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South Korea’s population shrinks for first time ever, with trend expected to worsen amid Covid-19

Don't they already have a plethora of jobless people with college degrees?they seriously don't need immigrants unless they don't have any jobless cases.
overpopulation of non eastern faces in Eest are an eyesore and reminiscent of culture and demographic implotion.
USA is inherently occupied by European immigrants, ,it's not the same case for east asian nations. There's no point in a more thriving demography when it consists of middle Western,south asian,European. East is significantly different than the rest of the world,unlikely to buy the European warmongers bs,conjured to puff their humanitarian ego after replacing millions of their home with war invasion.
not all college degrees are the same. liberal arts degrees are worthless for example. Also, by advanced degrees I mean masters or phd. Just let companies decide what they need and set up a H1B system.
East is significantly different than the rest of the world,unlikely to buy the European warmongers bs,conjured to puff their humanitarian ego after replacing millions of their home with war invasion
I have a bridge to sell you if you think you as a Mizo or Meitei are considered as East Asian by Koreans and Chinese. Heck even the Vietnamese and Indonesian face racism by East Asians like the Japanese and Chinese.
not all college degrees are the same. liberal arts degrees are worthless for example. Also, by advanced degrees I mean masters or phd. Just let companies decide what they need and set up a H1B system.
how many stem related job slots do you think are available and how many stem graduates get job in korea? doesn't all the big firms prefers only top tier students from S.K.Y tier univ and students from low tier colleges struggling with jobs regardless of their course?
H1B visa is only viable for huge nation with sizeable landmass and capability to print dollar out of thin air,to support their oligarch empire's expansion,it's not a nation but business.

I have a bridge to sell you if you think you as a Mizo or Meitei are considered as East Asian by Koreans and Chinese. Heck even the Vietnamese and Indonesian face racism by East Asians like the Japanese and Chinese.

What I said makes no difference whether mizo or metei face racism,for what I said isn't based on personal bias or wishful anecdotal thoughts,but reality.Makes no difference to what I said.
And Since I'm one those "mizo metei"( though I've spent most of my life outside their region), I understand much better how important it's to protect the native demography and local traditions against the tsunami of immigrants.I wish to settle there one day .

I honestly don't give a flying fvk about racism.
BTW tibeto -Burman/sino tibetan (at least which aren't extensively mixed with austronesian or south asians recently) are a different breed on their own and different than both Vietnamese(depending on admix) or indonesians.Goodluck trying to distinguish them .

Yeah we get it. You worship China. Try to be a little more objective next time.
My recent two post from yesterday
..... .(...)..... Chinese & korean propaganda makes it to be,than not just asia but the world would have been free from western imperialism and the eastern sphere wouldn't have the situation to make up lies like Nanking bs for political points.
The realm under Japanese influence would have definitely turned out to be much better than those of evil anglos.

You believe I worship China?
PPP is driven by population,it's bs compared to nominal gdp or per capita income.

LOL, get basic high school level understanding of concepts before quoting me next time with your trite wall of texts, you laughable East-Asian nationalist "indian" :lol: Atleast put up the correct flags. You dont have to be so ashamed of your culture. Anyways....

PPP is not about population but rather exchange rate differentials. Literally, a simple google search would have told you that. An Indian making $3k in India per month is better of than an American making $3k in US. That's why nominal comparison does not capture the true prosperity or lack thereof of the citizenry. GDP per capita (PPP) is a better measure, therefore, to judge average prosperity of citizens in any country.

What is your so called "balanced and holistic approach" care to elaborate?

Already explained above in multiple posts. If you cared to take sh!t out of your eyes before needlessly squealing like a puppy, you would not have asked this question.

From my first post in this thread (that you quoted but did not read I guess)

"it's about a healthy balance of economic progress, social preservation, and healthy family demographics"

You mean europe's backwater TURKEY is an ideal state while gleaming South korea with hyundai-lg-samsung-kia and massive soft power-pop culture export isn't ?

