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South Korea’s population shrinks for first time ever, with trend expected to worsen amid Covid-19

And it is unsustainable
If anyone who thinks it is..
Well they are defying logic

In west they will counter it with immigration
What will the east do!?

The reason why east doesnt feel it yet is because the population pyramid has inverted completely..
You will see a cultural and economic collapse if nothing is done to fix it

You might not have enough people to just look after the old people
Flood with non suitable immigrant for sake of filling up number will result even faster collapse of economy due to social unrest and inequality. We have seen germany,France, EU and USA suffer that.

It just like letting in trojan horse. East Asia will not repeat that mistake.

The western keep asking how to counter rising China. First thing they need to do is stop those lose immigration who degrade their society and nationality. Secondly, tougher up your own people with less called for freedom but national identity. If your citizenship can be given like free movies ticket. What is worth sacrifice for this country?
What are you talking? In the west the birth rate (not counting immigrants) is bad but not tragic like in East Asia

Check French birth rate without immigrants. China would clap to have that birth rate, Poland also. But to Poland in recent years came about 1 million Ukrainians, probably the same amount as Poles who went to the West.

Stop trolling @Beast with these extremist immigrants. If the west wanted they would have get rid of them in the process of recrutation, but some politician are stupid. I doubt even 15% of immigrants to the west are shirkers.
the last to industrialize will end up the dominant population

does this mean the world will belong to indians eventually???!!!

Do u seriously believe those migrant will devotely serve their new countries like the great man I mention?

They will immediately leave on the first sight of unrest for the country. They just come to make a new living. Don't kid yourself. To make great things and real progress, u need dedicated people who don't complain and had great passion. You cannot get this from migrants.
Dude what are you talking about? All of Americas and Australia is built on immigration.

And America is the world power it is today because its a melting pot. Chinese may have advanced technologically but they're still decades behind in literary and social growth.
Immigration is good and it's one area East Asian countries need to do better in order maximize growth. I don't mean let everyone in. But people with advanced degrees should be welcomed along with their families. Make it easy for them to get work visa and quick green card to nationalization.

Singapore do accept a large number of immigrants every year to stabilize our demographics as if we have 2.1 TFR in the long run. Even so, we're still aging.



Then again, we have a small, multicultural population and a relatively higher standard of living, so we're able to attract and retain enough young and talented from all over Asia. I doubt that's sustainable for much larger and homogeneous East Asian countries. Eg; Japan is projected to decline by 1 million people every year. Where are they going to find 1 million educated migrants every single year?
Secondly, tougher up your own people with less called for freedom but national identity. If your citizenship can be given like free movies ticket. What is worth sacrifice for this country
This is why China can never match up to the West.

You guys are taught to never deviate from the path taught by Big Brother. The West is always challenging norms and innovating.
With the Korean ginseng at their possession they will be back in no time and a frenzy breeding will take place thanks to Ginseng the natural testosterone booster.

Hahah. promoted by none other then Lee Min-Ho how can a girl go virgin in such circumstances
This is why China can never match up to the West.

You guys are taught to never deviate from the path taught by Big Brother. The West is always challenging norms and innovating.
How is China not able to match west when the only obstacle left is american which gap is ever shortening. None of the european countries now can match China in industries and number of patent submitted?
How is China not able to match west when the only obstacle left is american which gap is ever shortening. None of the european countries now can match China in industries and number of patent submitted?
West is vibrant.

The same blacks that were segregated in the 50s rule the roost in media today. The West knows how to sustain and evolve itself.

China is authoritarian and doesn't know how to integrate different ideologies and viewpoints besides the official CCP ideology.

You're one political discord away from collapse.
West is vibrant.

The same blacks that were segregated in the 50s rule the roost in media today. The West knows how to sustain and evolve itself.

China is authoritarian and doesn't know how to integrate different ideologies and viewpoints besides the official CCP ideology.
Lol.. you r naive. The entertainment media do not harm much to their grip of power. The western rule is not much different from the 18th century system which is dominate by white supremacists.

I do not want a so called vibrate society filled with drugs, party and crime. You can stick with your rotten western society that degrades moral.

The western society r slowly crumbling becos it filled with people like u who see anti social behavior as part of the vibrate Ingredients.
Lol.. you r naive. The entertainment media do not harm much to their grip of power. The western rule is not much different from the 18th century system which is dominate by white supremacists.

I do not want a so called vibrate society filled with drugs, party and crime. You can stick with your rotten western society that degrades moral.

The western society r slowly crumbling becos it filled with people like u who see anti social behavior as part of the vibrate Ingredients
Yup. Exactly what I am talking about.

China can never produce a Voltaire or a Dante. China can never have a suffragette movement or a Stonewall or a Martin Luther King. You guys are followers and don't have the capacity to rock the boat or think outside the box.
West is vibrant.

