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Special Forces: Sri Lanka LRP

Actually they were compromised by local police forces, who did not know their true identity, and arrested them on suspicion of being political assassins. Terrible mix up with tragic consequences.

Millennium City incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do not say that was a mix up. It was rumored to be a fully planned op. planned to disrupt the SF operation to silence prabhakaran. Though I doubt the mission of the said SF group, their exposure was a well planned one in order to break the LRRP unit.
I don't think they were trained by any foreign entities - they evolved from within their own military units, with their own experience. They were born out of necessity, and specially tailored for their own needs. This article from a US military website has some info about them. Bear in mind that this unit is not even acknowledged to exist, so not much will be known publically about their training anyway.

U.S. Army | Infantry Magazine

The infantry magazine is talking about the army SIOT groups. SIOT groups aren't SF troops. They are regular troops given a basic training in jungle/unconventional warfare by the SF and commando units. As the article said SIOT relieved the much important SF/Commando unit to perform specialized tasks beyond enemy lines.
This Millenium City Incident is a **** up of epic proportions.
Not the LRRP's mate.. The Commando's yes

There was no foreign collaboration on LRRP's

dont know much about LRRP .. but SSG guys have been involved with Sri Lankan SFs since the decades... although a much detailed prog was initiated during the govt of Gen Zia in the 80s..
our military needs better equipment and weapons

btw it is believed that lrrp got training from US special forces
our military needs better equipment and weapons

btw it is believed that lrrp got training from US special forces
Your SF HQs and facilities were set up by SSG.. durin Gen Zias regime.

SSG even picked up the locations.

According to a SL article.. Israelis were also training SL SF.. in explosives primarily.

But the main force which picked up volunteers,picked n set up SL SF HQs and Trainin was SSG...

India was pissed but Sri Lankan Govt and Military didnt give a shyt..

The training continued till late 90s... even after Gen Zias death.
Your SF HQs and facilities were set up by SSG.. durin Gen Zias regime.

SSG even picked up the locations.

According to a SL article.. Israelis were also training SL SF.. in explosives primarily.

But the main force which picked up volunteers,picked n set up SL SF HQs and Trainin was SSG...

India was pissed but Sri Lankan Govt and Military didnt give a shyt..

The training continued till late 90s... even after Gen Zias death.
as far as i know LRRP units started later.
our military needs better equipment and weapons

btw it is believed that lrrp got training from US special forces

LRRP's were indigenous, They didn't get any foreign training cos they are black ops.. Although units that LRRP's were recruited from like the Commando's, SF, SBS, BS, STF etc certainly got training from various forces including the Green Berets (US), SSG (Pak), SAS (UK) and Sayeret (Israel) although Sayaret training are just rumor's

Indian forces were at hr forefront of providing warfare training for the regular fighting units through all regiments
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