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Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

Oct 15, 2017
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Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help Donald Trump win

  • Special counsel Robert Mueller said a grand jury had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election.
  • The defendants allegedly conducted "information warfare" against the United States election process to help Donald Trump win.
  • The defendants used fake American personas, social media platforms, and other Internet media to advance their scheme, according to an indictment.
A federal grand jury has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump, special counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday.

The indictment says that a Russian organization called the Internet Research Agency sought to wage "information warfare" against the United States by using fictitious American personas and social media platforms and other Internet-based media.

While that effort was launched in 2014, by early to mid-2016 the defendants were "supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump ... and disparaging Hillary Clinton," the eight-count indictment charges.

As part of those efforts, the defendants also encouraged minority groups to either not vote for in the election or to vote for a third-party candidate. Both actions would have hurt Clinton, who received significant support from minority voters.

And after the election of Trump as president in November 2016, the defendants used fake personas to organize and coordinate political rallies in support of Trump, while also doing the same to create rallies "protesting the results" of the election, the indictment said.

On one day, Nov. 12, 2016, the defendants organized a rally in New York to "show your support for President-elect Donald Trump" while at the same time organizing a "Trump is NOT my president rally" that also was held in New York.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said the defendants created hundreds of accounts using fake personas on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to advance their scheme.

The accused also allegedly used a "computer infrastructure, based partly in the United States, to hide the Russian origin of their activities and to avoid detection" by US authorities, the indictment said.

Rosenstein said there is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the scheme, nor is there any allegation that the scheme affected the outcome of the election.

The indictment came four days after an American named Richard Pinedo pleaded guilty to using identities stolen from U.S. citizens to bypass the security systems of online payments companies. Pinedo also bought and sold bank account numbers over the Internet using stolen identities.

The charging documents against Pinedo do not mention a connection with the Russian indictment but were released by Mueller's office shortly after that indictment was disclosed. Mueller's office was creat

A section of the indictment against the Russians appears to refer to conduct by Pinedo.

"Defendants and their co-conspirators also used, without lawful authority, the social security numbers, home addresses, and birth dates of real U.S. persons to open accounts at PayPal, a digital payments company," the indictment against the Russians says.

The White House had no immediate comment on the indictment.

President Trump was briefed Friday morning personally by Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray about the indictment, before it was publicly released, according to NBC News.

Under U.S law, foreign nationals generally are barred from federal election efforts.

The indictment said that the Internet Research Agency was registered with the Russian government as a corporate entity in 2013.

"By in or around May 2014, the organization's strategy included interfering with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, with the stated goal of "spread[ing] distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general," the indictment said.

An announcement from Mueller's office said that the government accuses all the defendants of conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Three defendants are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud.

Five defendants are charged with aggravated identity theft.

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La la la. Trump is a Russian agent because Putin in May 2014 interfered in the 2016 election to help him win so he can kill Russians in Syria blah blah blah. No proof. Fake conspiracy theory.
Why could Russian had got Trump to be president?

The truth is:
The mastermind is the FBI.
Russian is only a scapegoat hired to get the thing done.

Clinton is victim but has been targetted by the FBI

Hillary's email was hacked. She is a victim. Russian (or the FBI) is the thief. But in this election the FBI attacked Clinton all the way to help their candidate Trump to steal the president seat.
Why could Russian had got Trump to be president?

The truth is:
The mastermind is the FBI.
Russian is only a scapegoat hired to get the thing done.

Clinton is victim but has been targetted by the FBI

Hillary's email was hacked. She is a victim. Russian (or the FBI) is the thief. But in this election the FBI attacked Clinton all the way to help their candidate Trump to steal the president seat.

None of these 13 Russians are affiliated with the Russian government. They made fake IDs to steal money in the US. They been in the US since May 2014 and FBI already knew about them well before the 2016 election.
940. The FBI interfere US president election (12/29/2016)

The FBI played an active role to interfere the US 2016 president election. It hit Democrate's nominee Hillary Clinton by email gate to help its candidate Donald Trump. The evident scene was in July 5 during Chilcot report. "FBI Director Comey potentially gave Clinton’s political rivals some ammunition, conceding there was "evidence of mishandling” classified information and that an FBI employee who did the same “would face consequences for this.”
The FBI didn't indict Clinton because they have no evidence that Clinton intended to do wrong with her email setup."(washingtonpost.com) In fact, this is common for others. Powell had done samething. Why they beat the drum this time on Clinton? Because this time the FBI need a candidate of their own to handle a criminal case. So they determined to help Trump to win the election. This was also the time the Feds made a secret deal with Russian to hack Clinton's computer.

So then Trump started to call for Russian's help. Why not China? Because he knew they had a deal with Russia already.

Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

—JULY 27, 2016


What Russian had hacked? Maybe there was something important. Because in President Debate, Trump intimidated his rival hillary that he'd have special prosecutor and "you'd be in jail".

On 10/28, the FBI director Comey reopened Clintion email investigation, then dramatically dropped the investigation on 11/6. A powerful department of the nation so openly, actively interfere in president election is unprecedented.
941. Payment to Russia for hacking in US election (1/4/2017)

Of course, Russia won't do it for free. There must be a secret deal between the intelligence of the two countries. We outsiders can only see it from some facts.

The secret deal: Hacked email were handed to Wikileaks to issue to hit Hillary Clinton.

The payment of secret deal:

1. Aleppo falls (or "liberated" from Russia side) on 12/15. Resistance and civil withdraw from East Aleppo by bus. Five years fight ends. A big victory for Russia and its allies.

2. Economic interest.

Japan pledges 300 bil. yen economic package at Abe-Putin summit

December 17, 2016

The total value of Japan's contribution in investment and loans, including through agreements between private sector firms, is around 300 billion yen ($2.54 billion), Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kotaro Nogami said after the leaders' summit.


Putin dismissed the notion that he was only interested in getting economic benefits from Japan.

"If anyone thinks we’re interested only in developing economic links and a peace deal is of secondary importance, that’s not the case," he told the same news conference. That's all for the controversial islands. He went Japan just for those business deals.

You may say that's something between Russia and Japan. The Truth is Japan is the pocket slave of the US. If you still remember Trump claims credit for $50 billion investment by Japanese firm and 7 billion from a Taiwan firm. They were puppet nations that have to pay their defense share that Trump demands. Include that payment to Russia for the US sake.
942. How the FBI helps Donald Trump (1/11/2017)

Trump is the candidate of the FBI. He from the beginning knew the secret deal of email hacking between the FBI and Russian secret police.

Though Trump said hacking had ‘no effect on the outcome of the election’. He can not explain why he
Called on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference


The unusual friendship manifested in his tweet that Putin has been praised for many times as being smart and being admired and respected.

The fact that Russian were paid with war interest and economic interest after Trump being elected US president. (see #941)

The fact that Putin remains inaction after President Obama retaliating Russia's hacking with new sanction and diplomats' expelling. (Putin says he is waiting for Trump's administration.)

All these proved there was a secret deal that Russian hacked US in election to the order of Trump and his master.

Trump also was helped by the FBI in following fields.

1. S.S.G. rally. It's a nation wide informants net. A resource controlled by the Feds. (see #901)

2. Cyber space team, especially in face book. Combine with the fake news created by the disinformation office, they waged a wave in internet community to support Trump and tarnish Clinton.

3. Media. See #924. "Harvard Study Confirms The Media Tore Down Clinton, Built Up Trump And Sanders
by Carter Maness".
942. How the FBI helps Donald Trump (1/11/2017)

Trump is the candidate of the FBI. He from the beginning knew the secret deal of email hacking between the FBI and Russian secret police.

Though Trump said hacking had ‘no effect on the outcome of the election’. He can not explain why he
Called on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails.

The unusual friendship manifested in his tweet that Putin has been praised for many times as being smart and being admired and respected.

The fact that Russian were paid with war interest and economic interest after Trump being elected US president. (see #941)

The fact that Putin remains inaction after President Obama retaliating Russia's hacking with new sanction and diplomats' expelling. (Putin says he is waiting for Trump's administration.)

All these proved there was a secret deal that Russian hacked US in election to the order of Trump and his master.

Trump also was helped by the FBI in following fields.

1. S.S.G. rally. It's a nation wide informants net. A resource controlled by the Feds. (see #901)

2. Cyber space team, especially in face book. Combine with the fake news created by the disinformation office, they waged a wave in internet community to support Trump and tarnish Clinton.

3. Media. See #924. "Harvard Study Confirms The Media Tore Down Clinton, Built Up Trump And Sanders
by Carter Maness".

Bannon Calls Donald Trump Jr.'s Meeting with Russian Lawyer 'Treasonous' and 'Unpatriotic'
Yahoo View•January 2, 2018


I think it was another distraction. If I fell in their "illegal gift" trap, then there could be a movement of "impeach Donald Trump" that would have drawn the attention from the framed case. For some reason, they cancelled that movement quickly. It ended with Steve Bannon as a scapegoat.