Turkey is as much of a "backwater" to Europe as China is to Korea lol. Turkey is a high-income country with high HDI and universal literacy. And yes, Korea is economically more developed than Turkey. Again, I already stated that multiple times. Stop embarrassing yourself and first READ my posts without getting hyperventilated you indian-Chinese/Korea/Japanese or whatever the fcuk you are to humiliated to reveal to the world :rolleyes:

Here, quoting myself AGAIN from a previous post that already dealt with your verbal diaherra

Quoting Myself from previous post:
LMAO nobody claimed Turkey is as developed as Korea. Its not.

I know you are too low IQ to understand my post even though I specifically wrote in my post as to why I chose Turkey. Hint: Both Korea and Turkey had almost same population and were similarly low income at the starting of comparison (1960). If this thread was about Greece/Poland/Hungary etc....I would have compared them to may be Kazakhstan or Israel or something.

And a resident of india should not even be in this discussion. You are LITERAL sh*thole of the world. The most backward, powerless, conquered, and humiliation people ever. Small Muslim state of Malaysia...which is 4000% smaller than india....DWARFS it in high-tech exports

Backward India dwarfed by small Malaysia in high-tech sector.png

Dont quote me high on cow-piss next time (that is, you are actually are an indian which I doubt cuz your posts have been all related to East Asia for some reason :D)

Korean low fertility rate has nothing to do with WESTERN influence, the west has normal birth rate,they just don't breed like crazy like they use to in past . Korean low fertility is directly linked to east Asian sensitivity and deep thoughtful culture. Like. Many middle class -lower class families don't feel like giving birth unless they feel they can provide all the right amenities necessary for their offspring,and that their child wouldn't get socially ostracized due to her family background. They feel they would be doing their young ones wrong by bringing her into a world where she have to suffer.


Having low but healthy fertility is good---but East Asian fertility, esp Korean, is UNHEALTHY and that's the whole point. Korean fertility is 0.84 and that is DISASTROUSLY low for any population, not matter how rich. Nobody is arguing for having a fertility of 6. That's backwards and only extremely poor regions have such fertility (sub-Saharan Africa). My original post was related to how to balance economic development and healthy fertility in society (~2 children per woman on average).

And yes, ALOT of East Asian fertility outcomes have to do with sexual revolution, feminism and its ideas, workism etc----all the concepts imported via Westernization. Even the Chinese guy who gave you a 'like' on your embarrassment of a post accepted it as well.

His own words as he said in a previous post:
In addition, the prevalence of Korean feminism may have played a role. (From my personal observation) Compared with Korean feminists, Chinese feminists look like moderates. Perhaps some of the feminist claims about anti-marriage and anti-birth are not wrong, but the viral spread of these ideas in the media has severely shaken the traditional concept of fertility and further negatively affected the fertility rate.

Korean girls drink alcohol like its water (one of the highest hard-liquor consumption per capita in the world), premarital sex is normal, having boyfriends instead of husband, delaying marriage and childbirth while living with a sexual partner and what not. These ideas of sexual revolution and feminism conquered Korea and it does play a role in declining birth rate. Its not the only reason, but it is a major one.

Korea isn't alone btw. Entire East Asia is the same. Sexual revolution swept through everywhere except Islamic world (for now).


India sexual revolution 2.png

If korea was inherently low in IQ ,insensitive,poor work ethic and carried less deep thoughts like in middle east ,Africa,India,turkey,etc they would have also bred like rats without any concerns for well being for their offspring.

"LoW iQ" :rofl::rofl: C'mon, dont be so basic. Put a bit more effort. I feel embarrassed to even reply to a East Asian nationalist child.

Again, your intentional misrepresentation wont do any good here. Nobody is talking about "breeding like rats"....Its about having a balance of health economy, healthy social life, and healthy demographics. India and Turkey already have fertility rate of 2 kids per woman. Middle East is 2.6....These are healthy fertilities (actually a bit lower fertility levels than optimal). "RaTS" :rolleyes:

One-Fact that elucidates my point further: South Korea fell below-replacement fertility rate at ~$5k to $6k GDP per capita (PPP). Turkey fell below-replacement fertility rate at ~$27k GDP per capita (PPP) and India at ~$9k.

