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Sri Lanka: An realistic model for South Asia

Whether I go to Kazakhstan or not is my choice. Who the hell are you to tell me to go to Kazakhstan?

It's the Communist Chinese, and their ilk, who have been lynched everywhere.

Everywhere that the Chinese go, their women are ill known for pros*itution, and their men for gambling and other vices.

I can visit Kazakh hospitals, schools, their airports, hotels, major attractions or whatever I like.

Except, Mahathir Mohammed is not the PM of Malaysia, anymore.

And, none of the countries you listed, except Malaysia, wield any influence in ASEAN.

Here's the current PM of Malaysia.


Quit hanging on Americans' private parts, and fight China on your own.

There was never any Arab rule over Europe. Never.

Arabs were, and are, desert dwellers.

Whenever there was Muslim rule over Europe, it was by Muslim emirates, countries, empires, kingdoms etc that declared ISLAMIC SHARIAH as the system of governance, not some Arab desert tribal camel riding custom as their system of governance.

No Bengalis have been attacked or killed in foreign countries, no Bengalis are involved in gangs, criminal activitity in Britain or GCC countries or prostitution in GCC countries. In fact all of them are model citizens and are always falsely accused.

Cambodia and Laos are both ASEAN members.
No Bengalis have been attacked or killed in foreign countries, no Bengalis are involved in gangs, criminal activitity in Britain or GCC countries or prostitution in GCC countries. In fact all of them are model citizens and are always falsely accused.

Red herring.

We don't care about "Bengali-ness", or whatever. We care about Bangladesh as a Muslim (majority) country oriented towards the Muslim world primarily, and towards some non-Muslim countries as secondary partners.

Cambodia and Laos are both ASEAN members.

And, two of the poorest, and most insignificant - perhaps, alongside the tree dwelling crackpot junta in Naypyidaw.

Wonders of Communism?
Strengthening your points???

Turkey is far from those religious nut-cases and still remains a secular country. There are not sharia sh!t in Turkey.

Iran, is far more open than those other religious fxxker houses as well.

next you going to say eygpt is not islamic.

i dont know if you know but iran has sharia bud.

and what the guy is saying is that turkey made more progress with an islam leaning party then all the other ones, believe it or not turkey is a very islamic country , its a case of if something is taken away you want it more. majority of the turks i know in real life are muslims and even if they are not religious they stil hold islam to a very high level for example even though tattoos are haram my turkish friends will get tattoos that say allah in arabic lol.
the video shows a very nice and well maintained area. best luck to the Sri Lankan ppl after all the hard time, the will and efforts to eradicate terrorism is starting to pay off.
Red herring.

We don't care about "Bengali-ness", or whatever. We care about Bangladesh as a Muslim (majority) country oriented towards the Muslim world primarily, and towards some non-Muslim countries as secondary partners.

And, two of the poorest, and most insignificant - perhaps, alongside the tree dwelling crackpot junta in Naypyidaw.

Wonders of Communism?

Yeah all of those gang members in Britain and criminals in GCC countries are Bengali Hindus. Even if they have Muslim names.

Btw Mahatir Mohammad still plays a major role in Malay politics. He was the one who endorsed Najib Razak.

Indonesian Muslims especially in Java are divided into two major different peoples, the abangan and Santri. The Santri practice correct, orthodox Islam like in other countries.

The Abangan mix Islam with Hinduism and Animism. Many of them pray to spirits or leave offerings to folks gods and ancestors. The Javanese still believe in the goddess Nyai Roro Kidul and that she is connected with the Sultanate in Yogyakarta. Many Indonesian Muslims have Hindu names. They don't follow Shariah at all or know much about proper Islam. Santris don't want to marry with Abangan. There are millions of Abangan in Indonesia.

In Minangkabau and other Muslim groups in Indonesia, Islamic practices are separated from un-Islamic local customs called Adat, and they follow both. Some of these practices are in clear violation of Islam like matrilineal inheritance.

The Non Chinese Hindu and Animist and Christians in Indonesia outnumber the entire Chinese population there. There are more Dayaks, Bataks, Toraja, Papuans, Balinese, and Timorese Animists, pagans, hindus, christians than there are Chinese. And add the Abangan and they make up a massive portion of the Indonesian population.

The Indonesian Communist party drew most of its support from Abangan, not Chinese. Athough alot of ethnic Chinese were killed (by non Muslims too like the Dayaks), the majority of actual communist party members killed, around 500,000 were abangan Indonesians and even non communist abangan were slaughtered.