The same blacks that were segregated in the 50s rule the roost in media today. The West knows how to sustain and evolve itself.

China is authoritarian and doesn't know how to integrate different ideologies and viewpoints besides the official CCP ideology.

You're one political discord away from collapse.
China is the real melting pot in the past 5000 years. We are confident with our open culture. We didn't use genocide to expand territory, We didn't use the Crusades to expell different ideology. You can send some Jews into China, we will help you to assimilating them.
Flood with non suitable immigrant for sake of filling up number will result even faster collapse of economy due to social unrest and inequality. We have seen germany,France, EU and USA suffer that.

It just like letting in trojan horse. East Asia will not repeat that mistake.

The western keep asking how to counter rising China. First thing they need to do is stop those lose immigration who degrade their society and nationality. Secondly, tougher up your own people with less called for freedom but national identity. If your citizenship can be given like free movies ticket. What is worth sacrifice for this country?
Well time will tell whether such negative growth is sustainable or not
As a epidemologist i would say its IMPOSSIBLE
Unless east magical reverses decline and attains a 2.5 birth per women rate it is UNSUSTAINABLE
Marriage is not necessary for non-poor citizens of an industrialized country.

Besides, some studies have suggested that when religious institutions can be linked to the ethics of fertility, they can change people's reproductive choices. In fact, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other major religions have their own views on marriage, fertility and population. the teachings of these religions all agree that marriage is sacred, oppose artificial birth restrictions and advocate population proliferation. Koreans are basically not bound by these ideas, so...

Of course, the above is only one factor, and the fertility rate of women is usually affected by many factors, including, but not limited to, education, family income, social welfare, and so on.

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South Korea’s population shrank last year for the first time in its history, according to new figures, revealing a worrying trend that is only expected to worsen in 2021 amid the coronavirus pandemic.

There were 20,838 fewer people living in South Korea at the end of 2020 than there had been a year earlier, the latest census data from the Ministry of Interior and Safety showed, as a declining birth rate failed to make up for the number of deaths recorded in the country last year.

Births were down 10.65 per cent year on year, with 275,815 recorded in 2020, while deaths were up 3.1 per cent to 307,764, the data showed. South Korea’s population now stands at just under 51.83 million.

“This is worse than expected,” said Choi Jin-ho, a professor of sociology at Anjou University in Suwon, south of Seoul. “And due to the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of births in the new year is feared to fall further.”

Choi said rising unemployment, mounting housing costs and other financial burdens associated with having children had deterred many young Koreans from marrying or starting a family over the past year. Official projections had put the average number of births in South Korea between 2020 and 2025 at 297,000, but last year’s actual births came up short by more than 20,000.

The ministry said in a statement that it was the first time that “the number of newborn babies failed to make up for the number of deaths” since the country started collecting population data after the end of the Korean war in 1953.

South Korea has the lowest fertility rate of any country in the world, reaching as low as 0.84 in the third quarter of last year – a far cry from its peak of about 5.6 in the early 1950s. The global average is around 2.5 children per woman, according to the United Nations, while a rate of 2.1 is needed for the number of babies being born to effectively balance out a country’s death rate.

An estimated 185 trillion won (US$171 billion) has been spent over the past 14 years by successive administrations in Seoul on incentives aimed at increasing new births.

Yet for Korean parents such as 38-year-old Jimmy Lee, the expense of raising one child was enough.

“We are going all-in on raising our first and only child in the best environment that we can offer rather than having two or three children and raising them inadequately”, said the mother to a 10-year-old boy.

In the southern suburbs of Seoul where she lives, it can cost as much as 2 million won (US$1,850) per month to hire a babysitter and 1.5 million won to send a child to a private kindergarten, she said, adding there are long waiting lists for less costly preschools.

“Many women who work at small companies have to quit their jobs in order to look after their children as they would have to pay the lion’s share of their earnings to hire babysitters”, Lee said.

Other Korean women like Shin Eun-ji have no intention of getting married or having children.

“I can manage to get by alone now but if I get married and start a family, it would be quite a burden for me to pay for living costs, repay housing loans and finance the education of the children”, said the 30-year-old employee of a company in Seoul.
“Many small and middle-sized companies don’t give their employees parental leave and women there have their careers cut short if they get pregnant. Under these circumstances, many women choose to avoid having babies.”

In an editorial, the English-language Korea JoongAng Daily newspaper called on South Korea’s government to “fundamentally change our social environment and structure that discourages couples from having babies”. “The decreasing population leads to a critical lack of economic vitality and potential growth,” it said.

Problem can be solved.
Look Japan
They open the floor gates for immigration.
400,000 Vietnamese went to Japan in the last 4 years. 100,000 per year.
We have too many people.
We are ready to help the kimchi people too.
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