Its not to bash Korea. Korea is an amazing country through and through. All I am saying is that Korean miracle was not free of social externalities and that a better, more holistic approach to development can be taken instead of over-focussing on productivity increase. Korea is now spending $180 billion to increase their fertility.


The only reason European-America dominates world culture and soft power as you claim,is because the Europe had colonized most of the world and forced their language and culture,that's how they made English the world medium and used their colonial wealth to funnel their culture contents for a century , unabated..

True, at last coherent thought from you without the needless childish temper. Next time, write your thoughts more cogently and respectfully---you'll be taken more seriously.

But other than English language ,Idk how west still dominates, even in food culture ,Chinese are probably more popular ,is there anyone that doesn't eat noodles or Chinese food?

LOL, the only reason "Chinese food" became a thing was because AMERICA adopted it and exported it as a cultural phenomenon. You do realize that authentic Chinese food is not what Panda Express sells? Western influence is unmatched, there is no point in arguing it. China's soft power is not even in same universe.

Talking about food culture..... lol


The Hollywood & US pop culture success is due to the remnants of European colonial influence .
Can a america-phile or whatever the term is, can compete with the no of weebs or koreaboos ? if you get what I even mean...The concept of cool shifted from west -hollywood way before among the gen z.
Chinese soft power,it's not mainly based on pop culture,but that too is growing significantly each year day by day,china hasn't even completed development yet,you're just out of the loop in white culture worship.


Literally, nobody gives a sh*t about "K-Boos" or whatever except few teenagers. Moreover, Korean Dramas and K-Pop became famous BECAUSE of their integration into American-cultural export ecosystem. There is a reason K-pop became famous after it got big in US. Same goes for Hip Hop music btw. Without Netflix (American product)---who would have watched K-dramas worldover? Hardly anyone. K-Dramas might be a thing in East/South-East Asia---but elsewhere, its hardly known. Please, ask a random person in Latin America how many of East Asian movies/dramas/music they know that are not streamed on American streaming services? I would give you $100 if they can name even 3

Btw, bringing this post to full circle....Its not Korea or China or whatever that is second to US when it comes to global TV distribution and viewership. Its Turkey :cheesy:

UK's primere newspaper Guardian talking about it in 2019


Turkish TV series dwarf anything East Asian in markets such as Middle-East, Latin America, Eastern Europe, South-East Asia, and even Russia. These days, Turkish show Ertugrul is being played in Pakistan on national TV and that show has broken rating records. Same thing happened with multiple Turkish shows all over the world. Hardly any East Asian TV series even comes close to this outside of its own region.



Even President of Venuzuala regarded Turkish series Ertrugrul as his favorite show to watch in a TV interview recently. Imagine the reach. But yeah, your "K-boos" or whatever that nobody gives two sh*ts about. Although, K-Pop does have a very large teenager following, gotta admit :lol:
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Turkey is land of hyperinflation. She is providing cover for the most scvm jihadhist in Idlib, now rebranded as moderate rebel. She hate Assad who protects the minorities such as Christian. Not even Arab or Iranian are as vile as Turks, even all are Muslims. With such mentality, Turks is as good as some medival people are probably never even change since the days of Timurlaine.
We got a Turkey worshipping Pakistani and an East Asian worshipping Indian. I would out of the 2, Indian dude is one of the biggest cringelords on this forum who brought the price of a Kpop concert ticket to argue about economics. No matter how hard you try to pretend to be East Asian, the Indian in you never leaves.
Many Turks migrate to Europe and commit terror, despite getting free food, free healthcare, free lodging free schooling. Even white man killed a lot of East Asian in Korea and Vietnam, and kill a lot of Iranian, no one commit terror in white man land.
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We got a Turkey worshipping Pakistani and an East Asian worshipping Indian. I would out of the 2, Indian dude is one of the biggest cringelords on this forum who brought the price of a Kpop concert ticket to argue about economics. No matter how hard you try to pretend to be East Asian, the Indian in you never leaves.

