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Space Warfare, Technology and Exploration


Sep 29, 2008
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Please continue with discussions related to Space Warfare, Technology and Exploration here. We will transform this into a sub forum once things get going.

@WebMaster boss can you please add this to your list, if we can create a sub-section under this Technology and Science section (like we did for JF-17) that will be better.


@Dante80 @Itachi @CriticalThought
Many thanks. Let's start with a sobering review of the current US Moon program.

Where Artemis Thou? —
Here’s a reality check on NASA’s Artemis Moon landing program

Eric Berger - 7/3/2019 - arsTECHNICA


Artist's concept of a lunar lander.

On Tuesday morning, NASA conducted what appears to have been a highly successful test of the launch escape system for its Orion capsule—a piece of the hardware needed to safely fly humans to the Moon. This test, in concert with the looming 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission, is likely to raise public interest in NASA's new lunar landing program over the next month.

A little more than three months have passed since Vice President Mike Pence directed NASA to move up its plans to land humans on the Moon, from 2028 to 2024, and a lot has happened. Here, then, is a reality check on the state of the 2024 Moon landing program—now named "Artemis," after the twin sister of Apollo. This report is based on interviews with multiple sources inside and outside NASA.

Sense of urgency

Pence's announcement has succeeded in shaking up NASA and injecting a sense of urgency into the agency. Consider the Orion vehicle tested Tuesday; NASA originally sought bids for the development of the deep-space capsule that would become Orion all the way back in March 2005. The agency awarded the contract to Lockheed Martin in 2006. NASA's administrator at the time, Mike Griffin, said Orion could carry humans into space as early as 2010.

Now, in 2019, the vehicle remains at least three or four years away from its first crewed flight atop the Space Launch System rocket. NASA has spent $16 billion in Orion development costs over nearly a decade and a half, and that burn rate will continue for the foreseeable future. NASA has spent almost as much on the SLS rocket since 2011. Pence has basically told NASA to stop spending all this money building Orion and SLS and get to the part where we're using them.

Although some of its life support systems have yet to be validated in space, by all current appearances Orion will be a capable vehicle that can safely get a crew of four astronauts into a high-lunar orbit and back home over the course of a 21-day mission.

Less certain is the status of the SLS rocket, which is only now being assembled for its first real test firings. By the end of this year, Boeing should complete the rocket's core stage, featuring four leftover Space Shuttle main engines and large liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel tanks. A successful test campaign in 2020—no guarantee, given past rocket development efforts—could lead to the first flight of Orion and SLS in early 2021. This would be the uncrewed Artemis 1 mission. That would then theoretically be followed by Artemis 2—which is planned to carry a crew around the Moon, Apollo 8-style—and then finally Artemis 3, the lunar landing flight.


NASA's current plan calls for using commercial rockets, such as SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, Blue Origin's New Glenn, or United Launch Alliance's Delta IV Heavy, to launch two elements that will combine to form a small "Gateway" in lunar orbit by or before 2024. This includes a power and propulsion element, now under contract to Maxar Technologies, and a small habitation module with several docking ports, which NASA has not contracted for yet.

During a visit to Johnson Space Center last Friday, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine explained that, unlike the Apollo hardware, Orion and SLS need some help to get a crew to the lunar surface and that this is the role the Lunar Gateway will play. "We can get to low lunar orbit, but there’s not enough delta-V to leave low-lunar orbit," Bridenstine said. "So we can go, but you can’t come home. This is why we need to get more delta-V. Think of a small space station in orbit around the Moon where we can aggregate landing capability by the year 2024."

However, the White House Office of Management and Budget, which is typically loathe to initiate large new space programs, has pushed back against the Gateway. The budgeting office argues that a Gateway is not technically needed to stage a landing mission from lunar orbit. Depending on their designs, some lunar landers could be pre-placed in an orbit for rendezvous even without the Gateway.

"OMB is definitely trying to kill Gateway," a senior spaceflight source told Ars. "OMB looks at what the vice president said about getting to the Moon by 2024 and says you could do it cheaper if you didn’t have Gateway, and probably faster. They are fighting tooth and nail to nix the Gateway."

Bridenstine, a White House appointee, is caught in the crossfire between OMB on one side and industry and NASA human spaceflight managers on the other side. The industry supports Gateway because it offers another source of potentially lucrative contracts during the coming decade, and NASA managers view the Gateway as a sustainable project. With the Gateway, they argue, Artemis won't turn into another flags-and-footprints program like Apollo.

Moon or Mars?

Back in 2003, President George W. Bush set the Moon as a destination for NASA's human spaceflight program. President Barack Obama tacked back toward an asteroid, and then Mars. Now, President Trump has turned NASA to the Moon again. What happens if a Democratic candidate wins the 2020 election?

