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Spineless Indian army begs China to leave

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India is not afraid of China, they do it because they do not want war and vice versa.
India is not afraid of China, they do it because they do not want war and vice versa.
You can see it post# 4, except for some occasional scuttling and pushing around between Indian & Chinese troops...most differences are resolved by holding such banners or local "General" level talks if things escalate
A random pakistani propaganda youtube channel with a crappy photoshop picture...shoo away false-flagger

Easy. I was only posting the source of the news based on which Pakistanis are claiming.
truly funny and somewhat sad to see all these Pakistanis getting excited if there is any issue between india and China. While the two significant powers of Asia are content showing banners to each others, Pakistanis seem to want them to war. Guess they are used to using cross border terrorism instead.

BTW for the idiots who comment on bravery of Indian forces, let me remind them your country has lost all its wars and is the one that signed surrender. Indians were magnanimous and saved the lives of 93000 of your soldiers
The thread title itself was an indication that its gonna be a troll fest.
The fake photoshopped pics and atrocious posts makes it pretty clear that the trolls have this thread by the jugular..!

enjoy... bye...!
Minor incident.... guys Chinese are sitting in your gau mata land and all you can do is to say it’s nothing. They have set up their bases and where is your Jai Hind 56 inch solid metal hairy chest bastard Modi??? Oh sorry I forgot he is in quarantine and may be the entire Indian army is also in quarantine :


Chinese have set up bases and here is the Indian army at the border:
Which means they are scared of China

@Naofumi look at your Bharat Mata getting bullied.

I mean, in contrast China is not afraid of India.

Both nations have extremist nationalism. But the leaders of both countries were wise and careful, they understood that war did not benefit the people of the two countries.
Why does your lot seems bamboozled and malnourished,the Chinese seem happier as they encroach your held territories on a daily basis in all fronts.!

The Chines use Mandarin and English to send their message. The Indians also use Mandarin and English... no use of Hindi in there.. tells you everything about the power dynamics between the two that China cannot be bothered to use Hindi !!
truly funny and somewhat sad to see all these Pakistanis getting excited if there is any issue between india and China. While the two significant powers of Asia are content showing banners to each others, Pakistanis seem to want them to war. Guess they are used to using cross border terrorism instead.

BTW for the idiots who comment on bravery of Indian forces, let me remind them your country has lost all its wars and is the one that signed surrender. Indians were magnanimous and saved the lives of 93000 of your soldiers

50,000 Pakistani troops and 40,000 members of their family saw no point in fighting for a union with a race of people that is alien to us. indians just facilitated their departure. Nothing more. But that was nearly 50 years ago, what about now............:azn:?

If Pakistan lost all It's wars against india, it wouldn't be here today........:azn: Sadly for india, they have been battered and humiliated many times by an enemy that is more than 7× smaller than it many times. Now the Chinese are humiliating india......:lol:.....:azn:

india = conquest/humiliation for over 1500 years.............:lol:
Haha, dude. You took me wrong way, I am not a hyper-nationalist, just a chilled out guy.

If you want a serious comment on this matter, then I would say, Modi is a failure.

I don't give two shits about Modi or Nehru. I am just speaking about the defilement of the 'pavitra' dharti of Bharat Mata. It must be stinging you to see your beloved homeland being molested.
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