Fcuk Turkey, replace all my mentions of Turkey with....Israel and my core points still remain exactly the same. I have said it already. Surely, I ain't "worshipping" Israel now, am I? :lol:

That East Asian nationalist is cringest, sure, but you aren't much different repeating the same trite line when I corrected you already by quote-replying you specifically. Grow up
Even the Chinese guy who gave you a 'like' on your embarrassment of a post accepted it as well.

I didn't see the embarrassment of his post, on the contrary, some of his ideas were insightful. 🤨
China doesn't indulge in systematic and institutionalized racist policies after hoarding in slaves for labor from Africa so why would they need a martin .L.King ,the fact that you are expecting china to suffer from the same WESTERN revolutions that were a byproduct of the flaws and dynamics of western society ,is just ridiculous.May be China never needed those western revolutions ,they don't suffer from same problems and they are different,ever thought that?

Besides giving him 'like' ≠ I agree with everything in his post. I have no interest in most of the argument between you two.
Singapore do accept a large number of immigrants every year to stabilize our demographics as if we have 2.1 TFR in the long run. Even so, we're still aging.

View attachment 703078

View attachment 703079

Then again, we have a small, multicultural population and a relatively higher standard of living, so we're able to attract and retain enough young and talented from all over Asia. I doubt that's sustainable for much larger and homogeneous East Asian countries. Eg; Japan is projected to decline by 1 million people every year. Where are they going to find 1 million educated migrants every single year?

Not all over Asia, ethnic Chinese have the lowest birth rate, so we technically only accept ethnic Chinese to fulfill 75 percent quota from China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia (Indonesia). Japan and Korea will import Chinese immigrants using inter-country marriage. Immigrants from the sinosphere group more easily blend into their local culture
I see fewer and fewer high quality coming to Singapore, Japan or Korea. Fresh Graduates in some China university is drawing more than 3k SGD. Right now, you still can see 2.5k graduate salary in job ad in Singapore.

My friends from Qinghua and top schools regret coming Singapore. All of them have stories that their classmate in China now, high ranking officials, businessman or leaders in corporate.

I think rising levels of education will make the fall of fertility rate inevitable in any country. At least Germany has seen a permanent reduction in fertility rate after 1970s but this is also because of lack of state support for childcare and the cost to career as in wage loss caused by interruptions to career. I saw in one research paper that one additional year of schooling reduces the fertility rate by about 0.1 but then again Germany institutionally favours the "male bread winner" family concept making it a rather traditionalist society.

First of all I have to say I haven't done any research on SK. Just according to what I know so far, SK and Japan are far more conservative than the West and a marriage alone could impair a woman's career, let alone childbirth and the employers are also typically reluctant to hire married women in child bearing age. In these settings, I can understand why a woman chooses to be childless so the problem here is not western values but the conservative social fabric of these countries. Feel free to correct me.
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Not all over Asia, ethnic Chinese have the lowest birth rate, so we technically only accept ethnic Chinese to fulfill 75 percent quota from China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia (Indonesia). Japan and Korea will import Chinese immigrants using inter-country marriage. Immigrants from the sinosphere group more easily blend into their local culture

We're getting lots of migrants from India these days. Occasional few from SK and Japan as well.

For ethnic Chinese, our largest source is from Malaysia. Probably more than half.
Indian migration is now a political hot potatos. The CECA is even loathe by Singaporean Indians. The entire PAP may loss election next time, if opposition keep raising the Indian migration issue.

Today PAP credibility is in shthole, and more so if PAP dare to defend Indian nationals.

We're getting lots of migrants from India these days. Occasional few from SK and Japan as well.

For ethnic Chinese, our largest source is from Malaysia. Probably more than half.
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