This is in the back of everyone's mind, and it's probably the real reason that NASA human spaceflight managers like Bill Gerstenmaier are so adamant about sticking with plans to build a Lunar Gateway. A Democratic president would probably want to distance him or herself from the 2024 Moon landing date, which some in Congress already see as a politically motivated date because it falls within the last year of a potential second Trump term. So a Democratic president might revert to a more budget-friendly 2028 lunar landing date or return to the Obama policy of skipping the Moon and using the Gateway as a "deep space proving ground" for technologies needed to send humans directly to Mars.

"When someone like Elizabeth Warren gets elected, what are they going to do?" one source said. "Are they going to say we love the Trump space idea? Hell no. They’re going to say we don’t want to do that. Gerstenmaier has been around this block before. He’s trying to cover all of the bases."


The biggest technical hurdle between NASA and the Moon is development of a lander to go from the Gateway (or somewhere in lunar orbit) down to the surface. At present—and these plans are fluid—NASA would like to send four astronauts inside Orion to the Gateway, from where two would go down to the surface.

NASA has begun to award some preliminary design contracts for the lunar lander and has given industry some flexibility in how they design their systems to go from the Gateway down to a low lunar orbit, descend from there to the surface, and ascend back to low-lunar orbit and transit back to the Gateway. NASA appears to be using a more commercial-friendly contracting process for the lander. The biggest question now is whether NASA will get the funding from Congress needed to actually build the lander.


NASA will need $6 billion to $8 billion a year on top of its existing budget to carry out the Artemis program described above, with the lion's share of that needed for the lander and activities related to developing the Gateway and preparing for lunar activities. For fiscal year 2020, however, the Trump administration has only sought a modest $1.6 billion "down payment" on the Moon program.

Even this appears to be too much for Democrats, however. The US House budget legislation for fiscal year 2020 includes an extra $1.3 billion for science programs but nothing for the Moon. The US Senate has not finalized its 2020 budget yet for NASA, but in the past it has been more concerned about funding the Space Launch System rocket itself rather than programs that would actually make use of the large rocket (like, say, a new lunar lander). NASA Deputy Administrator Jim Morhard didn't sound overly enthused about the prospects of getting funding for Artemis when he visited a NASA facility in southern Louisiana last week.

Shortly after Pence's speech in March, Bridenstine sought to play up the prospects for commercial rockets in a lunar program, which could potentially lower the cost and provide more certainty about meeting the 2024 deadline. He even noted that a modified Falcon Heavy rocket could get a crewed Orion vehicle to the Gateway. However, he has since walked that back and said that only the SLS rocket can and should launch humans to the Moon. (The recent exchange below between Bridenstine and Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Richard Shelby is illustrative of the power dynamic between those who fund NASA and those who manage it.)

Exchange between Richard Shelby and Jim Bridenstine.

And here's another example of the dissonance between a potential lunar landing and congressional priorities. Even as NASA needs to be spending money on a lunar lander, it has been directed by congressional authorizations to spend more money on the SLS rocket. To that end, NASA announced last week a $383 million cost-plus contract to build a second mobile launcher to be used for the Block 1B version of the Space Launch System rocket, which has a more powerful upper stage. This rocket is at least five years away from launching, will cost billions to develop, and is not currently used in any of NASA's plans for the 2024 landing.

For all of these reasons, while there is hope about the urgency shown by the Trump administration to advance human exploration of deep space, there is nonetheless deep-seated and justifiable skepticism across the aerospace community about the possibility of a 2024, or even 2026, lunar landing.

Source :. https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/07/heres-a-reality-check-on-nasas-artemis-moon-landing-program/
Many thanks. Let's start with a sobering review of the current US Moon program.

Where Artemis Thou? —
Here’s a reality check on NASA’s Artemis Moon landing program

Eric Berger - 7/3/2019 - arsTECHNICA


Artist's concept of a lunar lander.

On Tuesday morning, NASA conducted what appears to have been a highly successful test of the launch escape system for its Orion capsule—a piece of the hardware needed to safely fly humans to the Moon. This test, in concert with the looming 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission, is likely to raise public interest in NASA's new lunar landing program over the next month.

A little more than three months have passed since Vice President Mike Pence directed NASA to move up its plans to land humans on the Moon, from 2028 to 2024, and a lot has happened. Here, then, is a reality check on the state of the 2024 Moon landing program—now named "Artemis," after the twin sister of Apollo. This report is based on interviews with multiple sources inside and outside NASA.

