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Sri Lanka: An realistic model for South Asia

Can I ask a question? You provided several examples and said they are developed because of Islamic systems. What do you say about non Islamic successful stats like Singapore, Japan, Korea etc?

1. Those 3 countries are non-Muslim majority states with complete allegiance to the West/USA.

And Islamic governed yet failed Egypt, Afghanistan, Somalia ? Then again you have successful Muslim majority countries with secular governments like Kazakhstan, Albania, Azerbaijan etc.

1. Why would Egypt be a failed state? Egypt's GDP, military strength, scientific publications, history all exceeds Sri Lanka by a big margin (just providing an example, nothing against Sri Lanka).

Additionally, Egypt is not an Islamic state. It is an Arabic state. It does not call itself the Islamic State of Egypt, but the Arab Republic of Egypt. It has tended to spearhead all "Arabism" movements in the past decades (and what a proven disaster, secular Arabism has been).

Afghanistan and Somalia have been invaded by foreign, Kuffar forces (allegedly to prevent the rise of a successful, widely appealing Islamic system to the people of the world). Quite naturally, economic conditions can not be optimum for uplifting the people from economic difficulties.

What makes you think Albania is a "successful" country? It is one of the worst countries in Europe in all measures of economic and social development. Perhaps, as you have said, it is due to its secularism.

Maldives is a very small country when compared to Sri Lanka and it never experienced a war. Sri Lanka started to grow after 2009. Sri Lanka's literacy rate now is 98%. Sri Lanka is the only country that is ranked high on human development index. Maldives despite being a small country and a trouble free country did not make it. As you say, if secret for success is an Islamist system then success of Maldives is not sufficient enough to fulfill that claim.

1. Sri Lanka is a very small country when compared to lots of countries, like Russia, China, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Australia, Brazil, France etc.

2. Maldives comprises of a set of atolls, essentially, and that's it. For such a vulnerable country to be the most successful country in its region is indicative of the merit of its population's greater intelligence and wise decision to stick to the tried and tested true method of life.

3. I have provided 'official' statistics from UNICEF (you are free to dispute it). However, even for other indicators (e.g. number of mobile phone users per 1,000 people, number of internet users per 1,000 people etc), Maldives is easily ahead of Sri Lanka or any other country of its region by a big margin.

4. HDI indices can not be used for comparison, as admitted by UNDP.


It is misleading to compare values and rankings with those of previously published reports, because the underlying data and methods have changed.
However, it is misleading to compare values and rankings with those of previously published reports, because the underlying data and methods have changed.

Also what do you mean by Islamist systems? As you said in Maldives example, intolerant towards non-Muslims (refusing to recognize citizenship for non Muslim communities)?

That could be topic for another thread.

In general, the greater the adherence to Sharia, the greater the development in the mentioned region and vice versa.

In my opinion, each country has its own style of ruling that works only for that particular country. Islamist or non-Islamist, it will not make a difference.

No offence or aggression intended.

No offence taken.
Strengthening your points???

Turkey is far from those religious nut-cases and still remains a secular country. There are not sharia sh!t in Turkey.

Iran, is far more open than those other religious fxxker houses as well.

Since you seem unable to understand a simple concept, let us try another method to help you out.

1. Communism=anti-religion, by default.

How many of the Communist countries in the world are developed, wealthy, prosperous and advanced?

Arguably, the most successful 'communist' state in the world is PRC, and yet, all of its economic gains have been made by ditching the useless ideology, and toeing the American/Western line to the letter. Not only in economy, but also in culture, Hollywood has mesmerized the brainwashed Commies.

These East Asian countries are 'playgrounds' for Western tourists yearning for 'easy and cheap' fun.

Other 'shining successes' of the Communist ideology happen to be North Korea, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.


2. In essence, the rotten ideology of Communism has turned every country that it has touched into a hellhole.

3. Turkey has only flourished in a big way under Erdogan, or AKP.

Turkey had all the chance to flourish and should have surpassed Spanish GDP by now (due to its higher population, location close to EU and its European/westward orientation) starting from 1923, if hardcore, fanatic secularism were indeed the 'magic wand' for rapid economic and social upliftment.

Yet, it was only during AKP's tenure that Turkey turned around, both geopolitically and economically, in a big way.

Likewise, Iran despite all the sanctions, propaganda, embargo and threats of war, still manage to be head and shoulders ahead of North Korea in almost every parameter of development. Note: North Korea is the only other country comparable to Iran in the extent to which it is villainized in the Western media, or threatened and sanctioned.

Iran adheres to a minority sect of Islam, if you like, while North Korea adheres to a rotten and discarded ideology. The result is clear.

4. The GCC countries, although not entirely adhering to Islamic Shariah (e.g. unislamic practices of unaccountable kings, queens, princes and princesses), adhere to more of those practices than most other countries in the wide swath from rotten Communism infested China and North Korea in the east to 25%+ unemployment-afflicted Spain in the West.