The Communist Party of Indonesia: 1951-1963 - Donald Hindley - Google Books

Peasant Rebellion and Communist Revolution in Asia - Google Books

My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with an Indonesian Islamist - Sadanand Dhume - Google Books

Indonesia: A Global Studies Handbook - Florence Lamoureux - Google Books

Sufism and the 'Modern' in Islam - Google Books

You assumed that nearly the entire Indonesian population are orthodox Muslims. You were wrong. Many of them you would consider Kafir because they KNOWINGLY mix Islam with other religions and continue to do it.


By the way, Dayaks never asked for independence. They massacred the Madurese because the Javanese government sent tons of them to settle on Dayak land Borneo as part of the Transmigration program.
Yeah all of those gang members in Britain and criminals in GCC countries are Bengali Hindus. Even if they have Muslim names.

Most of them in Britain are from Sylhet, just one region in Bangladesh.

None of us care about the polytheists, so end that discussion here. If you like them so much, join their forum and chit chat with them all day.

Btw Mahatir Mohammad still plays a major role in Malay politics. He was the one who endorsed Najib Razak.

Mahatir Mohammad is still not the PM, nor are his views of 1995 that of 2013.

Indonesian Muslims especially in Java are divided into two major different peoples, the abangan and Santri. The Santri practice correct, orthodox Islam like in other countries.

You assumed that nearly the entire Indonesian population are orthodox Muslims. You were wrong. Many of them you would consider Kafir because they KNOWINGLY mix Islam with other religions and continue to do it.


Long story short, you used the message of one Indonesian member in this forum, which draws an overwhelmingly pro-Western, pro-American (and thus, pro-Kufr) audience of each country, to decide the choice of all Indonesians?

That person was under the impression that she is 'half-kafir' because she is 'quarter Japanese' (and yet, nobody is Muslim because of his lineage, and likewise, anybody can become a Muslim by his own choice - irrespective of lineage, etc).

There are many Japanese who have embraced Islam.

Japanese Converts to Islam - March 2013 - YouTube

PressTV - Legendary Japanese wrestler converts to Islam

Legendary Japanese wrestler Muhammad Hussain Inoki recently received a hero's welcome at the Wrestling for Peace Festival in Pakistan.

Japanese Man Converts to Islam in Malaysia - September 2012 - YouTube

2 Japanese Convert to Islam - September 2012 - YouTube


And here's an excellent in depth Japanese video report, which shows that Japan can be a far greater potential ally of all of the Muslim world than some Communist atheist anti-Islamic backstabbing regime, or some polytheist nation, or some Jewish dominated society.


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Most of them in Britain are from Sylhet, just one region in Bangladesh.

None of us care about the polytheists, so end that discussion here. If you like them so much, join their forum and chit chat with them all day.

Mahatir Mohammad is still not the PM, nor are his views of 1995 that of 2013.

Long story short, you used the message of one Indonesian member in this forum, which draws an overwhelmingly pro-Western, pro-American (and thus, pro-Kufr) audience of each country, to decide the choice of all Indonesians?

That person was under the impression that she is 'half-kafir' because she is 'quarter Japanese' (and yet, nobody is Muslim because of his lineage, and likewise, anybody can become a Muslim by his own choice - irrespective of lineage, etc).

There are many Japanese who have embraced Islam.

Japanese Converts to Islam - March 2013 - YouTube

PressTV - Legendary Japanese wrestler converts to Islam

Japanese Man Converts to Islam in Malaysia - September 2012 - YouTube

2 Japanese Convert to Islam - September 2012 - YouTube


And here's an excellent in depth Japanese video report, which shows that Japan can be a far greater potential ally of all of the Muslim world than some Communist atheist anti-Islamic backstabbing regime, or some polytheist nation, or some Jewish dominated society.


The articles were from 2010 and 2011

Mahathir: China no threat to Malaysia - YTL Community News

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

I also did not cite a member of this forum as an example of all Indonesians, what I did was I pointed out that millions of "muslim" Indonesians are polythiests or deviants from Islam and against Shariah. I said nothing about whether they are correct or not, but that your asinine assumption that someone from Indonesia who is anti shariah must be Chinese is wrong and that most Indonesians are orthodox muslims is wrong too.

Japanese PM promises


See here for syncretism in Indonesia - this is what some Javanese "Muslims" do and I believe orthodox Muslims call it "Shirk"

2005 - Society - Qantara.de

Merapi volcano's 'spirit keeper' walks line between tradition and technology | World news | guardian.co.uk
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The fact that your illogical rant is composed of *****, mostly, is indication that those who oppose Sharia generally lack critical thinking skills.

It is also clear that Indonesia is much poorer than Malaysia, which is poorer than Brunei, because Indonesia is less "Islamic" than Malaysia, which is less Islamic than Brunei in its form of governance.


Secondly, a few Chinese or other Kafir Indonesians should not speak for 240 million Indonesians.

This forum is generally a poor representation of all countries' citizens for it tends to attract all the pro-American or pro-Western members.