Sense of urgency

Pence's announcement has succeeded in shaking up NASA and injecting a sense of urgency into the agency. Consider the Orion vehicle tested Tuesday; NASA originally sought bids for the development of the deep-space capsule that would become Orion all the way back in March 2005. The agency awarded the contract to Lockheed Martin in 2006. NASA's administrator at the time, Mike Griffin, said Orion could carry humans into space as early as 2010.

Now, in 2019, the vehicle remains at least three or four years away from its first crewed flight atop the Space Launch System rocket. NASA has spent $16 billion in Orion development costs over nearly a decade and a half, and that burn rate will continue for the foreseeable future. NASA has spent almost as much on the SLS rocket since 2011. Pence has basically told NASA to stop spending all this money building Orion and SLS and get to the part where we're using them.

Although some of its life support systems have yet to be validated in space, by all current appearances Orion will be a capable vehicle that can safely get a crew of four astronauts into a high-lunar orbit and back home over the course of a 21-day mission.

Less certain is the status of the SLS rocket, which is only now being assembled for its first real test firings. By the end of this year, Boeing should complete the rocket's core stage, featuring four leftover Space Shuttle main engines and large liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel tanks. A successful test campaign in 2020—no guarantee, given past rocket development efforts—could lead to the first flight of Orion and SLS in early 2021. This would be the uncrewed Artemis 1 mission. That would then theoretically be followed by Artemis 2—which is planned to carry a crew around the Moon, Apollo 8-style—and then finally Artemis 3, the lunar landing flight.


NASA's current plan calls for using commercial rockets, such as SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, Blue Origin's New Glenn, or United Launch Alliance's Delta IV Heavy, to launch two elements that will combine to form a small "Gateway" in lunar orbit by or before 2024. This includes a power and propulsion element, now under contract to Maxar Technologies, and a small habitation module with several docking ports, which NASA has not contracted for yet.

During a visit to Johnson Space Center last Friday, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine explained that, unlike the Apollo hardware, Orion and SLS need some help to get a crew to the lunar surface and that this is the role the Lunar Gateway will play. "We can get to low lunar orbit, but there’s not enough delta-V to leave low-lunar orbit," Bridenstine said. "So we can go, but you can’t come home. This is why we need to get more delta-V. Think of a small space station in orbit around the Moon where we can aggregate landing capability by the year 2024."

However, the White House Office of Management and Budget, which is typically loathe to initiate large new space programs, has pushed back against the Gateway. The budgeting office argues that a Gateway is not technically needed to stage a landing mission from lunar orbit. Depending on their designs, some lunar landers could be pre-placed in an orbit for rendezvous even without the Gateway.

"OMB is definitely trying to kill Gateway," a senior spaceflight source told Ars. "OMB looks at what the vice president said about getting to the Moon by 2024 and says you could do it cheaper if you didn’t have Gateway, and probably faster. They are fighting tooth and nail to nix the Gateway."

Bridenstine, a White House appointee, is caught in the crossfire between OMB on one side and industry and NASA human spaceflight managers on the other side. The industry supports Gateway because it offers another source of potentially lucrative contracts during the coming decade, and NASA managers view the Gateway as a sustainable project. With the Gateway, they argue, Artemis won't turn into another flags-and-footprints program like Apollo.

Moon or Mars?

Back in 2003, President George W. Bush set the Moon as a destination for NASA's human spaceflight program. President Barack Obama tacked back toward an asteroid, and then Mars. Now, President Trump has turned NASA to the Moon again. What happens if a Democratic candidate wins the 2020 election?

This is in the back of everyone's mind, and it's probably the real reason that NASA human spaceflight managers like Bill Gerstenmaier are so adamant about sticking with plans to build a Lunar Gateway. A Democratic president would probably want to distance him or herself from the 2024 Moon landing date, which some in Congress already see as a politically motivated date because it falls within the last year of a potential second Trump term. So a Democratic president might revert to a more budget-friendly 2028 lunar landing date or return to the Obama policy of skipping the Moon and using the Gateway as a "deep space proving ground" for technologies needed to send humans directly to Mars.

"When someone like Elizabeth Warren gets elected, what are they going to do?" one source said. "Are they going to say we love the Trump space idea? Hell no. They’re going to say we don’t want to do that. Gerstenmaier has been around this block before. He’s trying to cover all of the bases."


The biggest technical hurdle between NASA and the Moon is development of a lander to go from the Gateway (or somewhere in lunar orbit) down to the surface. At present—and these plans are fluid—NASA would like to send four astronauts inside Orion to the Gateway, from where two would go down to the surface.

