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Spectacular Paintings, Portraits & Arts Thread

Battle of Austerlitz, Nepoleon's greatest triumph
One of my favorite artists...is M. C. Escher. The symmetry, patterns, and the way he blended mathematics and geometry with art was truly remarkable. Below is one of his works(Sky and Water) that demonstrates this perfectly.
@Valar. @StormBreaker @SIPRA

A tour de force of the Western Art would be nice to compose... perhaps I should like to do that in due time...

There are many great old masters...especially Dutch Masters... who require a deeper introduction here on PDF...

My area of interest has always been Dtuch/German and Italian works... and of course, understanding Italian without Greco-Roman tradition is not possible...

The process of painting is quite interesting as is the finished tableaue itself... from materials to preparation to study, to composition and then the Technique...

Carravaggio is perhaps the most dazzling of the old masters... unequal not only in technique but also...most importantly in composition... where he arranges charachters in such close quarters that mastery of technique is not only getting the colours, tones/lighting correct but the expression... in a sense Carravaggio is most successful in making his subject/scenes to be loud... you can feel the stilness as it shrieks...

Understanding his technique was a life long passion... it is said that he was very fast with his paintings... and could deliver faster still... as was his own character...short tempered, drunk...ready to fight... was killed in such an occasion...

Below is his one painting 'undressed' from colour to expose the nudity of his technique..which is quite common in western tradtion but he made it sublime... Like all of the great masters Carravggio employs GoldenMean in his composition with such effortless ease that it begs the question: How?

It would nice to see a thread of just Pakistani artists of all kinds.
I know there is a huge amount of artists out there who cannot make a living selling art in Pakistan because they are busy trying to feed themselves.
It’s a shame as there’s an untapped domestic, tourist & overseas market ready to be exploited.
Often you see art by middle class artists who can afford galleries or are able to showcase their creations, the art is at times ..rubbish in my opinion.

Just a follow on... I remember when I went to Pakistan and I wanted to buy some Pakistan made art to take back as gifts but was having a hard time. And there are no antique shops or stores selling collectibles. Well I didn’t see any.
It would nice to see a thread of just Pakistani artists of all kinds.
I know there is a huge amount of artists out there who cannot make a living selling art in Pakistan because they are busy trying to feed themselves.
It’s a shame as there’s an untapped domestic, tourist & overseas market ready to be exploited.
Often you see art by middle class artists who can afford galleries or are able to showcase their creations, the art is at times ..rubbish in my opinion.

Just a follow on... I remember when I went to Pakistan and I wanted to buy some Pakistan made art to take back as gifts but was having a hard time. And there are no antique shops or stores selling collectibles. Well I didn’t see any.

May be it will helpful.


street art.. Pakistan


Arif Khan

Vassiliki V. Pappa: Arif, what are your plans for the future?

Arif Khan: My plans for the future. Creating Masterpieces. Also the creation and projection of soft images of my most beautiful and beloved country Pakistan.






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