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Spineless Indian army begs China to leave

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I don't give two shits about Modi or Nehru. I am just speaking about the defilement of the 'pavitra' dharti of Bharat Mata. It must be stinging you to see your beloved homeland being molested.
Lol, dude. If you have not realised yet, I take life lightly.
Guys please read confidential report on how I dian busted our spy network:

Pakistani spy pigeon: The proof
Nadeem F. ParachaUpdated June 04, 2015
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Yesterday, Indian police detained a pigeon at the border with Pakistan, after it was found carrying a warning note to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Last year as well, India had arrested a pigeon, which it claimed to be a spy from Pakistan. While we wait for further news, here's the proof the Indian government provided following last year's arrest.
Last week, Indian authorities announced the capture of a Pakistani spy pigeon. The Indian intelligence agency, RAW, claimed that the pigeon was specially trained by the Pakistani spy agency, the ISI, to fly into Indian territory on a spying mission.
To corroborate its claims, RAW released some photos (taken by a RAW parrot) that shows the Pakistani pigeon indulging in various spying actives in and over India. RAW chief, Roger Binny, told reporters that the photos also proved that the Pakistani pigeon (code name: Ghutarghoon Khan) had been conducting spying missions in India for many years, maybe even decades!
Below are the photos that RAW released to substantiate its startling claims.

Ghutarghoon Khan secretly spying on the pet ducks of the RAW chief ...


Ghutarghoon Khan seducing and then recruiting a female Indian pigeon ...


A Ghutarghoon Khan selfie taken outside a nuclear plant in Bihar.


Ghutarghoon Khan fighting a patriotic Indian squirrel. The squirrel's body was found in a fish pond nearby.


Ghutarghoon Khan polluting Indian river ...


Ghutarghoon Khan attacking an innocent Indian from the air.


PM Modi proudly exhibits a hat specially designed to ward off attacks by Pakistani pigeons from the air ...


An ISI agent paying Ghutarghoon Khan money to conduct more aerial bombings in India ...


A Chinese scientist working closely with the ISI installing a micro-camera in Ghutargoon Khan's left eye ...


Ghutarghoon Khan disguised as a Bollywood actress ...


Ghutarghoon Khan disrupting a cricket Test match in India. Specifically trying to injure the world's fastest, deadliest, bestest fast bowler, Ishant Sharma ...


Ghutarghoon Khan secretly and strategically placed during Modi-Obama meeting ...


Catastrophic devastation caused by Ghutarghoon Khan ...


Finally, Ghutarghoon Khan apprehended and put where he belongs. The Republic of India is safe. Long live RAW! Ghutarghoon Khan's final words: 'My name is Khan, and I'm not a spy!'


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Nadeem F. Paracha is a cultural critic and senior columnist for Dawn Newspaper and Dawn.com. He is also the author of two books on the social history of Pakistan, End of the Past and The Pakistan Anti-Hero.
He tweets @NadeemfParacha
Guys please read confidential report on how I dian busted our spy network:

Pakistani spy pigeon: The proof
Nadeem F. ParachaUpdated June 04, 2015
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Yesterday, Indian police detained a pigeon at the border with Pakistan, after it was found carrying a warning note to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Last year as well, India had arrested a pigeon, which it claimed to be a spy from Pakistan. While we wait for further news, here's the proof the Indian government provided following last year's arrest.
Last week, Indian authorities announced the capture of a Pakistani spy pigeon. The Indian intelligence agency, RAW, claimed that the pigeon was specially trained by the Pakistani spy agency, the ISI, to fly into Indian territory on a spying mission.
To corroborate its claims, RAW released some photos (taken by a RAW parrot) that shows the Pakistani pigeon indulging in various spying actives in and over India. RAW chief, Roger Binny, told reporters that the photos also proved that the Pakistani pigeon (code name: Ghutarghoon Khan) had been conducting spying missions in India for many years, maybe even decades!
Below are the photos that RAW released to substantiate its startling claims.

Ghutarghoon Khan secretly spying on the pet ducks of the RAW chief ...


Ghutarghoon Khan seducing and then recruiting a female Indian pigeon ...


A Ghutarghoon Khan selfie taken outside a nuclear plant in Bihar.


Ghutarghoon Khan fighting a patriotic Indian squirrel. The squirrel's body was found in a fish pond nearby.


Ghutarghoon Khan polluting Indian river ...


Ghutarghoon Khan attacking an innocent Indian from the air.


PM Modi proudly exhibits a hat specially designed to ward off attacks by Pakistani pigeons from the air ...


An ISI agent paying Ghutarghoon Khan money to conduct more aerial bombings in India ...


A Chinese scientist working closely with the ISI installing a micro-camera in Ghutargoon Khan's left eye ...


Ghutarghoon Khan disguised as a Bollywood actress ...


Ghutarghoon Khan disrupting a cricket Test match in India. Specifically trying to injure the world's fastest, deadliest, bestest fast bowler, Ishant Sharma ...


Ghutarghoon Khan secretly and strategically placed during Modi-Obama meeting ...


Catastrophic devastation caused by Ghutarghoon Khan ...


Finally, Ghutarghoon Khan apprehended and put where he belongs. The Republic of India is safe. Long live RAW! Ghutarghoon Khan's final words: 'My name is Khan, and I'm not a spy!'


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Nadeem F. Paracha is a cultural critic and senior columnist for Dawn Newspaper and Dawn.com. He is also the author of two books on the social history of Pakistan, End of the Past and The Pakistan Anti-Hero.
He tweets @NadeemfParacha

Great report and Great share. Hope you keep up this good work.
I hope the keyboard warriors here use zoomed maps of the JnK to see the LAC. Any map showing entire subcontinent will show Bangladesh too. That must be a dampener I guess !
50,000 Pakistani troops and 40,000 members of their family saw no point in fighting for a union with a race of people that is alien to us. indians just facilitated their departure. Nothing more. But that was nearly 50 years ago, what about now............:azn:?

If Pakistan lost all It's wars against india, it wouldn't be here today........:azn: Sadly for india, they have been battered and humiliated many times by an enemy that is more than 7× smaller than it many times. Now the Chinese are humiliating india......:lol:.....:azn:

india = conquest/humiliation for over 1500 years.............:lol:
I do not get this logic that Pakistan wouldn’t be here today if it had lost all wars against India..!
France lost all its wars after the nepoleonic era, it’s still here today.
Germany lost both world wars, it’s still here.
Similarly Pakistan also lost, but is still here although in a truncated form as compared to 1947.
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