NASA has begun to award some preliminary design contracts for the lunar lander and has given industry some flexibility in how they design their systems to go from the Gateway down to a low lunar orbit, descend from there to the surface, and ascend back to low-lunar orbit and transit back to the Gateway. NASA appears to be using a more commercial-friendly contracting process for the lander. The biggest question now is whether NASA will get the funding from Congress needed to actually build the lander.


NASA will need $6 billion to $8 billion a year on top of its existing budget to carry out the Artemis program described above, with the lion's share of that needed for the lander and activities related to developing the Gateway and preparing for lunar activities. For fiscal year 2020, however, the Trump administration has only sought a modest $1.6 billion "down payment" on the Moon program.

Even this appears to be too much for Democrats, however. The US House budget legislation for fiscal year 2020 includes an extra $1.3 billion for science programs but nothing for the Moon. The US Senate has not finalized its 2020 budget yet for NASA, but in the past it has been more concerned about funding the Space Launch System rocket itself rather than programs that would actually make use of the large rocket (like, say, a new lunar lander). NASA Deputy Administrator Jim Morhard didn't sound overly enthused about the prospects of getting funding for Artemis when he visited a NASA facility in southern Louisiana last week.

Shortly after Pence's speech in March, Bridenstine sought to play up the prospects for commercial rockets in a lunar program, which could potentially lower the cost and provide more certainty about meeting the 2024 deadline. He even noted that a modified Falcon Heavy rocket could get a crewed Orion vehicle to the Gateway. However, he has since walked that back and said that only the SLS rocket can and should launch humans to the Moon. (The recent exchange below between Bridenstine and Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Richard Shelby is illustrative of the power dynamic between those who fund NASA and those who manage it.)

Exchange between Richard Shelby and Jim Bridenstine.

And here's another example of the dissonance between a potential lunar landing and congressional priorities. Even as NASA needs to be spending money on a lunar lander, it has been directed by congressional authorizations to spend more money on the SLS rocket. To that end, NASA announced last week a $383 million cost-plus contract to build a second mobile launcher to be used for the Block 1B version of the Space Launch System rocket, which has a more powerful upper stage. This rocket is at least five years away from launching, will cost billions to develop, and is not currently used in any of NASA's plans for the 2024 landing.

For all of these reasons, while there is hope about the urgency shown by the Trump administration to advance human exploration of deep space, there is nonetheless deep-seated and justifiable skepticism across the aerospace community about the possibility of a 2024, or even 2026, lunar landing.

Source :. https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/07/heres-a-reality-check-on-nasas-artemis-moon-landing-program/
there used to be a giant thread about space ,do you by any chance has its link i cant seem to find it
NASA's PUNCH Mission 2022


source: SwRI
NASA will launch an important mission in 2022 to study Sun and its effect on space weather which will cost them around $165 million (so not that expensive).
NASA already had launched Parker Solar Probe back in 2018 to observe outer corona. (plasma around Sun)
What is Space Weather?
The sun blasts intense radiation and energetic materials like solar wind (charge particles stream released from corona) and solar flares (plasma clouds, also called chronal mass ejection CME) which create certain conditions collectively making a space weather with its own seasons just like on Earth.
Space weather can impact our GPS systems, aviation, electrical power systems, satellites, communication towers etc.
This means high intensity solar flare can effect our satellites, aeroplanes or even future man missions in space. Also, if it wasn't for magnetosphere (magnetic field around Earth in which charged particles are influenced), sun's solar winds would have had already destroyed our mother Earth.
Solar flares in 2012
We are fortunate enough till date high intensity solar flares have not caused mass scale demage on our planet yet. However, in July 2012 our planet missed a massive solar storm by just a week that was considered to be powerful in atleast 150 years. Had it encountered Earth, all the plugged devices, satellites etc would have crippled making it a global loss of worth $2 trillion plus.
So yeah, solar storms can be big damaging factor.
PUNCH Mission 2022
Keeping in view the unpredictability of Sun, NASA will launch two new missions which will help NASA in studying CMEs and Earth's response to these storms in order to devise an early warning mechanism to minimize demages.
One of these missions that will study the release of CMEs is PUNCH mission (acronym for Polarimeter to Unify Corona and Heliosphere). PUNCH consists of four satellites that will picture the solar winds. The mission focuses on Corona and Heliosphere (space around sun containing the planetary system).
*Remember Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 space probes are now outside the Heliosphere.
Interestingly, 8 Indian scientists from our neighbors are now part of the NASA's program.
Source: https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-updates/daily-news-analysis/nasas-punch-mission
Please continue with discussions related to Space Warfare, Technology and Exploration here. We will transform this into a sub forum once things get going.

