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Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean


Sep 18, 2009
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Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean

Souce:Xinhua Publish By Thomas Whittle Updated 14/12/2012 3:22

COLOMBO, Dec. 13 — Despite defending China’s increasing presence in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka distanced itself from being identified as an ally, insisting that multi- million dollar funding for ports and other projects is purely a ” commercial interest”, a top official said here on Thursday.

Addressing a gathering of naval delegations from 28 countries at the annual maritime conference in the southern city of Galle, Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa supported China’s increasing presence in the sensitive region.

Admitting that there was “wariness” by India and the United States on China’s increasing presence, he nonetheless justified it on the trade and economic interests China has in the Indian Ocean.

“China has an industry intensive economy that requires oil imports amounting to more than 200 million tonnes every year. Most of these oil imports are sourced from the Middle East, and then transported through the Indian Ocean to China. It is obvious that the safety and stability of the Indian Ocean is critical for China ‘s energy security, and its increasing interest and increasing naval presence in this region is quite understandable,” he said.

Rajapaksa, who is also the younger brother of Sri Lanka’s president, then went on to commend China for its economic assistance to the south Asian region.

However, he insisted that lumping the 360 million U.S. dollar China funded Hambantota port in the southern part of the country and the 500 million U.S. dollar Colombo harbor expansion project with China’s “string of pearls” strategy was a fallacy.

“From Sri Lanka”s perspective, I wish to clarify that the Chinese investment in the Hambantota port is a purely economic one. Sri Lanka has always pursued a non-aligned foreign policy, and our only interest is in our economic development,” he insisted.

Recalling the lost potential of the island during a three- decade war, Rajapaksa pointed out that after it ended in 2009, Sri Lanka reached out to many countries including China for development assistance.

“We welcome assistance from anybody who is willing to give it without harsh conditions being attached. This should not be misunderstood as a form of alignment with any one country or another. In fact, there are many development projects going on in Sri Lanka that are funded by India, China, Japan, and many other countries.”

Speaking to media briefly after the inauguration of the summit, the Chinese delegation said that their policy remained dedicated to peaceful engagement with countries in the Indian Ocean.

Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean - NZweek
Every country has right to choose better future and for Sri Lanka, China is a good future ally.

Madam read the article carefully, Srilanka never said they are choosing China over India as an ally, They said International waters are there for every country and every country has the right to navigate and trade over them

Unlike Chinese who are claiming SCS and think that it is their pond and nobody has right over it. China should learn from India and Srilanka to co exist.
Madam read the article carefully, Srilanka never said they are choosing China over India as an ally, They said International waters are there for every country and every country has the right to navigate and trade over them

Unlike Chinese who are claiming SCS and think that it is their pond and nobody has right over it. China should learn from India and Srilanka to co exist.

Totol nonsense。

China is NOT claiming the whole of the South China Sea。It is claiming most of the Islands and Reefs in the SCS, for China was the FIRST country which discovered、named and made use of those islands and reefs。
First you take care of japan. A country about 1/100 size is taking China every day..

China-Japan exchange diplomatic blows after Chinese 'airspace violation' — RT

Yet India can‘t deal with the Maldives。

China is taking on Japan nicely,for the latter has lost the working control of Diaoyu Islands since the illegal transfer of owership。

Nest Japan will be forced to acknowledge the existence of sovereignty dispute on the Islands。Then。。。

Step by step。Steady as it goes。 :azn:
Totol nonsense。

China is NOT claiming the whole of the South China Sea。It is claiming most of the Islands and Reefs in the SCS, for China was the FIRST country which discovered、named and made use of those islands and reefs。

Then what nonsense is CCP talking when India is exploring 128 block in Vietnam waters??
Totol nonsense。

China is NOT claiming the whole of the South China Sea。It is claiming most of the Islands and Reefs in the SCS, for China was the FIRST country which discovered、named and made use of those islands and reefs。

and you are sure China was the first who gave the name "South China Sea"? :rofl:
and you are sure China was the first who gave the name "South China Sea"? :rofl:

Of course it was China who named the sea 'South Sea' and then the westerns refereed the sea with the same name but add China there for precision purpose.

Err, I believe you guys' societies were still very primitive then or should I say were still living in stone ages.:smokin:
Every country has right to choose better future and for Sri Lanka, China is a good future ally.
One doesn't become an ally just by building a port.

Secondly, the Indian Ocean is within the sphere of influence and dominated by India. Considering the distance between the Indian Ocean and China, it has no chance of influencing the course of events here. And it cannot hope to dominate the area unlike parts of the South China Sea. It's a totally different ball game here.

The Chinese are also wary of Indian domination of the Straits of Malacca through which Chinese trade flows.

So the Chinese posters out here need to tone down their rhetoric too, since they know squat about the geostrategic realities of the area.
and you are sure China was the first who gave the name "South China Sea"? :rofl:

In Chinese we call it "南海" which just means "South Sea". It was the Westerners who added the name China to it.

Same with the East China Sea. In Chinese we call it "东海", which just means "East Sea".
In Chinese we call it "南海" which just means "South Sea". It was the Westerners who added the name China to it.
Same with the East China Sea. In Chinese we call it "东海", which just means "East Sea".

I agree. We call East Sea, or in Vietnamese Biển Đông. :azn:


Sunset on the South China Sea off Mui Ne village on the south-east coast of Vietnam (wikipedia)
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