE arms warehouses in the high seas which led to arms shortage for LTTE like mortors. Without it, the damage would have been significant and the war would have been a stalemate. Lankans think about 1980s history but forget the most recent ones.

What..? do you think even with those shipments LTTE would have averted the disaster...?

How do you think 6000 cadres would survive 100,000 + veteran troops in a pincer move!

Eventhough Indian intel had given info about LTTE ships they had never given the exact location. It was SLN who searched the high seas and sunk those ships!
We never wanted IPKF in SL. That's why Premadasa wanted them out hook by or crook.

So instead you had a more powerful LTTE ruling your NE for another 18-19 years and had to resort to a full fledged civil war to to dismantle them. Clever thinking on the part of Premadasa I say.
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