As a result, we see that these GCC countries manage to be comparable to the most advanced Kafir countries of the World (i.e. Western countries and their stooges) in terms of economic and social development).

Had the GCC countries embraced Shariah fully and paid no heed to 'close relationships' with Kafir Westerners or others, they could have easily been the best and most developed regions of the world - by a big margin.

5. The cases of Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia also affirm the truth of my assertions.

6. In its region, Maldives also happens to be head and shoulders ahead of its neighbours in all important indicators of development despite its precarious geographical position.
Religions have been throughout human history. There are religions who have gone through extremism period which were the dark age for humanity.

For example, for christianity, the crusade was a dark age of extremism.

For now, for islam, it has been in the shadow of extremism for so long and I hope nutcase like you won't feel it.

As for developed???

China was not under CCP for majority of the time, and it was the richest country in the world for the most of the past two thousand years.

So let's not get caught with ideology type of craps and I have no interest to side-track the topic here.

I do not give a damn about your assertion. As long as for islam, it has been a religion that should have look at itself seriously long enough to fix itself. Otherwise, it will the enemy of the common world since the world has been tired of dealing with those islam nutcases day in and day out.

You even have the guts to discuss developed??? What islam has contributed to the world in the past 200 years, 300 year, 500 years, 700 years???

Since you seem unable to understand a simple concept, let us try another method to help you out.

1. Communism=anti-religion, by default.

How many of the Communist countries in the world are developed, wealthy, prosperous and advanced?

Arguably, the most successful 'communist' state in the world is PRC, and yet, all of its economic gains have been made by ditching the useless ideology, and toeing the American/Western line to the letter. Not only in economy, but also in culture, Hollywood has mesmerized the brainwashed Commies.

These East Asian countries are 'playgrounds' for Western tourists yearning for 'easy and cheap' fun.

Other 'shining successes' of the Communist ideology happen to be North Korea, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.


2. In essence, the rotten ideology of Communism has turned every country that it has touched into a hellhole.

3. Turkey has only flourished in a big way under Erdogan, or AKP.

Turkey had all the chance to flourish and should have surpassed Spanish GDP by now (due to its higher population, location close to EU and its European/westward orientation) starting from 1923, if hardcore, fanatic secularism were indeed the 'magic wand' for rapid economic and social upliftment.

Yet, it was only during AKP's tenure that Turkey turned around, both geopolitically and economically, in a big way.

Likewise, Iran despite all the sanctions, propaganda, embargo and threats of war, still manage to be head and shoulders ahead of North Korea in almost every parameter of development. Note: North Korea is the only other country comparable to Iran in the extent to which it is villainized in the Western media, or threatened and sanctioned.

Iran adheres to a minority sect of Islam, if you like, while North Korea adheres to a rotten and discarded ideology. The result is clear.

4. The GCC countries, although not entirely adhering to Islamic Shariah (e.g. unislamic practices of unaccountable kings, queens, princes and princesses), adhere to more of those practices than most other countries in the wide swath from rotten Communism infested China and North Korea in the east to 25%+ unemployment-afflicted Spain in the West.

As a result, we see that these GCC countries manage to be comparable to the most advanced Kafir countries of the World (i.e. Western countries and their stooges) in terms of economic and social development).

Had the GCC countries embraced Shariah fully and paid no heed to 'close relationships' with Kafir Westerners or others, they could have easily been the best and most developed regions of the world - by a big margin.

5. The cases of Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia also affirm the truth of my assertions.

6. In its region, Maldives also happens to be head and shoulders ahead of its neighbours in all important indicators of development despite its precarious geographical position.
population is sparse,resources are decent enough and i have to say the great weather also has a calming effect on the people.
In all respects Mauritius should be the realistic model for South Asia :coffee:

That's a good suggestion.

But the advantages of Mauritius are very high:

1- Tourist destination (credibility of good governance to develop tourism)

2- Tax haven and use of foreign money against their own rightful owners (circulating black money and then re-investing as white money).

3- No conflict zone. You don't have neighbours that threaten the annihilation of your people or fund militancy.

Your advantages are similar to what Australia has minus the landmass, population and resources.

While I loved the setup your country has, it is impossible to replicate it anywhere in south Asia except maybe, Sri Lanka since it doesn't have a land border issue with anybody.
Great. The world need work together to get rid of those fanatics/extremists.

Sharia ****** just give a **** in my country Indonesia, they give turbulence in Ambon and Poso with their extremism, they give us a **** in Aceh. And what made us relieve is, there is more than 220 million people in Indonesia don't give a **** about Islamic rule or Sharia law.
SL is beautiful indeed....it has the potential to become the singapore of this region

u took words frm my mouth....really i c it is just like singapore....nd might get better than that in future :) :cheers:
Religions have been throughout human history. There are religions who have gone through extremism period which were the dark age for humanity.

Those are false religions.

For example, for christianity, the crusade was a dark age of extremism.

Maybe, but I do not care much about Christianity.

For now, for islam, it has been in the shadow of extremism for so long and I hope nutcase like you won't feel it.