@WebMaster boss can you please add this to your list, if we can create a sub-section under this Technology and Science section (like we did for JF-17) that will be better.


@Dante80 @Itachi @CriticalThought

Arianespace Vega launch fails, Emirati satellite lost
by Caleb Henry — July 10, 2019 - SpaceNews


Vega left its intended launch course at the beginning of its second-stage firing. Arianespace declared mission loss. Credit: Arianespace webcast.

WASHINGTON — The fifteenth launch of a European Vega rocket ended in failure July 10, resulting in the loss of an imaging satellite for the United Arab Emirates.

The Vega rocket, built by Italian manufacturer Avio, lifted off at 9:53 p.m. Eastern from Europe’s spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana on the northern coast of South America.

Telemetry data indicated a deviation from the rocket’s intended course around its second minute of flight. The rocket left its intended course during its second-stage burn.

Arianespace of Evry, France, which markets the Vega rocket, confirmed mission failure nine minutes after liftoff.

“About 2 minutes after liftoff, around the [Zefiro]-23 ignition, a major anomaly occurred, resulting in the loss of the mission,” Luce Fabreguettes, Arianespace’s executive vice president of missions, operations and purchasing, said during the launch webcast. “On behalf of Arianespace, I wish to express my deepest apologies to our customers for the loss of their payload.”


Telemetry data showed Vega off-course minutes before Arianespace confirmed mission failure. Credit: Arianespace webcast.

The failure is the first for Vega, a light-lift vehicle designed to launch around 1,500 kilograms to low Earth orbit. The four-stage launcher has been in service in 2012, and is Arianespace’s newest rocket.

Falcon Eye 1 was a 1,200-kilogram, dual-purpose satellite designed to provide imagery for the commercial market as well as the UAE Armed Forces. Built by Airbus Defence and Space with an imaging payload from Thales Alenia Space, the satellite draws on technology from France’s high-resolution Pleiades imaging constellation.

From its targeted 611-kilometer orbit, Falcon Eye 1 was intended to image the Earth in high resolution as it orbited 15 times a day.

A second satellite, Falcon Eye 2, was scheduled to launch on another Vega rocket late this year, though that timeline is now likely to change.

Arianespace had planned four Vega launches this year. The first took place March 21 with the Italian Space Agency’s PRISMA satellite. The next planned after Falcon Eye 1 was the Small Spacecraft Mission Service rideshare, previously slated for September, carrying 42 satellites.

Source :. https://spacenews.com/arianespace-vega-launch-fails-emirati-satellite-lost/
Kurzgesagt is a classic. Check out their series of videos on the Fermi Paradox, I think you will love them. ;)
When you know such "Mars Project" will have to end in light of incoming wars...
So near and yet so far...
i think bases on other planets and colonization will be very limited as world powers are unable to develop recycling of wastes and infrastructure in many third world countries on earth which is much cheaper than development on mars or moon so it seems very difficult
i think bases on other planets and colonization will be very limited as world powers are unable to develop recycling of wastes and infrastructure in many third world countries on earth which is much cheaper than development on mars or moon so it seems very difficult

It's possible if we don't have wars that consume $$$.....the type of infrastructure on the moon & mars will be very different than the one on Earth....everything will be built from scratch, from lunar and martian materials, at least the buildings.

Recycling & Waste will surely be dealt with. ;)
it will cost much more and will remain very limited and will not become massive scale colonization like west did on earth,look at homeless people rise in u.s ,it shows that u.s has also limitations of developing such infrastructures at massive scale as costs will be much higher and conditions will be less supportive than on earth where nature supports human growth
It's possible if we don't have wars that consume $$$.....the type of infrastructure on the moon & mars will be very different than the one on Earth....everything will be built from scratch, from lunar and martian materials, at least the buildings.

Recycling & Waste will surely be dealt with. ;)
it will cost much more and will remain very limited and will not become massive scale colonization like west did on earth,look at homeless people rise in u.s ,it shows that u.s has also limitations of developing such infrastructures at massive scale as costs will be much higher and conditions will be less supportive than on earth where nature supports human growth

The reason to explore the Moon & Mars are many......while there are financial & social constraints......finances can be dealt with because of the rise of the private space industry, SpaceX & Blue Origin, which has lead to massive cuts in space faring equipment.

As the human civilization continues, newer generations will seek to return to the moon and establish a base on Mars. It's inevitable unless WW3 sends us back decades, if not centuries, in human & tech development.

You're also forgetting the profit to be made by being the first true space faring company....anyone (company, nation or individual) who conquers the cosmos will be a multi-trillionaire...many scientists & well known scholars have said that....Asteroid Mining is very real and being worked on right now as we speak! (or type lol)


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