Steve Bannon: Donald Trump Jr was not 'treasonous' – I meant Paul Manafort
Former White House strategist issues statement
Trump allies insist ‘political genius’ president is mentally fit for office 1/7/2018


Is it treasonous that Trump Jr. met with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower? I agree with Bannon "treasonous" conclusion. Hillary Clinton is a victim in e-mail hacking event. Her money (e-mail) was stolen by a thief(hackers). Trump's team tried to get the material from the thief to hurt Hillary Clinton. Seeking Russian's help to deal with American, that's treason. But Trump is the candidate of the Feds(FBI). What they want is not justice and law but a dictate power. Under their terror reign, even their extreme right ally has to bow down. Steve Bannon now should realize what kind of person is Trump that he helped to steal the president seat.
971. Secret deal behind Russian's email hacking (7/22/2017)

Trump called Russians to hack Clinton's emails. He says now he didn't know Russians hacking deal. What was his base to call Russian to hack Clinton's email? Idea dropped from the sky?

'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."


Of course, Russian wouldn't give a free service. Six months later, Aleppo fell. A first payment to Russia after Trump won the president campaign. Rebel retreated in order. That was an arranged deal.

Aleppo: Evacuations resume after buses set ablaze

CNN December 18, 20

As many as 9,000 people had been evacuated from eastern Aleppo in nine convoys on Thursday and Friday

The full deal is done one year later. Tillerson's words means "Now we fulfill the deal. Syria is yours".

US Secretary of State says 'Syria's fate is in Russian hands now'
The Independent• July 3, 2017

The US Secretary of State has reportedly told the United Nations Secretary General that he thinks the fate of Syria and its leader is now up to Russia.

Rex Tillerson held a private meeting with Antonio Guterres at the State Department when he said the US was limiting its mission to defeating terror group Isis, according to Foreign Policy.


Trump and Putin's Syria Ceasefire Effectively Lets Assad Off the Hook
Time July 10, 2017

Observers and former U.S. officials say the ceasefire deal effectively guarantees Assad’s regime remains in place, in spite of Trump administration rhetoric to the contrary.


Meanwhile, US had a missile attack on Syria in the name that Syria had a chemical weapon violation, that was a cover up operation of the secret deal.
Russia Wanted Trump As President And It Got Him. Now What Does America Do?

,HuffPost• November 22, 2017

On Jan. 6, 2017, the U.S. intelligence community released a declassified version of its analysis finding that Russian President Vladimir Putin had not only interfered in the 2016 election, but had actively tried to help Trump. Among the tools Russia used was the theft of emails from the campaign of Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, and their release through Russia-friendly WikiLeaks.

Trump campaign foreign policy aide George Papadopoulos detailed in filings associated with his guilty plea agreement how Russians in April 2016 were offering the campaign emails damaging to Clinton. Emails between the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and a former business partner show that the younger Trump was eager to see the supposedly incriminating information in advance of a Trump Tower meeting. Trump Jr. later traded messages with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange about his father’s exploitation of emails stolen from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. On Oct. 12, 2016, after Assange suggested that the GOP nominee help publicize the latest batch of stolen emails, Trump himself sent a tweet praising WikiLeaks just 15 minutes later.

On May 9, 2017, after three months of complaining about the FBI’s Russia probe, Trump fired the agency’s director, James Comey. The reason initially stated was that Comey had mishandled an investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state. But the very next day, Trump reportedly told Russia’s foreign minister and its U.S. ambassador during an Oval Office visit that he’d fired Comey to block the probe. Trump again cited the Russia investigation as a reason for firing Comey in an interview with NBC News on May 11. That firing led quickly to Mueller’s appointment to take over the investigation.

The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States.

Peter Nicholls / Reuters


The messages, obtained by The Atlantic, were also turned over by Trump Jr.’s lawyers to congressional investigators. They are part of a long—and largely one-sided—correspondence between WikiLeaks and the president’s son that continued until at least July 2017. The messages show WikiLeaks, a radical transparency organization that the American intelligence community believes was chosen by the Russian government to disseminate the information it had hacked, actively soliciting Trump Jr.’s cooperation. WikiLeaks made a series of increasingly bold requests, including asking for Trump’s tax returns, urging the Trump campaign on Election Day to reject the results of the election as rigged, and requesting that the president-elect tell Australia to appoint Julian Assange ambassador to the United States.

WikiLeaks played a pivotal role in the presidential campaign. In July 2016, on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee's servers that spring. The emails showed DNC officials denigrating Bernie Sanders, renewing tensions on the eve of Clinton’s acceptance of the nomination. On October 7, less than an hour after the Washington Post released the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, Wikileaks released emails that hackers had pilfered from the personal email account of Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta.

Senate panel to release interviews with Trump Jr., others involved in meeting with Russian lawyer

By Karoun Demirjian January 25 at 2:22 PM

The Senate Judiciary Committee intends to release transcripts of its interviews with President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., and others who participated in a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer allegedly promising damaging information about Hillary Clinton.


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