The lack of unity amongst Muslims, or simply put, lack of complete enforcement of Shariah from Morocco to Indonesia, and Kazakhstan to Tanzania, this lack of Shariah is the main reason for all the instability created by the Kuffar.

As for developed???

China was not under CCP for majority of the time, and it was the richest country in the world for the most of the past two thousand years.

There is no recorded proof of this statement.

We are talking about eras when there was no 'instant communication' (e.g. mobile phones, telephones, telegrams, radio, satellites, internet, etc).

We are talking about eras when people had no access to motorized transport.

In other words, there is some 'random estimate' drawn up by some unemployed person (funded by God knows whom) propagating these idiotic ideas that China or some others had the highest GDP in the world for many millennia.

Complete and utterly illogical arguments.


Even today, when you look at data from IMF, WB and UN, you find three different sets of data for GDP when communication has become so much easier, transport so much swifter, international transactions so much smoother and standardization in the measurement of statistics is nowadays so much more widespread.

How could anybody in the 20th/21st century claim to have tallied the GDPs of all the 'fluctuating countries' (because countries themselves 'changed' over the millennia, some were absorbed by victorious countries; others expanded while some others split up) for the last 2,000 years in a thin book comprising only a few hundred pages?

So let's not get caught with ideology type of craps and I have no interest to side-track the topic here.

I hope you stick to your words.

I do not give a damn about your assertion.

And, I don't give a damn about yours.

As long as for islam, it has been a religion that should have look at itself seriously long enough to fix itself.

Islam, as a religion, is different from individual human beings or societies. Islam has been finalized, and completed.

What you probably meant to write was, Muslims should have a look at themselves and chide themselves for not enforcing Sharia, closing ranks to expel foreign Kufr ideology and agents, and establishing the most attractive form of lifestyle and governance for all generations.

Otherwise, it will the enemy of the common world since the world has been tired of dealing with those islam nutcases day in and day out.

You are actually describing North Korea, China's bosom buddy.

Fret not, China is in a similar situation because none if its neighbours support its claims on some useless islands over some island disputes.

Essentially, 'the world' is starting to wake up to the menace of Communist, dictatorial and backstabbing copycat regime that backstabbed Soviet Union at the first chance, and bent down on its knees for American tutelage.

Now, all its neighbours may form closer alliance to seal its maritime borders, and never allow another revisionist Communist snake to rear its ugly head in the international arena.

You even have the guts to discuss developed??? What islam has contributed to the world in the past 200 years, 300 year, 500 years, 700 years???

Of course.

Islam is a religion.

You can ask what Muslims have contributed in X, Y or Z years.

Lots of things, in fact.

It would take many encyclopaedia to list them all.

For example, while the Chinese have never ruled a single Western European, North American or Australian territory, but got many of its own territories carved up by foreign (less numerous) forces, we see that Muslims have ruled many European countries and territories for multiple centuries (and thus, injected many of the crucial ingredients of civilization, like science, technology, good governance, etc.) into those societies.
Sharia ****** just give a **** in my country Indonesia, they give turbulence in Ambon and Poso with their extremism, they give us a **** in Aceh. And what made us relieve is, there is more than 220 million people in Indonesia don't give a **** about Islamic rule or Sharia law.

The fact that your illogical rant is composed of *****, mostly, is indication that those who oppose Sharia generally lack critical thinking skills.

It is also clear that Indonesia is much poorer than Malaysia, which is poorer than Brunei, because Indonesia is less "Islamic" than Malaysia, which is less Islamic than Brunei in its form of governance.


Secondly, a few Chinese or other Kafir Indonesians should not speak for 240 million Indonesians.

This forum is generally a poor representation of all countries' citizens for it tends to attract all the pro-American or pro-Western members.


You should ask how many million Communists were purged in Indonesia, and how many Kafir Chinese were eliminated in Indonesia, beheaded, raped, murdered, by 'secular' Indonesians before typing in a random sequence of ***** (asterisks without any defined meaning).

Religions have been throughout human history. There are religions who have gone through extremism period which were the dark age for humanity.

For example, for christianity, the crusade was a dark age of extremism.

For now, for islam, it has been in the shadow of extremism for so long and I hope nutcase like you won't feel it.

As for developed???

China was not under CCP for majority of the time, and it was the richest country in the world for the most of the past two thousand years.

So let's not get caught with ideology type of craps and I have no interest to side-track the topic here.

I do not give a damn about your assertion. As long as for islam, it has been a religion that should have look at itself seriously long enough to fix itself. Otherwise, it will the enemy of the common world since the world has been tired of dealing with those islam nutcases day in and day out.

You even have the guts to discuss developed??? What islam has contributed to the world in the past 200 years, 300 year, 500 years, 700 years???

First time I am agreeing with you on something.Mankind will be better off with all these crazy religions and the madness it brings.I am looking forward to the day when mankind becomes free from all these Childish and crazy religions.They are nothing more than a reason for Humans to kill each other.
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