You should ask how many million Communists were purged in Indonesia, and how many Kafir Chinese were eliminated in Indonesia, beheaded, raped, murdered, by 'secular' Indonesians before typing in a random sequence of ***** (asterisks without any defined meaning).


Haha your thought is so ignorant, and this is a clear proof if you don't understand about political situation in Indonesia. For almost 68 years long indonesian history, none of Islamic Party in Indonesia get an upper hand in Indonesian election party, never. Since the rise of alleged corruption by PKS (Ikhwanul Muslim branch of thought in Indonesia) and the rise of religious extremism in Indonesia done by FPI,FUI, Jamaah Islamiyah and so on, our people had a long thought to abandon Sharia law and move closer to right wing or left wing Nationalism movement.

What happened in 1965, and Chinese purge in afterward it is was done by "pribumi mob" which was unite under Pancasila and Nasionalism banner not under banner of religion entity such as Islam or Hindu or Kaharingan and so on. People who was oppressed by Communism movement using the chance to kill or lynch every communist suspect in Indonesia. The slaughter happened everywhere, from North Sumatra to Sulawesi (Celebes) and Moluccas. In Bali alone, almost 40.000 members of PKI heve been killed, and the rest must flee to East Java and found their fate under Clurit or Parang of Indonesian mob there.

In Indonesia, you can found history of people much prefer to live under banner of Pancasila than rebel religious movement like NII or DII (Negara Islam Indonesia/Darul Islam Indonesia), the struggle in West Java between 1948-1961 had left more than 78.000 peoples dead and many more missing in conflict between TNI and NII rebel. And so many times TNI had prove themselves to the people of Indonesia if they can be depended upon to crush such rebel using religious banner like what happened in Aceh, Sulawesi, West Java, and so on and the people so glad and proud about it.

Islamic Sharia will never be implemented in Indonesia a whole.
I really have no interest arguing with you who is more islamic.

But one thing I do know: a lot of turkish people, iran people and egypt people would have been beheaded, killed or persecuted in fxxked up places controlled by those fundamental islamists simply by their dresses, life of styles or what they say.

next you going to say eygpt is not islamic.

i dont know if you know but iran has sharia bud.

and what the guy is saying is that turkey made more progress with an islam leaning party then all the other ones, believe it or not turkey is a very islamic country , its a case of if something is taken away you want it more. majority of the turks i know in real life are muslims and even if they are not religious they stil hold islam to a very high level for example even though tattoos are haram my turkish friends will get tattoos that say allah in arabic lol.
I am surprised about how clean and wonderful this S.Asian nation is. I mean in some places in Colombo, one can drop his food and eat on the floor. I just transited from Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) from my travels in Malaysia. It quite the opposite of everything the British/Western News channels say about SL (e.g Tamil wars, Suicide Bombings etc). I was just wondering, why can't India be like this, or Pakistan/Bangladesh?


wtf the people aren't black? Wow I thought they were the same colour as tamals lol
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Why lie.We know you can see us.Common who are you kidding???

Lol this adharmi so foolish. Hindustani= Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi!

No Bengalis have been attacked or killed in foreign countries, no Bengalis are involved in gangs, criminal activitity in Britain or GCC countries or prostitution in GCC countries. In fact all of them are model citizens and are always falsely accused.

Cambodia and Laos are both ASEAN members.

This is how the islamoworld thinks of you. Never forget that you are just a kaffir to them, not any better than an Indian in their eyes. Adhamic world views us as the enemy
wtf the people aren't black? Wow I thought they were the same colour as tamals lol

Well that shows your ignorance of the world.. Tamils constitute only 12% of the population in the island.. And even that Sri Lankan Tamils in Jaffna tend to be lighter skinned than their Indian origin counterparts
Well that shows your ignorance of the world.. Tamils constitute only 12% of the population in the island.. And even that Sri Lankan Tamils in Jaffna tend to be lighter skinned than their Indian origin counterparts

Not ignorant. I knew a Catholic Sinhalese (sp?) and he was, I kid you not, darker than any African I have ever seen. He was as black as black comes so from my limited experience that is what I assumed Lankans to be.
Not ignorant. I knew a Catholic Sinhalese (sp?) and he was, I kid you not, darker than any African I have ever seen. He was as black as black comes so from my limited experience that is what I assumed Lankans to be.

Sri Lankans are not mono ethnic by large.. So they come in all kind of complexions.. And it does not limit to any ethnic community either because inter communal marriages are very common there.. You may find a fair blue eyed blond hair Burgher married to a dark Sinhalese from the south or a Tamil Catholic from the east Or a Moor you will associate with a Arab to a Sri Lankan Malay

I suppose being from Canada your most encounters would be with Lankan Tamils(The biggest population outside the island reside in Canada)
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